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Posts posted by dagling

  1. Have set up a small house of old wood on the neighboring plot, and nearly ready to be painted.

    Looking for paint / oil based paint with a long shelf life, high quality, would rather pay extra for a quality paint.

    Want an extra-strong durable paint / oil to the wooden floor.

    Want a nice nut brown color (teak color), so I ask if you have experience and can recommend a manufacturer?


  2. My wife's friend has been married to a man from England until he passed away last Monday at home in England. He has long been ill, and therefore lived mostly in England.

    They have a daughter at 3 years together living in Thailand with his mother.

    What should she take any further in this matter when it comes to inheritance and alimony for their common daughter, and one other question is whether she probably has a right to alimony from the British authorities?

    I have at least advised her to first contact the British embassy, as well as an attorney since it is unclear what values are left after her husband in England.

  3. This is something Ihave looked into myself ,it isn't as easy as just turning up !

    I don't mean to be rude ...but as much as I admire you for wanting to adopt ,why the need for the European father aspect ,do ,you think it would make any difference who the biological father was ,

    As a childless couple ,surley any child could fill that void in your hearts ,maybe you have good reason for this but i find it strange


    We have all our criteria for various reasons, without discussing them further. We have chosen to adopt a child where the father has European origins.

    There must be hundreds of children with european father in an orphanage in Pattaya or Bangkok, and those are also entitled to a more dignified life?

    Since I myself am of European origin, I find it natural that my adopted child is the same. Has nothing to do with racism.

    That someone can find my criteria as offensive, I'm sure, but you can not please everyone.

  4. First of everything, if this is the wrong forum I apologize.

    Me and my wife (Thai) has talked about adopting one or two children. We are initially looking for one child where the father is of European origin.

    We have tried for years to get their own children, without success. We have also had the help of hospitals and doctors.

    As I said, we will now begin to examine the possibility of adoption, and would appreciate if anyone could help with tips and advice.

    Would have thought that there must be an orphanage with children who have the father of European descent in Pattaya or Bangkok.

    So we hope that we can offer one or two children a safe and better upbringing than many other children who are not wanted by their biological parents, unfortunately.

    My wife is 40 years old, and myself is 45. We have our own house and resturant, and I have a very OK pension from Norway (above 100.000 bath each month).

  5. My Kawasaki W650 year 2004...

    Coming up for sale here on TV later tonight;-)

    Didn't you just get that bike like a few months ago? Looks beautiful. Why selling so fast?

    I have other priority's come in to my life as we now start building a restaurant and coffeehouse next door. The bike is just beautiful and I really love it, but I have no longer time. I still have a other bike, so one have to go;-)


  6. Keep what you got put some money into it for some mods and you will be a happy camper.

    If I go for a new 150cc, it will be a white one. Only problem I have with the white and black PCX 150, is that I can`t stand the horrible red color on the covers (trim) or what ever you want to call itlaugh.png

    So, I have two choices as I see it.

    1. Order new black color covers for a RED color bike, or...

    2. Bay a RED bike, and have the Honda dealer re paint it to white color...

    I don`t know witch option will be the cheapest one cheesy.gif

    I change the color to black in PhotoShop on a white PCX, and I really like it...


  7. I now have a silver colored PCX 125cc 2010, but had just visited with my Honda dealer where it had a black and a white PCX 150cc.

    Can something with experience of owning both, tell me what is different in old and new model apart from the engine size?

    Is comfort better on the new model? Hope you can tell (convince me, ha ha ha) to replace the old with the new model ...


  8. One of the members here told me the best place to buy is a watch shop at the end of Soi Bukhao, Pattaya. Apparently they will waterproof the watch as well. In my experience copy watches are very hit and miss, they can look great but the movement lets them down every time. Some sellers will tell you they have either Japanese or Swiss movements, this is crap, the movements are Chinese. I know you can pay extra and supposedly get a Swiss movement, but it's not Swiss, it's an Asian clone of a Swiss movement. I have given up on copy watches, I bought an Omega PO and a Rolex Deep Sea Dweller, each cost me around 3000 baht, and I spent another 500 baht on getting one of them waterproofed, neither works correctly anymore. I figure for my total expenditure of around A$220 I could have bought a very nice Seiko or Citizen that would run trouble-free for years.

    Where in Pattaya is Soi Bukhao?

  9. Does anyone know with certainty when it comes a whole new model of Isuzu MU7, when current design is getting a few years old.

    The reason I ask is that I even bought me a 2012 model MU7 Choize, and that Isuzu has now momma with a new design on its D-Max pickup.

    Would have been nice to get a clarification on this before the new model is coming, so I can prepare myself for a sale of my MU7.

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