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Posts posted by sanmiguellight

  1. im going for a 6-0 thrashing tonight as i'm on a roll any other predictions?

    Good call!

    Nice work lads! There's a job waiting at Ladbrokes. :)

    Im thinking of becoming a prophet.

    Its got to be about time the teams like San Marino and Andorra had to qualify to compete in UEFA as its a wate of money for the fans and is a needless game.

    Still we've qualified if Croatia and Ukraine dont win all their games fair play to Capello.

  2. The best pie and mash that I experienced was in the famous Manze's , somewhere over the other side of the River as it goes.

    But there's a very decent plate of pie and mash to be had in Walton-on-the-Naze it has to be said.

    No matter what people say about English food when its cooked properly which isnt often it cant be beaten ... kind of.

    ENGLAND TEAM TO FACE ANDORRA: Green, Johnson, A Cole, Lescott, Terry, Walcott, Lampard, Beckham, Gerrard, Crouch, Rooney. Subs: Robinson, Neville, Bridge, Young, Wright-Phillips, Defoe, C Cole.

    Cant see the need to play with 4 defenders, theyll be bringing the bus as Mourinho puts it.

  3. Yes that must be the shop, a fair few years since ive been to Upton park but i'd imagine the queue must still be there it was so long.

    So i take it most would be queing for the cockney delicacy of Pie and Mash which looks like something i could tuck into right now as opposed to the slightly less palatable Jellied Eels ... I used live near to Notting Hill and they had a Sausage and Mash shop serving for about 8 quid it was absolutely delightful food.

    Anyway back to football is tonights game on Thai TV, to save going out?

  4. No such thing as a jellied eels shop mate. Only a pie 'n' mash shop. Going back 10 years or more, the only one near was behind the ground, on the Barking Road at the South Bank end. And even then there's no reason to think that you could buy jellied eels and mash because you couldn't have know.

    I may have at times in my youth exaggerated how good i was at boxing/football/ pulling women/ how big my winkle is ... but i cant be accused of lying about seeing a shop that sold Jellied Eels.

    So you have confirmed there is a shop that sold the delight that is jellied eels very close to Upton Park! and no i didnt eat any, there was too big a fcuken queue, i prefer the bacteria in a bun sold in grounds often called a burger.

  5. Not surprised by the yank guy to be honest. Can imagine a few young adults and a camera in that area would make people apprehensive.

    The girls in the show may have come across somewhat patronising but, speaking as somebody who can pretty much give or take the go-go bar scene, the attitude that your presence there is doing all the workers there a massive favour, like the yank seemed have, really does make me cringe.

    His presence there is giving these girls well paid work, if these presumably do as i say and live as i live English girls got their way and this area was closed down you'd have many angry girls with no money to feed the family.

    Doesn't really make it any more commendable though does it?

    The simple fact is that, in the eyes of many, he should be thankful his face was blurred out.

    No one really thinks it is commendable, but it is a fact that this man is paying these consenting women a very good days wage in LOS for her services. And he could sue the TV company for using his face on British TV without consent .... and why the <deleted> should he consent to people who may dubiously edit his words.

    Just the fact that these spoilt little brats that im presuming they are think they can stop the oldest profession, or think its somehow related to the price of food in the West, shows this program is a waste of time to watch and that UK universities ought to start teaching more Physics/ Chemistry/ Biology/ Engineering instead of wasting the time teaching them Sociology or Pyschology or some other <deleted> that leads them to believe theyve got a worthy point of view that needs to be shared and know what happens outside their comfy middle class sterile lives.

  6. Not surprised by the yank guy to be honest. Can imagine a few young adults and a camera in that area would make people apprehensive.

    The girls in the show may have come across somewhat patronising but, speaking as somebody who can pretty much give or take the go-go bar scene, the attitude that your presence there is doing all the workers there a massive favour, like the yank seemed have, really does make me cringe.

    His presence there is giving these girls well paid work, if these presumably do as i say and live as i live English girls got their way and this area was closed down you'd have many angry girls with no money to feed the family.

  7. The new Wembley is a soulless concrete mess in the middle of an industrial estate - you can't even get a pint unless you turn up six hours early and get lucky with a pub two miles away up a huge hill (or can afford seven quid for a pint of urine in a plastic glass inside). The MillStad is atmospheric and bang in the middle of a superb city centre, full of pubs and restaurants, well linked to public transport and with a well-planned park and ride system. Same with St James' Park. Even Old Tra$$ord is better, albeit it looks more like a Tesco than a football ground these days. And now we're building a new stadium for the Olympics a few miles away (which is going to be demolished straight after the games) only a couple of years after out half a billion quid national stadium opened. It's a wonder England can even get picked to host the world tiddlywinks championship, never mind the world cup or the Olympics.

    Couldnt agree more, especially as building this stadium meant no investment in youth football ie france type academy.

  8. Pickled eels, Jellied eels called them what the <deleted> you like but ive never seen a queue so big in all my life for such a vile looking food as i did before a game at Upton Park.

    No you didn't. There's only one pie 'n' mash shop anywhere near the ground. And I can't see any reason why you'd have been near that. :)

    We walked to the ground and if memory serves werent parked that far away 1KM or so, I swear it was a jellied eel shop as myself and my 2 brothers were disgusted at the thought of eating this. Probably going back about 10-12 years.

