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Posts posted by Credo

  1. On 2/23/2023 at 6:20 PM, JonnyF said:

    That's because he's not very bright.


    Yes his status as grandson of the Queen would have opened many doors for him. I'm not sure using military helicopters to order (and then call off) a hit on the then Prince of Wales could be described as "doing well" though.




    I'm not sure how good he is as a husband and father. He's certainly a terrible son, brother and grandson. The bullying of the matron at school suggests he wasn't a very nice child either.



    Well, you are a master at taking remarks out of context to make a point.  Harry makes no claim to being anything other than what he is.  He is quite open that he was not a good student, he struggled with his studies and he wasn't oriented toward an intellectual life.  He entered the military precisely because he did not want to go to University.  Do you think everyone should attend University?

    His description you quote are from his teenage years.  It's the type of description many young boys would make about the older minders who have authority over them.   


    He describes his relationships with his family.  I found him to actually be quite kind to them much of the time.  He was disappointed by how they reacted to his struggles, but also explains their behavior in relationship to their roles in the monarchy.  Charles and Willy usually sided on protecting the monarchy over protecting Harry.  That's simply a fact.  That's how it shakes down in his family, and that was a part of his struggle -- he was never going to really fit into that institution.  


    Regarding his relationship with his family, the book portrays a lot of what many families experience, sibling rivalry being a big example.  He hardly throws anyone under the bus.  

    • Haha 1
  2. I have tried to follow this trial.  This is a man and a family that have really, really fallen from grace.  I am surprised they haven't had a good psychological/psychiatric evaluation.  It takes a psychopath to kill his family if he did.   


    I lean toward thinking he did, simply because he was in the area and if someone else killed them, he should have been able to identify them.   

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    And this is the political reality.


    Far more than any other generation, young people are not concerned about the gender or sexuality of others.


    Exceptions of course are those young people groomed into hatred within religious teachings.

    Angry old angst on this, and d many other reactionary issues, is dying out.


    One of my kids and I go around and around about LGBTQ issues.  He's very conservative, I am much more liberal. While visiting, my granddaughter (18 years old)  and her boyfriend were there for dinner, so I asked her about gender/sexuality issues.  She seemed confused why I asked.  Her boyfriend said, "Oh, isn't your friend bisexual", she said, "no, that was last week, now she's pansexual."   Neither of them seemed to have much interest in anyone's sexuality, sexual identity, gender identity or any thing have to do with their sexual preferences.   

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  4. 5 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    P.T. Barnum probably wasn't an expert on social media.


    Times have changed. This couple are taking an absolute hammering. I'd actually feel sorry for them if they weren't so divisive, hypocritical and vicious.

    I've always liked Harry.  I found him to be an outlier in the Firm.  He never really liked school, he didn't do particularly well in school.  He loved the military and did well there.  He's got leadership ability, but not the restrictive  type demanded by the Royal Family.  An amazing person and one whom I think we will see good thing happen.  He is certainly a good father and husband.

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  5. 22 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Would Dahl agree to his stories being mutilated by PC warriors?

      Apparently, he didn't leave any instructions in his will that would stipulate they could not be altered.  Some authors and musicians do.  The entire estate was bought by Netflix. 

    The streaming giant bought the entirety of the Roald Dahl Story Company from the late author's estate, giving it control over the his books, as well as future adaptations of characters from titles including Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda and The BFG.


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  6. 22 hours ago, Zapitapi said:

    good for u.. and bravo in repeating the gov and media lines.. u a great citizen..would be even greater if u just knew that your view is evidently wrong..but right or wrong..who cares as long as we can believe someone with obvious credentials ...no need to think by ourselves

    It has nothing to do with 'thinking by ourselves', whatever that means.   I make decisions for myself all the time, however, when it comes to something that requires some technical knowledge, it's a good idea to have some input from people who have training, background and experience in the matter.  Unless you are an infectious disease specialist, that's not you, by the way.


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  7. 2 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

    That argument might have sounded very clever in the middle of 2021 but most countries of the world have now ditched masking. All you're doing now is revealing yourself to be someone who slavishly follows authoritarian clowns like Prayuth.

    Most countries have loosened restrictions on masking for good reasons.  It was never meant to control anything other than a virus.  Three things have resulted in removing mask mandates, the first was the widespread use and availability of vaccinations that greatly mitigated the worst effects of the disease and greatly lowered the probability of overwhelming the health care system.   The 2nd was that it was quickly becoming endemic.  Even Dr. Fauci said something to the effect that eventually nearly everyone will catch it.  Finally, it has mutated to the extent that it is more contagious but less deadly.   


    I don't slavishly follow anyone.  I do listen to the advice and directives of scientists who are knowledgeable in infectious disease.  


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