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Posts posted by AjarnMartin

  1. Like watching paint dry... An inordinate time with everybody pussyfooting around the main issues so as not to upset ‘our hosts’. Why did nobody just ask the question: If the law of Thailand is so paramount as one speaker intimated, why is it that every individual branch of Thai Immigration is allowed to interpret it in as many different ways? It’s a shambles!!! Thai Immigration have no intention of ‘making it easier’.

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  2. Given the acceptance that technology is the way forward, perhaps the answer is to replace the dinosaurs at the top of the Ministry of Education with AI and robots? That MAY work towards Thai educational qualifications being of greater worth than the paper they’re printed on both nationally and internationally.

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  3. On 6/3/2019 at 9:21 PM, retoohs said:


    You make all these claims and I do not dispute them but army freedom tattoos was the first shop I have seen with a total hygenic service. I have traveled Thailand for ten years and first and one of the only shops with an upmarket autoclave. Master thai tattooist who worked 2 years in the USA honing his skills even further and learning modern hygiene techniques. Never get a tattoo at the first good looking shop you see but look around. This place is worth checking. 

    “Mead to order tattoos?” I don’t think so... ????

  4. 6 hours ago, edwinchester said:

    Never before have I seen a British Govt so utterly clueless as to what to do and so appallingly oblivious of the calamity their ineptitude is inflicting on a once respected nation.

     Absolutely, Ed. The UK’s government (and the Opposition for that matter) could be described as a perfect kakistocracy...

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  5. On 3/7/2019 at 10:14 AM, fxe1200 said:

    The timely placed rumors of buying shares of Nok Air was either the first move, or nothing else as a chance to get rid of them and lower the loss. The shares could be sold at around 3.08 THB, which was the rate of May 11th 2018. Today the Jurangkool family can buy the shares back almost 30% cheaper, than they sold them for.


    I wonder if there is a working Exchange Supervisory Authority in Thailand.

    Let me guess...???? a rhetorical question, surely? 555

  6. 21 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

    I believe all TW transfers come to Bangkok Bank first so if you have an account there it's shown as an international transfer.. If you use a different bank, the money is then transferred from Bangkok Bank to your banK so it appears to be a domestic transfer as far as your bank is concerned.

    Thanks Suradit69,

    I transferred my first TW monies to my BKK Bank today so it will arrive tomorrow! I wait with baited breath to see the record in my bank book. ????????

  7. 4 hours ago, mfd101 said:

    I moved in December from Old Method (1) Citibank debit card at atm [easily the cheapest way to bring funds] to Method (2) TW transfer of 70K฿ each month to BKK Bank account + Citibank debit card for the other 60 or 70K my b/f and his family manage to get through.


    Method (3) 800K฿ in the bank remains a future fallback if necessary, but it just became a whole lot less attractive - unless one looks on it as health or other insurance resource.


    Hi mfd101,

    I too use TW but my SCB account shows it as a ‘domestic’ transfer. Does BKK Bank record it differently to the satisfaction of Thai Immigration requirements? Of course it’s only for my next Retirement Extension as local office have told me I need to deposit 800K for 2020 Extension. ???? Thanks.

  8. 9 hours ago, ubonjoe said:



    Hi Joe,

    I’ve just been for my 90-Day report at Phetchabun and I took along a ‘paper-trail’ of the money I send to myself every month from my UK Bank, via TransferWise, to one of my Thai banks. I typically send £2000 per month which presently exceeds the 65K ThB at the current exchange rates. My Retirement Extension isn’t due until the end of September but I wanted my ducks in a row prior to that.

    immigration told me that I have to get a letter from my bank to confirm the receipt of these monies for my September 2019 application but that my NEXT extension in 2020 has to show 800,000 ThB deposited in a lump sum and NOT by monthly deposits! I’ve studiously read all the official docs and can’t find a referral to Phetchabun’s stance. Are they right?

  9. 1 hour ago, jesimps said:

    Nothing about bank statements showing foreign transfers. My SCB account shows transfers coming from TransferWise as "ATS = Automatic Transfer System".

    Yesterday I did a Swift transfer direct from my UK bank and it's recorded on my bank statement as "FRCI = Foreign Remitance and Settlement" so all ok there. BUT, I'd have received some 1800 baht more if I'd used TransferWise. 21,600 baht over 12 months is a substantial sum which I'm not prepared to lose. I guess until something is sorted on this it'll (reluctantly) have to be the 4 or 800,000 deposit for me.

    Jesimps, I agree it’s a mess! I too transfer about £2000 per month from my UK bank every month via TransferWise but to meet immigration’s requirements, the audit trail is onerous because the monies firstly go to a ‘borderless’ account in sterling, get changed to ThB and THEN transferred to my SCB or Bangkok Bank accounts. My income and pension letter previously indicated more than adequate funds for my retirement extension. I have absolutely no intention of depositing either 400 or 800 in a Thai bank when it earns no interest! It looks as though I’m being forced into making another life-changing decision after 11 happy years in the LoS... ???? My extension of stay is not due until the end of September so I’m going to raise the issue with local immigration during my 90-day report next month and see what paperwork is acceptable. Ho hum!

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