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Everything posted by motdaeng

  1. btw, i am against this kind of subsidies for electricity ... i was expecting this question, thank you khunla. i think this is more of a populist measure to support the poor and get in return they blind support for this (corrupt) government! the subsidy is maybe 50 (?) satang per unit, if a poor family spends 150 units per month, this saves them 75 baht! does this help? hardly! on the other hand, some poor thais spend their last money on 2 lottery tickets for 160 baht ... isn't it more sensible to find a way to support the poor sustainably ... just giving money is not sustainable ...
  2. i think most bev users do use more than 300 units per month, they won't benefit from this subsidy! for example: if a bev user drives an average of 30 km, that's 900 km/month x 175 w/km = 157 units. a modest household with minimal usage of aircon uses about 150 units or more per month. together, the usage is already over 300 units ... btw, i am against this kind of subsidies for electricity ...
  3. the key for toni's comeback deal was his connection to the man in charge ... i'm not sure if the man in charge would agree to another doggy deal with the red bull family ...
  4. I found this article (2021) about this guy ... a few things sounds very fishy ... https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/boredom-in-switzerland-leads-to-an-elephant-refuge-in-thailand/47207918
  5. i know it's early morning ... please stay on the topic Electric Vehicles in Thailand!!!!
  6. i am not defending the swiss guy ... but if "david" would be thai, what would be the punishment? should the law not be the same for everyone?
  7. the shinawatra family hasn't changed they attitudes in the last 20 years ... they still behave and act as being above the law and they can do whatever they want! it seems really true, khun toni is protected by the one person in charge ... desgasting punch of people ... the poor have to suffer and the rich are using the corrupt and injustice system shameless for they own advantage ...
  8. but because of covid they shot the whole country and the economy down ... in the long term air pollution will kill much more people than covid did, and it will (does) create a costly health crisis ... but it seems the majority of thai people don't get it or simple don't care ... don't care what will be in the future and don't care if they own children will be one group of most effected by the toxic air ... anyway, after 20 years i gave up the hop of improvement and i also gave up to understand why most thai people just accept the way it is ....
  9. https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/map/#d:2024-04-01..2024-04-07;@102.2,17.9,6.7z
  10. i can verify your data from hua hin. since a few days (one-month holiday) we are staying in hua hin. within the rented apartment, we use our own air purifier. outside, we wear N95 masks depending on the pm2.5µg/m3 levels! happy songkhran to everyone ...
  11. a good decision to move! but not only the people who run the country don't care, also most people in the north don't care ... they have to pay a hefty price (serious health issue) in the future ... every province in the north has a government, has ample has village headman ... no one cares either, to blame only Bangkok is too easy ... as for covid, extremely strict rules have been enforced, why can they not do it with the burning problem as well ... nothing will change, if your health is valued for you, move away from the north if you can ...
  12. just for a simple crime, that seems to be a too harsh punishment ... 500 baht and a nice wai should be more than enough...
  13. have also a look at the aqicn map ... https://aqicn.org/country/thailand/
  14. interior video xiaomi su7 ... if the car comes to thailand, i think potential customers have to wait about 2 or more years ... https://www.facebook.com/share/v/5zNnVenwJDP1QiJC/?mibextid=p7WL9T
  15. i think no-one would mind a few EV news from abroad, but you seems to do it exclusively ... it looks like an obsession ... just try to stay at the topic, thank you!
  16. no need to be wealthy to own a EV, in thailand the prices are similar to ICE. if you compare the car specs, some EV cars are even cheaper than the ICE cars! and EV cars are most economical for using in cities, because of the traffic jam, stop and go and lower average speed ... no wonder, a lot of EV owners life in the cities, clever people, aren't they?
  17. please enlighten us, who are this experts telling the EV industry is a big scam! do you have any sources ... or maybe you are calling yourself to be one of this "most experts"? can it be that you are a (the) scam ...
  18. byd reduced the prices for all three seal models....
  19. are you working there? 😂😂😂
  20. so you made your clam up!? please go back under your rock ...
  21. any source for you claim or you just made it up?
  22. please report back in an other four days about the chiang mai air quality ... i am pretty sure the air will unhealthy again ... and it will be this way at least till the next rain in a few weeks time ...
  23. more like "your wet dream" ... isn't it?
  24. could you please name just one forum member who owns an EV and hasn't repeatedly stated "electric cars aren't suitable for everyone"? I am certain you're aware of this, but you seem to be disregarding it ...
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