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Posts posted by taff33

  1. I had a crown replaced by a dentist in Lampang,when I got back to the UK I went to my dentist for a check up and he said it was good work done, and the price that I paid was about the same that he gets paid for national health dental work.

  2. I do.


    It isn't? I am fairly sure that I pay more taxes annually in Thailand than 90+% of the population. (I also pay taxes abroad.) PTP made promises to the people and in less than a week reneged on them in some cases. Part of why PTP was elected was to fulfill the promises they made (I would say the majority of the reason was that simple .. you said you would pay us more and now ....) If I remember right the majority of the country didn't think changing governments would lead to lasting change.

    Offering unreasonable populist policies and then backtracking before even taking office certainly smacks of deceit to me ......

    You are fairly sure that you pay more tax than 90% of the population that is because you earn more money than 90% of the population like the rest of the HI-SO'S

    Hmmm you seem to have cut out almost all of GK's post .... But hey ....

    It has absolutely nothing to do with being "HI-SO" and everything to do with being "middle-class". I suggest you go re-read the post you doctored and the post it was replying to :)

    Hammered... VAT collection is somewhat problematic in poorer areas but you are correct that on many things the poor pay a higher percentage of their income in the form of taxation via VAT ,,, but that burden probably isn't as high as many people think.

    I was not replying to GK's post but to jdinaisia OK :lol:

  3. I do.


    It isn't? I am fairly sure that I pay more taxes annually in Thailand than 90+% of the population. (I also pay taxes abroad.) PTP made promises to the people and in less than a week reneged on them in some cases. Part of why PTP was elected was to fulfill the promises they made (I would say the majority of the reason was that simple .. you said you would pay us more and now ....) If I remember right the majority of the country didn't think changing governments would lead to lasting change.

    Offering unreasonable populist policies and then backtracking before even taking office certainly smacks of deceit to me ......

    You are fairly sure that you pay more tax than 90% of the population that is because you earn more money than 90% of the population like the rest of the HI-SO'S

  4. Being from Wales I get asked about sheep sha*ing ( but not being a kiss and tell type of person) I just smile and say that's between me and my sheep,JT do you think that is rascit against the Welsh or the sheep. :lol:

  5. And once again The Thai Visa Elite have spoken on their forum soapbox, having all the answers to thailands social problems as they are so thai in their hearts and care so much for the people of thailand. <deleted> are you so scared of by this goverment ??? You are not thai !!! None of you will ever know the problems of the thai people living in your gilded cages, living fat on your retirement money constantly coming on her spouting your shit about thaksin and how all of thailands problems are all his fault, you sound just like the people who want to keep things just as they are. As much as I hate the saying go home thailand will be much better off when you are long gone.

    I think you are 100% right. Is it possible that there are HISO FALLANGS

  6. Let's be honest the elite would like Thailand to go back 100 years and keep the poor and uneducated in their place,at the bottom of the of the pile,where they think they they belong.Education is a wonderfull thing,some thing the elite did not want the poor to have,yes you will have some that follow like sheep, they will be the ones with not much education,but the younger ones are having the education and they will be the ones that will change Thailand.

  7. Most use a foil such as this:


    Thanks looks like I have been looking for the wrong stuff

    Depends what you mean by membrane and its purpose, are looking for water-proofing or insulation? If insulation - the earlier post gives you the material, if water-proofing then you need to look further.

    Any ideas??

  8. Why can't we get milk with the cream at the top like I remember it used to be,even in the UK this has stoped and I mean "real milk full cream" not like the rubish they sell now.

  9. [...I would think that most, if not all, of the Visa writers who are against the result have never seen how the people live in the 'sticks'.

    Well I have, and it's not the worst existence.

    Good power supply, water supply, reasonably good roads, many people in the village seem to be building new houses, lots of new cars/ pickups/ motorcycles and broadband internet.

    Plenty of shops selling almost eveything.

    No one looks starved, no beggars sleeping under bridges- no slums or shacks.

    My mum in law had to go to hospital, and got treated- they didn't have to sell their children to pay for it.

    All the children go to school, and seem very happy.

    If life is so hard, I'm not seeing it.

    I have too. I've also seen how the urban poor live -- and lived with them. If I believed that Thaksin and Co. was going to be ultimately better for the poor and the rest of the Thais than the other group of elites that want to run things, then I might be willing to overlook a lot of very unpalatable truths and support them.

    But I have very little or no reason to believe that.

    Then why did so many people vote the way they did,and please don't say ' brain washed buffalo's

  10. Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

    It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

    <deleted> would all you bleating ex-pats know?

    Let me answer that.... STUFF ALL.

    My wife's family and just about every Thai I know have had enough of the Democrats.

    20 years since they were elected and yet they have clung onto power with the help of the military.

    They deserve to be booted out.

    The people have spoken in a free and fair election.

    The elite need to understand, democracy means majority rule, not minority rule.

    Despite Thaksin't sins, he understood what the poor want, the Democrats have no idea at all. It will take a complete rebirth of that party to make them understand.

    The life of the average poor Thai was considerably improved under Thaksin's rule and people remember that.

    They have waited patiently for this day and they clearly haven't swallowed all the crap that has been spouted by the Bangkok elite and their media.

    We have to respect the will of the Thai people and hope the military will stay in their barracks and out of politics.

    What other democracy has had 26 coups? It's a bloody farce, elite and military are hand in glove.... sucking the life out of this country.

    I agree 100% with every thing that you say,I would think that most, if not all, of the Visa writers who are against the result have never seen how the people live in the 'sticks'.

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