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Posts posted by AjarnMartin

  1. Notice that the bus was refered to as the 'Sunlong' bus?

    Almost high-lighting the fact that this was not a Thai-made vehicle.

    (A Thai-made bus would have burnt-out in half the time, - due to being made of plywood.)

    Sunlong buses are a complete product of China, there are zillions of them on the road in Thailand. Their good part is, they're all SINGLE deck with the luggage hold between the front and rear axles. Low SG not much chance of rolling over like the Thai made Double deck monsters made from plywood. Some photos show the fire in the center of the bus and spreading. The engine is not in the center of the bus, in the center is the passengers luggage hold. From here on I will leave it up to the readers to figure out what the fire started.

    These buses have a pretty good safety record of course give them time in Thailand and their Thai lack of PM and that safety record will change in a hurry.

    As for insurance, they are all on time payments with recourse so the factory insures them to protect its financial interest. The bus that is. Passenger and their luggage is a different matter, nothing to do with the manufacturer of the bus. Now we're dealing with Somchai the Mai Pin Rai boy.

    LOL in LOS.

    Swerver - Should not 'SG' be 'CG' if you're going to abbreviate 'centre of gravity' or 'center of gravity'? ?
  2. Step one is to get married again.

    You need a non immigrant visa to apply for an extension at immigration. You can only apply for a change of visa status for a tourist visa entry at Bangkok immigration to get a 90 day non immigrant visa entry based upon qualifying for an extension based upon marriage. It takes two trips to immigration to get it and you must have at least 15 days remaining on your permit to stay to apply for it.

    If not living in or near Bangkok it would be best to go to a nearby embassy or consulate to obtain a single entry non-o visa based upon marriage. Then during the last 30 days of the 90 day entry from the visa you could apply for an extension based upon marriage.

    Here is a general list of the requirements to apply for the extension.

    Unless you are applying at Bangkok you will need 2 sets of copies attached to 2 TM7 application.forms.

    Proof of 400k baht in the bank for 2 months by way of a letter from your bank and your bank book.or 40k baht income.proven by a income letter from your embassy.

    Copies of your passport photo page and every page that has any stamp or visa for Thailand on it. Copy of TM6 departure card.

    Marriage certificate and a updated Kor Ror 2 marriage registry.

    Copies of your wife's house book registry and ID card.

    Photos of you and your wife in and around the house. One must show you both with the house number shown in it. The number of photos needed varies by office.

    Map to your residence from the nearest main road or street.

    Proof of residence if not living where your wife's house book is for.

    Some offices may want witnesses when you apply.

    Don't want to hijack the OP's thread but could UJ please supply list of requirements for Marriage Extension Renewal at CW. I'm led to believe they want the SAME as the original? I hope I'm wrong... Why are things different if applying at CW?

    Thanks in advance, Joe,


  3. If you want a serious response, you really should know better than to post it on ThaiVisa which is mostly populated by the 'strong in the arm and thick in the head brigade'. I too would love to know the answer but may I suggest contact with Sealy direct?

    Then post the answer for the benefit of those that want to be better informed?

    Thanks and good luck.

  4. In my 9-year experience of 90-Day Reports, I have never had a problem from provincial immigration offices. Latterly, I have been doing the report via the postal system and like you, was initially a little worried when the slip wasn't returned in due time. After a phone call to the office they confirmed that providing the report was sent RECORDED (NOT EMS) I just had to wait 30 days for receipt of same. It duly arrived albeit late on a couple of occasions. I now report to Chaeng Wattana and have done it online this month... Everything as smooth as silk! Pending application printed, Approved application printed which coincided with a message to my mobile phone to confirm Approval. Incidentally, I don't have Internet Explorer but was able to simply access the site via Firefox from my MacBook Pro. Hope this helps? ?

  5. I'd be curious if snow would be an occasion for them to wear socks and shoes/boots as opposed to pretending to be penguins with jacket, scarf, pullover and what not.....and still walk around with flip flops and no socks clap2.gif

    Come on, nearly every Thai knows it's a serious fashion crime to wear socks and sandals or flip-flops.

    Very unusual weather in Ban Dung, Udon Thani province at the moment- heavy rain and a cold biting wind. I've seen rain in January now and again.not often mind, but rarely with such cold weather.

    Here in Phitsanulok today, the temperature is hovering around 16 or 17 and there's lashings of rain... ??

  6. Hi there, Harveyboy!

    You will find plenty of 'farangs' in Phetchabun - regardless of which geographic forum. ? A good place to start would be the café called 'Toffy Home' which you could look up on their website. From about 14.00, certainly Monday to Friday, you will find a motley crew of expats putting the world to rights. They're good guys! Tell them Martin sent you - they're sure to let you buy them a can of something.hahaha Enjoy!

  7. If you have a tabien baan then your local hospital doctor (govt.) is free but you must expect to pay for medicines, blood tests, operations etc.

    It must be a blue tambien baan, not a yellow one.

    I get free treatment on a yellow book , I was given a hospital number as well.

    If you are a farang and you get free treatment on the basis of a yellow book alone, you must live in the back of beyond, cut off from all communication with the outside world and be the only farang in the history of Thailand who can do that! Getting a hospital number is no big deal, everyone gets one of those.

    Sorry, CM, but you are mistaken... Is Phitsanulok the 'back of beyond'? I don't think so... My personal experience to match that of previous respondent...

  8. I stupidly thought that a First Class overnight journey would be a perfect way of arriving in Chiang Mai after a long, European flight some ten years ago. I even paid to have the compartment to myself. The rolling stock was so old and in disrepair that I regretted the decision immediately but was resigned to it. Like others have commented, the journey took forever and was stop-start for 14 hours, mainly because of being constantly routed onto branch lines on a single track railway system. The food was inedible. Never, never, never again!!!

