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Posts posted by taff33

  1. Another Report http://www.facebook.com/PattayaFuture

    Mr Mayor you have stirred up a hornets nest buy not implementing new regulations and insurance at the time of registration. Scams along the beach since the registration process have increased dramatically and guess who suffers the innocent tourist. Between the two shopping centres scams are continuing , these vendor know the law can not do anything to them so they are going for it big time. Please do something City hall have responsibility to tourists coming to thailand it is a disgrace and sickening to watch. Why not suspend all jet ski activity until the regulations are place ?. Hasn't Pattaya got enough bad publicity over this ?

    Seems to me the registration process was just another delaying tactic, much like setting up a committee to look into it, make it look like you are doing something while actually doing nothing constructive. Why the need for registration? A ticket booth, signs saying all jet ski rentals must made through voucher purchase from booth, voucher price to include full insurance. Job done. Registration is just bureaucracy for the sake of bureaucracy!

    The voucher is then exchanged at the 'town hall' and the goverment tax is deducted and every one is happy :lol: .No registration no money. :D

  2. As others already said: a house book for a Thai national is in a BLUE book.

    As a foreigner you can qualify for a YELLOW house book.

    The yellow house books makes daily business a little easier (bank account, car buying, no spearate certificate of residence nec. e.g.).

    Also the foreigner gest a 14 digit personal ID which easily indentifies you in the administration (like a Thai ID card).

    Unconfirmed reports say, that you can even use the state health system (for free).

    The latter one is highly disputed and if one knows the system he might refrain :blink:

    I can confirm that I was issued a Thai health card along with my yellow book.

    Me too

    Off topic but cmjantje has your avatar a younger sister :lol:

  3. I always go wrong around the Ayuthayya intersection when heading towards Bangkok.

    Can anyone tell me what road to take to avoid Bangkok and head to the airport road, I always end up going through Bangkok.

    I am sure that others may have more effective directions but for me - Once I see the last (think that tts the third) Tesco Lotus go by on the other side of the dual carriage way plus I start to see Ayuthaya signposted, I start to concentrate. I keep thinking have to go LEFT on Highway 9 Ring Road.

    The overhead Green sign for the ring road Highway 9 comes up pretty quick so i slow down and keep left. At this point there is no sign for Suvanabhumi. The fraffic filters left and have to take care as just before the correct tun left is another minor left turn When I have not concentrating I have actually turned onto this road but not the end of the world as possible to do a U-Turn.. go back and thn take the correct left.

    Once you do turn left - Stay sharp as there is traffic filtering in from the right.. Go straight on. you will know that you are on the correct road as their is an ESSO Petrol station with KFC on the left. Perhaps 1 Kilometre, maybe a little more on this frontage road and you will see the sign for the airport indicate where to turn left onto Higway 9 on to Suvanabhumi. This road is a sharp right turn which goes up and over the main road.

    All and all its a pretty hairy couple of minutes but sure beats the hell out of driving through Bangkok. Naturally it woul help to have an additional sgnpost to the airport on the main road before the Highway 9 junction - but there you go.

    Good luck

    Don't worry about that first minor turn stay on it ,it cuts out the round about,and you will be on the same frontage road

  4. Why don't they look at the MAIN road that runs from Bangkok to Chiang Mai / Chiag Rai.OK the Bangkok part of the road is good but when you get off the new 3 - 4 lane road that was built maybe 5 years ago, the rest of the roads can be down to one lane because of the constant deterioration of the roads.I suppose they don't build "good" roads because there is more money to be made by repairing them.

  5. ]

    This sad individual is an attention seeker desperate for acclaim & comments about him & his activities (which you are supplying).

    he really deserves to be ignored & put out to pasture,

    cheers roger007

    I take it that you don't want to join "the golden ones" fan club.

  6. dont do geese if u havent had any experience. caveat emptor. had a three year old on the kibbutz almost lose his testes to a territorial hand reared goose. they are all the things that people above wrote about them. if theyd dislike someoen, thats it.

    noisy messy scary to small kids and many adults and a majority fo dogs, not for most people. yes, the moscovy duck is good, u can hand rear /impress them and they will follow u, u can call them and they will come (more or less for a treat), tasty when younger, good eggs, good layers even when no males around, just for eggs, good mothers, hardy, had tons in the petting zoo... got rid of our regular geese and our crested geese really quickly due to space and cleanliness problems and also our kids care takers couldnt get in the duck yard with them...

    why do u want them anyhow?


    Well Bina after reading all the replies I think it could be put "on the back burner",I suppose the main thought was just to keep the grass down I knew about noise but not 24/7.I would like to thank every one for the advice and input that has been given, for it has opened my eyes and given me second thoughts.

  7. I am thinking of keeping some geese,but I know nothing at all about it,my property is walled and is about 1 rai in size,they would be only kept as pets.My question's are what do you feed them with(I know that they eat grass),and how do you stop them from flying,and are there any disease's that should I know about when buying/keeping,help needed please.

  8. Yes you can get 1000/2000 litre tanks I have a 2000 litre," but do not buy the blue tanks" as you will have build up of algae on the inside (I know this from experience) you can buy a tank that comes from,I think,Germany it is black/dark on the inside that stops the algae,they more expensive to by but a lot better in the long term.

    In answer to"why have such a large tank"have you ever been with out water?,and with a pump supplying the pressure to the house a good back up is a good thing.

    I hope this helps you.

  9. Didn't Yingluck promise the farmers 20000 bht per tonne of rice?

    I have seen since the election that it was 15,000 for paddy rice and 20,000 for 'hom mali'.

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! the wifes family are struggling with the false promises and hopes of yet another official CON/SCAM of the the common everyday man who is struggling to make ends meet

    Well time to live up to your name "RICH" and help them out,that's why you got married,not just to your wife but also to her family.HA HA HA .

  10. You need to reset your nuvi 13XX by pressing and holding the Power button until the main menu is displayed. If that does not solve the problem then you should reboot the unit, which will erase all user data by restoring the factory original settings.

    Thank you very much for your help,all working OK now.

  11. I had a crown replaced by a dentist in Lampang,when I got back to the UK I went to my dentist for a check up and he said it was good work done, and the price that I paid was about the same that he gets paid for national health dental work.

    Why did you go to Lampang instead of Chiang Mai? What do you mean by "I paid about the same that he gets paid for national health dental work"? How much did you pay? What is national health dental work? Is it a national dental insurance for Thai?


    Question number one

    I live in Lampang.

    Question number two

    I can't remember how much I paid.

    Question number three

    National health means what he gets paid by the UK goverment for doing non private dental work.

    Question number four

    It is not dental insurance for Thai

    If I had managed to get to the UK for the dental work it would have cost me nothing thats the best of having a younger brother as a Dentist.

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