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Posts posted by taff33

  1. By going downmarket I presume you mean the replacement of many of Britain's finest (:blink: ) and the dregs of the rest of Europe with Russian families and package tourists from Asia.

    I can definitely see how harmful that could be for Pattaya's image :o

    I agree; but unfortunately I still see a lot of tattooed, English knuckle dragging morons staggering around wearing their Chang T shirts. Most also seem to have an 18 year old "girlfriend" following behind talking into her mobile. The sooner these dregs are sent home the better we will all be for it.

    May be it's these ''morons'' that are keeping the bars etc open how much do you spend at the bars do you help to keep them open,are you jealous that they have an ''18 year old girl friend'' may be you can't get one or don't like to spend money .Is that what the St Andrews flag does for you.

  2. Why not start teaching the youngster at schools and uni's the type of head injuries that you get from not wearing a helmet show slide/ photo's of accidents,and try to hit home to them about over loading the passengers / sitting side saddle. And let the police book more students for breaking the law, if they can't pay the fine make the parents pay or take the motocy off them.Let the police book them any day of the week not just certain days when they are short of money.

  3. why not put them all on an island ,then they can do what they want to do, when they want to do it,with whom they want to do it ,at any time they want to do it.

    You mean like they did with the Welsh and their sheep?

    (So easy to engage in moronic, prejudicial stereotyping.)

    you use very big words thank you for being so nice you must be a lovely chap. with the welsh and the sheep don't knock it 'till you try it ( unless you all ready have). have a nice day

  4. I'm sure the REAL people behind all this are the real estate families.....property will rise in value, overnight.


    I thought property values would go down. All the decent folk will be packing thier bags and heading north. The place will turn into an even bigger ghetto than it already is. 24/7 brawls, scams, peds, sex tourists and bar girls fighting over a fat old drunk 70 yr old farangs.

    Decent folks do not live near or on Walking Street or Soi Buakhao

    Please define 'decent blokes' :D :jerk:

  5. Wonder if the yanks still have a plane waiting for him?

    The transit visas of the crew must have just about run out by now.

    Cant help thinking he may not get much of a fair go in the good old US of A after all how many have they still got banged up in Git-mo ]

    Can't compare this with Gitmo. Most of those in Gitmo were involved in violent activities during the Afgan war. I don't agree with what happened there, but if you shoot at somebody, you have to deal with the consequences. Now they are crying their rights are being abused...what about the rights of the people who were shot or bombed by them? Two sides to every story...

    america + money + ira = uk citizens shot and bombed two sides to every story :annoyed: don't make me laugh

  6. I signed up on Sunday and I'm not on the list

    Don't worry, you are on there tigermonkey.

    The event is for Thaivisa members plus one guest, as this event is at a bar, this is an adults only function.

    Updated list.

    Junglechef + 1

    OneZero + 1


    ctrunfree + 1

    bluweyze + 1

    harrry + 1

    babyjesus + 1

    T_Dog + 1

    venturalaw + 1

    sticklee + 1



    anonymouse + 1

    vagabond48 + 1

    mcgriffith + 1

    cliokchi + 1

    Greenside + 1

    Briley + 1

    Ta22 + 1

    Ulysses G.

    Vacationman + 1

    fcgprg + 1

    foxyhooper + 1

    wolf5370 + 1

    kered + 1

    hiso1956 + 1

    rodcourt49 + 1

    sarahsbloke + 1

    kennalder + 1

    gotlost + 1

    techno + 1

    Sansai Sam + 1

    ianian101 + 1

    haybilly + 1

    RogerL + 1

    moetownblues + 1

    koosdeboer + 1

    dplast + 1

    PooMik + 1

    ollylama + 1

    Mrjustice + 1

    ginnyten + 1

    grin + 1

    Deez + 1

    realthaideal + 1

    garyh + 1

    true blue + 1

    nuff said + 1

    pmf113b + 1

    BigSkip + 1

    George + 1

    slapout + 1


    darkstar1943 + 1

    tigermonkey + 1

    bluejays + 1

    Artey + 1

    caf + 1


    lannyred + 1

    taf33 + 1

    Igor + 1

    Okertes + 1

    ChinesePanda + 1

    CaptainFly + 1

    mrclough + 1

    thaimiller + 1

    crudski + 1

    Gunit + 1

    chirunr + 1

    huli + 1

    DavidOxon + 1

    hanuman1 + 1

    justcruisin + 1

    Two ' F's' in taff please thank you

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