  9. A friend of a friend (really!!) tried to enter Thailand yesterday to visit his Thai girlfriend and was refused entry by Thai Immigration who sent him back home to the UK. It appears he has a 'criminal record' in the UK for a traffic infringement which I find a bit questionable.

    More seriously, a friend is actually arriving at the beginning of December with his Thai wife and children for a Thai marriage ceremony upcountry. He has been here many times and never had a problem before but he is not 'whiter than white' when it comes to his police record having committed a few 'minor infringements' when he was a lad, if you get my drift? He and his wife are obviously concerned.

    My question is twofold: a) Has Immigrationed been stepped up recently because of the Paris debacle, and B) would it be better for him to apply for a Tourist Visa at one of the Thai Consulates in the UK for an actual stamp in the passport?

    His 'friend' arrived yesterday in the hope of a Tourist Visa on entry and my friend was going to do the same because he is only here for 28 days.

    I'd be very grateful for some genuine help. Thank you!

  10. While I agree the school day for some children is ridiculously long especially in more rural areas where they use the school bus and are often out of the house for over 12 hours,but the other half of me is wondering what they shall do with the extra time,I suppose it will be iPads,telephones and Internet shops as always.

    We will soon know when the already slow internet gets bogged down that little bit earlier with the advent of schools finishing earlier.

    They're actually not leaving school early, rather core subject curriculum (Math, Science, Thai, English, Social Studies etc) will finish by this time, and then the afternoon 2-3 hours will be spent with Art, P.E., Music, etc. My school is also offering supplementary Computer, Thai and English classes (with no extra fees - it is calculated into our weekly hours).

    This is the plan, anyway, at my school being one of the 4,100 that will pilot this program. It is a primary school in a very rural location. We are not cutting down on the core subject teaching hours, but rather the government is cutting out all the "extra curricular" activities and making them elective in the afternoons.

    Either this will be the greatest thing since sliced bread, or will be an absolute abysmal failure. I have a feeling that some of the teachers have no desire to teach above their standard 12-14 hours a week, and these classes increase that by 3-4 hours. I have gone from 19 hours to 23, but that's ok, because I'm the foreign teacher and get paid so much, so mai bpen rai....anyway, these old school teachers will not want to do any extra activities and will probably instead send the kids out t oplay.

    I hope not, but speaking with teachers at other schools, this is the general fear. The kids will just have open reign of school grounds every day from 13.30 to 16.00....

    ...open rein... :-) the phrase is actually associated with horse riding ...

  11. If there are two words the Nation has absolutely flogged to death it is 'hails' and their other favorite 'lauds' .

    I know the economy is in the doldrums but surely their budget must be enough to cover the expense of an up to date dictionary and even better a thesaurus.

    If not , perhaps we could all chip in a baht each and send them one for Christmas.

    I agree whole-heartedly! The language used in BOTH Thai English-speaking newspapers and within tv news items is often archaic to say the least. Try, for example, to count the number of times the verb "to slate" is used instead of "to schedule". Little do they know that "to slate" has both a positive and negative meaning which are interchangeable in some of the news texts as both meanings apply! 555 I did, at first, take the opportunity of writing to the Editor of the Bangkok Post about it but it fell on deaf ears. The journalists are obviously using Victorian text books when studying for their qualifications.

  12. I am about to apply for my first marriage extension to my Non-Imm 'O' and can find no reference to the number of 'sets' of copies required for submission to Immigration. I have also seen reference to the need for my wife to submit the original of her Tabien Baan. This is in Phetchabun but we now live in Bang Khae. Is this relevant and could we submit copies? Her Mum is loathe to send the original via the postal service.

    I have also received conflicting advice with regard to the need for 'letters from banks' regarding income but I have an Embassy letter giving adequate pension entitlement. I'm confused.

    Any help and advice would be gratefully received. Thank you.

  13. My point was kind of that, the bars do not give even close the protection people think they do but they still put them everywhere. With correct bolt cutters anyone can enter any place, quietly, within seconds.

    I haven't seen any fires but neither have i heard of any burglaries... but logic dictates that there are plenty of both in Thailand.

    Of course you are correct.clap2.gif

    So... please enlighten me what this clips has to do with my post.

    The average Thai bugler does not carry bolt cutters on his motorcycle. Burglary is a crime of opportunity. You don't have to make your house safe as a bank you only have to make it safer than the house next door. Your theory is all wet.

    Buglers don't want to be noticed. Cutting through bars and barking dogs and sirens and flashing light all get a robber noticed.

    Lets say you live next to me. I have TV cameras, signs, alarm system, bars and dogs. You have nothing. Do you think your house is safe because the robber thinks you are poor?

    Put up bars and every other method you can think of to stop or make crime difficult and you will be safer than the man who does nothing.

    I'll huff and puff and blow your house down! Not my house.laugh.png

    Having heard 'Reveille' a number of times, I would have thought that 'buglers' (sic) wanted to be heard? ?

  14. I have just been to the Thai Consulate in Glasgow, Scotland today and been informed about a NEW requirement of copy of wife's passport and/or ID card to obtain Non Imm 'O' based on marriage. All the documentation needs to be seen at application and sent to London Embassy for approval. Fortunately, I had a copy of the mem'sahib's ID card on my laptop and London have approved my new Non Imm 'O' already!

    Like many others on TV in a fix, UbonJoe was my main source of sage advice, to whom I'm so grateful. :-)

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