  9. Sounds like the usual liberal sh7te the Beeb knocks out these days to make us greedy selfish blued eyed devils in England feel guilty about our very existance.

    You can bet the people who made this reality TV sh7te are the very same fcukwits who went to some school in Esher or similar location and have had the privellege of a wealthy upbringing and this is just their way of exploiting the poor to make some easy money.

    I havent seen it but can you let me know if the people they put on the show were ex uni student types along with a couple of folk having a midlife crisis, and they go on about how we in Britain are so so lucky and dont know we're born, with arguments and lots of tears along the way.

    Besides if these jobs were more mechanised and easier to do these people would be out of work and then would really have something to complain about.

  10. Pickled eels, Jellied eels called them what the <deleted> you like but ive never seen a queue so big in all my life for such a vile looking food as i did before a game at Upton Park.

    Saying that all that gentlemans relish you limp wristed London boys are famous for slurping it probably isnt to bad in comparison! :)

  11. Id say it was the sacking of Bobby Robson and the appointment of Graham Souness a few games into the season, then giving him 50 million to blow whilst getting rid of Bellamy on the cheap.

    But under Ashleys regime it was Dennis Wise getting appointed signing Collocini, Guiterrez, Xisco some othe South American etc... then selling Milner against the then managers wishes and not buying a left back.

    But it is intersting to see what'll happen next, it cant get any worse thats for sure... or could it.


    Aldershot is what he seems to be aiming for.

  12. I think that the appointment of Keegan was the begining of the farce. I have never known a club make so many crazy decisions in such a short space of time. What comes next in this ever growing story?

    Id say it was the sacking of Bobby Robson and the appointment of Graham Souness a few games into the season, then giving him 50 million to blow whilst getting rid of Bellamy on the cheap.

    But under Ashleys regime it was Dennis Wise getting appointed signing Collocini, Guiterrez, Xisco some othe South American etc... then selling Milner against the then managers wishes and not buying a left back.

    But it is intersting to see what'll happen next, it cant get any worse thats for sure... or could it.

  13. The club is a shambles like most of us have said,but who takes the blame for these pathetic performances.Its got to be the players,with a big slice of misfit Ian Dowie.Most people have not mentioned Dowie as he seemed to be the man making decisions on the pitch.Shearer was ,and always will be,a mouthpiece who came purely to calm the fans after kING kevin ran away again.

    On behalf of all the Stokies,thank you so much Newcastle for selling the only player with a huge pair of balls and truck loads of pride.

    The one and only AB FAYE.

    The best buy since the premiership started.

    My mate Patklang always onhand to offer insight.

    The problems started a long long time before Ian Dowie came to Newcastle and surely even you must admit after seeing the they way Ashley runs the club that Keegan was 100% correct to leave the club as Dennis Wise was buying and selling players behind his back, and it was being run in the most amateurish way imaginable.

  14. Is Keith Harris and Orville still sorting out the sale of the club?

    Its Keith and Ebay now.

    Good job you can still laugh, it's disgusting how the club is being made a mockery by the idiots that run it at the moment.

    Yes its very bizarre, ive never known anything quite like it, will take years for them to recover from what he has done. Maybe now people will see that Keegan was right to <deleted> off in the way he did.

  15. According to Llambias (Director) Profitable Group arent interested and are just chancers.


    And while United managing director Derek Llambias confirmed the club are in talks with “three or four” credible parties yesterday, claims that a group based in Singapore have shown formal interest were vehemently denied by Newcastle.

    Senior figures in the Profitable group had claimed they wanted to take control of United, putting Shearer in charge and providing funds for a concerted promotion charge.

    But Llambias played down talk of contact between the group and the club. While confirming “three or four” consortia are engaged in discussions to take over on Tyneside, Llambias said Profitable were not one of them.

    “We know who this Profitable group are because we had some dealings with them last summer regarding some business in the Far East,” he said.

    “But we have had absolutely no contact with them since then.

    “There hasn't been a bid and there hasn't been an enquiry. They have claimed they have met Mike and myself to discuss things and they haven't. It's total rubbish

  16. kenny's been given a job at our place anyway. is dennis wise still there? or has he got the boot yet?

    The Blue Peter garden vandal left when Shearer came in, with a few million quid pay off, for buying Collocini, Guiterrez, Nolan, Ryan Taylor and Xisco, then selling Given at a rock bottom price to the worlds richest club. Good work if you can get it!

  17. He was going to be doing that with his mate Dalglish allegedly being Director of Football, thats the only thing that worries me in that its going to be more of the old boys network under him as opposed to who is best at doing the job.

  18. i'd have said that it was more important at the moment for newcastle to have people running it who don't love the club. it's not about emotion and passion for them now, it's about making really hard choices and bouncing back and the way to do that is to be ruthless, not emotional.

    incidentally i know very little about profitable group apart from the fact that their TV ads make me want to vomit.

    So i take it you didnt make 200% profit with a quick call to Macca!

    Yes Newcastle fans have never wanted anything else, we've been the worst run club bar Leeds for 10 years now. Most people who watch arent in the manager should be born in Tyneside camp either they want whoever is best, but IMO Shearer is the only man for the job now as he'll know exactly whats gone on inside the club for the last few years .... kind of like poacher come gamekeeper kind of thing.

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