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Posts posted by sanmiguellight

  1. I know of a stunning university educated girl whose mother told her to do the exact same thing as this is how mummy found her present husband 20 odd years ago .... it only took her 3 years of ruining her mind, body and soul to find Mr Right .... from what i gather he is as nice as you Tuky as she now owns prime location property, and she knows full well she can sting him for a good share of his and his parents business.

  2. Thats the price one pays in a modern, cohesive, civilized society.

    But the country where she got the conviction has one of the most corrupt police forces and legal systems on the planet and is not a modern, cohesive, civilized society as you put it.

    And the US is a Orwellian police state not a cohesive, civilized society.

    So the Orwellian police state decided not to let her in. Why is that surprising?

    Where did i say it was or wasnt surprising?

    Biometric identifiers with Iris scans, finger printing are some of the things a tourist needs to enter your country is this not what could be deemed an Orwellian state?

  3. Thats the price one pays in a modern, cohesive, civilized society.

    But the country where she got the conviction has one of the most corrupt police forces and legal systems on the planet and is not a modern, cohesive, civilized society as you put it.

    And the US is a Orwellian police state not a cohesive, civilized society.

  4. Anyone who thinks she deserves this is a spiteful at best, she took a towel and has more then paid the penalty for this.

    I am willing to bet that 100% of you Americans that replied to this thread have slept with a prostitute in LOS, thus breaking the law ..... ***flame removed***

  5. Only in Pattaya !

    I don't know for a fact but I'm sure that this has happened before (perhaps many times) in many places around the world.

    Ive just googled "choked on false teeth" and my 10 seconds worth of research shows this is the only guy for this to ever happen to where the person ended up dead .... he is no.1 on the search.



    "swallowed false teeth dies" gets similar results, apart from some women in 1920 that it happened to.


  6. You beat the man on his head? Not calling the cops? Are you really naiv, or what's wrong with you.

    So youre someone who isnt naive about Thailand and you recommend he calls the cops!

    Says it all really.

  7. Hi all, I have quite a big problem and your advice and help will be appreciated. Three evenings ago I heard a noice outside my house in Pattaya, after investigating I found a drunk Thai man infront of my gate trying to get in. I picked up a stick and beat the man over the head and he fled into the darkness. A few minutes later another man came to my gate and asked if I new who hit the first man and I said that I had because he was trying to get into the gate. He spent three days in the hospital and now his familly are demanding I pay them 100,000 Baht. Should I pay or take the situation to court.

    Fair play to you, but now youve got every possible outcome on what to do i bet you wish you never posted on here for advice.

    You couldnt have done that much damage to him if he managed to run away and explain to someone exactly what happenned.

  8. Maybe we'll get Messi instead :D

    Not likely ..... In Fergies own words the best clubs dont sell their best players.

    They do at Old Trafford though. :)

    He may have been our best player but i would still have been 100 times more gutted had we sold Rooney.

    In an ideal world ManU would have done what Milan done with Kaka, kept him until he was 28 and sold him for not much less then theyve just accepted for him. But selling your best player to the one team you want to be bigger then is a step back no matter what way you look at it.

  9. Have all the faith you want but you cant replace Ronaldo.

    You'll need this money to rebuild your entire midfield now.

    I don't think Ronaldo leaving is the reason, if there is one, to rebuild our midfield.

    Would have more to do with Hargreaves, Park, Scholes, Giggs and Nani all having uncertain futures - for individual reasons.

    What i meant was before he was sold, you needed a new Left Midfielder and a world class Central midfielder, now you need a Right midfielder aswell, on the basis that Fletcher and Carrick will be both be going for the 1 place in the centre of midfield, and Anderson hasnt set the world alight yet.

  10. Lower Sukhumvit was much more fun 5-10 years ago when it had all the shed like bars that have now all been replaced by apartments, shops or boutique hotels.

    At least the girls working in them were a lot more respectful then the crazies that seem to walk around the area now, and the area did have a more relaxed less violent feel to it.

    About 5 years ago i saw an African guy get stopped by a shop owner and then arrested for handing over fake currency outside Subway on soi 7/1, i said to the girl i was with that in a few years this place will be full of African criminals and it certainly is going this way.

  11. :)

    Well, I hope Fergie has got something lined up. I am sure he has, but will be a difficult one to replace, that is for sure.

    Knowing fergie, he has, have faith. Edit to add, me thinks an agreement has been reached with his replacement, thus facilitating the green light on this.

    Have all the faith you want but you cant replace Ronaldo.

    You'll need this money to rebuild your entire midfield now.

  12. it always was a bigger draw in fairness to him. he's from portugal, real madrid are simply bigger and more famous there than united ever were or could be.

    If Man U can sell their TV rights alone as Real and Barca do theyll be a far richer club as for no other reason the Premier League is the worlds most popular league and theyre the biggest club in it.

  13. united could buy ribery, benzema and valencia for 80m quid but there's no guarantee those players would bully the flat tracks like ronaldo has done.

    couple of manc mates are emailing me telling me that the 80m will not all be reinvested in players.

    I'd be willing to bet that this deal was organised a long time ago and Fergie has got the players he wants lined up to come in shortly.

  14. Just saying on the Man U thread that whilst he's pretty much irreplacable, that's too much money, especially in today's economy, to turn down.

    A little shake up might not be a bad thing and having 80m cash coming in will assure that.

    But is this money needed to pay off some of the debt used to buy the club.

    Whoever ManU try to buy now will cost a lot more then they did a day ago now theyve this money, and Ribery certainly isnt a 40 million GBP player.

    Seems as if Real have confirmed theyre a bigger club and draw then ManU.

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