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Everything posted by motdaeng

  1. @Yellowtail can you please stay on the topic: electric vehicles in thailand thank you!!!
  2. @Greenside you can find useful information regarding solar systems here: https://aseannow.com/forum/319-alternativerenewable-energy-forum/
  3. normally i only need to use the charging station for a road trips. e.g. to book the day before makes little sense to me, since it will be difficult to arrive at the charging station at the full hour (+ 10 min) on a 200 km journey ... maybe booking max 30 minutes in advance would work better ? we'll see, the system can (imho) be improved ... another point, if the slot is booked and nobody shows up, the charging station is locked and can not be uesed by others for 15 minutes (?) ... that sounds not like a good idea ...
  4. i did, from 2004 to 2005 ... after that i moved, it was the right decision for myself and my family!
  5. video about charging system in thailand ... i have the impression that the whole thing hasn't been thought through (yet) ... ????
  6. if bangkok is more polluted than chiang mai, chiang mai has no pollution? ???? your wrong, the north has most of the year pollution problems. some months are unhealthy, some moderate and only few months (rainy seasion) are really good ... https://aqicn.org/station/thailand/chiang-mai/ชุมชนวัดเกต-ต.วัดเกต-อ.เมือง-จ.เชียงใหม่-จุดที่-3-indoor/
  7. it should be 4,6 baht, off peak price. 27.17 kw X 4.6 baht = 125 baht.
  8. @KhunLA thanks for the detailed explanation, i appreciate it. it seems you don't need to worry about your system, even if you use a lot more electricity in the future, well done!
  9. can't seem to break 600kW consumtion (?) for the month can you estimate your real kw number for the produktion? it would be also nice nice to see, how much your newly built 8 kwp solar-system effectively produces per month / year ...
  10. sorry for the (maybe) strange question: if i have a hybrid solar system installed by a thai company, what will the quality of the battery be like? where does a company get its batteries from? @KhunLA: could you check your batteries or do you just have to trust your installer?
  11. wireless charging, with a genesis gv 60! bev has so much potential, the technology will continue to develop rapidly ...
  12. you should ask your question here: https://aseannow.com/forum/319-alternativerenewable-energy-forum/
  13. do you know the OP personally ... ? ????
  14. this has been written many times, the ev car is not for everyone. ????
  15. ... there will be of course no ban on ev cars in switzerland ... !!! escalation level 3 as one of many possible measures: “The private use of electric cars is only permitted for absolutely necessary journeys (e.g. professional practice, shopping, visiting the doctor, attending religious events, attending court appointments),” the draft paper said ... https://urbantransportnews.com/news/is-switzerland-really-banning-use-of-electric-vehicles-in-the-country-truth-unveiled
  16. "teslabjorn" raised some good points! i think he's right, some electric car manufacturers should reconsider their pricing policies for the thailand market ...
  17. an other point to consider: if you would legally feed into the grid, then you won't spend big money for an EES! (or would you?) BUT if there is a power failure at night, you will not have any electricity, because you don't have an EES .... that makes also not so much sense, doesn' it?
  18. if i am not mistaken, someone asked on the forum about the tesla powerwall ... price starts at 599'000 thb (14 kwh) !!!!!!!! https://www.solar-d.co.th/en/
  19. what are the reasons for double the cost? would it be possible to buy panels, mounting systems, cables, inverters, breakers, etc. yourself and have them installed by a company? (like building a house and you only pay the labour costs) does it really have to be an approved installer? is there no other way? the costs for the permit (paperwork etc) itself can't be that high ... or am i completely wrong? the alternative with batteries is not cheap either ... especially when you consider the lifespan of batteries!
  20. i am sure, the villagers and the police are happy with the result ... but it seems some foreigners see it the same as the villagers and the police ... it looks more like it was the aim "to catch and kill" and not to bring people to justic. why are there no injured on both side (see also link below), only dead body on the other side. do you remember the war on drug 20 years ago, the pattern is the same. thailand has a long history of this kind of justic and nothing seems to change . in so many incidents, it is clear the case of extra-judicial killing. how can someone educeted defend and support that ...? just a few killings from the last few months, only from the province chiang rai:
  21. i'm always asthonised how many on this forum show support for "killing before justice" and also think that's a good thing! i assume that everyone involved will get paid a big bonus so that the truth of such actions /crime (happen every often here) does not come to light ... personally, i hope never have to meet such a person (a killer from the police or military), because i will not know what this person will do to me or my family ... the law should apply to everyone at all times, without exception! or is there a line where the legal system should not be applied? i am not aware of that ... just think about it, thank you!
  22. @ LINE: Welcome to Tesla Thailand. Thank you for joining us to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy. You'll be receiving Tesla's latest news here. Share with your friends to be the first group to gain unique Tesla experience before anyone else.
  23. thank you for the update if the ioniq 5 or 6 can be ordered in thailand this year, then i will try to visit the expo in bangkok ... (it is a 1'600 km return journey for me!)
  24. as I understand, it is a special licence plate for car-test-driving ...
  25. it seems, tesla does some test driving in thailand ....
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