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Everything posted by Credo

  1. What books have been banned? Well, over 50, but here's a few: "And Tango Makes Three," The true story of two penguins at the NYC zoo. "The Infinite Moment of Us," A book written for teens. "How to Be an Antiracist", We certainly wouldn't want children to be antiracist, would we? "I Am Jazz," Another true biographical story. "We Are the Ants," "The Truth About Alice," "Almost Perfect," . "Speak," "Dear Martin," "The 57 Bus: A True Story of Two Teenagers and the Crime That Changed Their Lives," "Sold," "Monday's Not Coming," That's just a very short list of the many, many, books banned and pulled from shelves at public and school libraries. They cover everything from relationships (including a non-sexual relationship. between a black teen and a white who face a traumatic event together--pretty dangerous, huh?) The national abortion ban has been proposed by Lindsey Graham. You can do your own research. Since he's one of your people, I suspect you knew that. History doesn't so much erase things as it omits a great deal and whitewashes a lot. Take a look at a high school text covering Christopher Columbus then see if you can find a mention of 1619.
  2. Well, it's a decision between risking lives and property and being difficult. They have chosen difficult. That's fine with me. It's ludicrous to think that anyone can predict whether it will, indeed, 'gently' land. Anyone who has been to or seen a balloon festival like the one held in New Mexico will know how unpredictable balloons are when they are out of control. What do you think will happen when that 'gently landing' balloon gets tangled in high power transmission lines?
  3. There are some case studies involving young children that clearly suffering from dysphoria. I'll see if I can find a link to it. I know one was a young boy, who at 2, tried to cut his penis off because it didn't belong there. There is also the case of an infant boy whose penis was badly injured in a botched circumcision. The decision was made to change the sex to female and raise him as a girl. The upshot of that case is that he spent his life identifying as male. No amount of hormones, puberty blockers or surgeries could change his perception of himself. One of the more definitive methods of determining gender-identity is through brain scans. The brain operates differently between males and females. Those with gender dysphoria will show a scan that identifies with a gender different from the one assigned at birth. But, hey, surely a legislature has more insight than neurologists, neuro psychiatrists, endocrinologists, psychologists, the patient and the parents.
  4. I'd like to see some substantiation of the US floating balloons over China. The prevailing winds make it pretty hard to get a balloon to travel from East to West. I highly doubt that any country is going to allow balloons to be launched without approval.
  5. So, a few holes and it gently lands? Where? On top of cars driving down the road? Maybe on a hospital? Maybe it could take down some major power lines before 'gently' landing.
  6. And that silly Kim guy from N. Korea is spending a fortune shooting off missiles when he could just fill a balloon, let it go and scare the <deleted> out of everyone.
  7. The only people who should be involved in approving or denying gender-affirming care are the parents, the doctors and the medical ethics committee. Gender dysphoria is a diagnosable condition. There is treatment for it, and laws like this are both discriminatory toward a mental condition and a denial of treatment.
  8. All he has to do is offer free Vodka!
  9. The half-time show was spectacular. I am not a big fan of hers, but it's hard not to like some of her music. The dancers were exceptional.
  10. In war, there are no good metrics.
  11. Neither Pence nor Biden, as Vice Presidents, would have had original documents. NARA would have the originals. We now know that one document with Trump was copied onto another person's laptop. This is a deficiency in the Executive Branch.
  12. No, the US government doesn't have a problem. The 'government' has actively pursued any missing documents. It is the Executive Branch that has the problem. That's a big difference.
  13. Plenty of anti-climate posters. But since you haven't seen them, they don't exist?
  14. Ah, once again we witness the moving of the goal post.
  15. Years ago, I held a full-time job and was also farming. My main source of income was my job and my main source of deductions was farming. Some years, I was even able to get earned income credit. I had two new vehicles -- tax-deductible. I had nice equipment, all tax-deductible. I planted new shelter belts around my home -- the trees were all free. When I turned the entire farming operation over to one of the kids, quit my job and got ready to move overseas, it was the first time I ever got nailed with a significant tax bill. I was not working for several months and then took a part-time job while awaiting approval for an overseas job. It was the most money I ever paid in taxes.
  16. Trump Organization Ordered To Pay $1.6 Million For Tax Fraud And guess who is the head of the organization.
  17. A massive and unnecessary overreach by government. Young people are not given puberty blockers or other interventions without a careful and full assessment by an array of medical providers. Medically, puberty blockers are used on a number of conditions that have nothing to do with being trans, such as precocious puberty. Here's a little more: South Dakota lawmakers voted Wednesday on a bill that would make it criminal for doctors to provide puberty-blockers, hormones, or any gender-affirmation surgeries to anyone under the age of 16. The bill is supported by social conservatives in the state's Republican-controlled legislature who say that transgender people under 16 are "too young" to make medical decisions about their gender identity. A recent study found that trans kids have a firm grasp of their gender identity. Another found gender-affirming care reduces rates of suicide among transgender youth. https://www.insider.com/south-dakota-bill-transgender-youth-gender-affirmation-2020-1
  18. Their request is to enter the US. If you request to enter the US in order to get to Canada, you will not be allowed to remain. The remain in Mexico policy is a special agreement we have with Mexico.
  19. You can't do that. You can't request asylum in one country and 'apply' for a different one.
  20. They are not illegal. They have been processed and given paperwork that allows them to be in the US. The US government does not directly deal with homeless people, that is a responsibility of the state and city in which they are homeless.
  21. Oh, gee, I am still waiting for the Republican plan where they were going to cut it. They never did specify exactly what would cut -- except Rick Scott, who was just going to end it. His statement was made on Tuesday and on Friday. you want a plan?
  22. How many balloons before it's declared a birthday party?
  23. Well, this is good news, except for the anti-climate folks who have been using this as an example of how horrible renewables are will have to find something else to complain about.
  24. Rumor has it they found it in a box in Mar a lago.
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