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Everything posted by motdaeng

  1. after staying at a hotel in another province, do i need to file a 24-hour / tm30 report when returning to my official (tm30) address? i thought that requirement (returning to your home address) was canceled a few years ago... ???
  2. those who "don't like" (more like hate) khun toni seem to be more vocal lately ... that is a good thing ...
  3. the boy's driving style was asking for something happen ... sooner or later!
  4. there's a simple explanation for that: most car owners should know this, internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles are significantly more likely to catch fire compared to electric cars ...
  5. source: a swiss you tuber had a phone call with his lawyer ... 555 please give us a break ...
  6. i genuinely thought you (ExpatOilWorker) are the cherry farmer ...
  7. does the privy council have the authority to make such decisions without the king's approval? ... i don't think so ... it seems to me, "walking away from the dead mr. khun tony covid" indirectly blamed the king ...
  8. Ms K.... said the department plans to expand the tax base by requiring platforms with an income of 1 billion baht or more to report their sources of income .... that is a lot of income 555
  9. if he flees the country again ... that would be too good to be true ...
  10. my wife does my tax return since 10+ years for me. she is using always my pink id card, never had any problems ...
  11. most expats? ... which nationality are we taking about?
  12. where did you get this information? ok, it seems it is your speculaiton ... welcome to the party ...
  13. the thai government likes to announce new laws (or the enforcement) with only a short notice ... btw. the law is pretty clear who has to fill a tax return ... also some embassy's have informed they citizens already about the new tax law ... what is not clear right now, will the law be enforced or not ... if it will be enforced and you get caught, " telling them you didn't know" will not help you get away without some consequences ... i personally go with "better safe than sorry" and did some preparation ... as the thai like to say : "up to you!"
  14. a golden rule, before renting ask about electicity, water, cleaning and other additional fees ...
  15. ... i like the creativity in the intro music ... it's funny and well-done ...
  16. how can you be so sure about that? because for the moment nothing is sure about how, when or what will happen with the new tax law ...
  17. the big open question is, will the new tax law be enforced by the tax revenue department?
  18. i would not underestimate the TRD. thailand is known for its bureaucratic processes, making life difficult for us foreigners ... if the average retiree transfers approximately 100,000 thb per month to thailand. this amount would lead to around 120,000 thb in taxes. would that not be worthwhile for the TRD ...? and enforcing tax laws against foreigners would be more popular than doing so against the own thai citizens. only time will tell ... i'm also prepared to see a few u-turns on this issue ....
  19. "Kids Are Too Expensive!” How Thailand Became One Of The World's Fastest Aging Countries
  20. do not fall for ads from banks (or car finance) ; there is usually a catch ... where you get a good interest for your money,eg. ibank: 24 months at 2.25% (minus 15% tax) 240'000 thb x 2.25% x 2 years = 10'800 thb https://www.ibank.co.th/th/promotion/2020-01-27-19-48-47
  21. a friend's son, who is not a tax resident in thailand, owns an apartment in hua hin and stays in thailand for around three months annually. my friend, a tax resident in thailand, transfers money to his son (new opened) thai account, which he accesses via atm. so he found a clever way (a little bit of a gray area) avoiding taxes in thailand ...
  22. - transfer only savings (from before 2024) to thailand ...
  23. can you share the FB link ... thank you.
  24. why not just donate the rice to khun yingluck, khun toni, his grandchildren and to all the shinawatra fan boy's?
  25. what a piece of crap! are you for real? oh, I forgot, you're a troll... we shouldn't feed a troll. sorry for feeding you!
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