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Posts posted by cornishcarlos

  1. We are told on another topic that there are somewhere between 9,000 and 26,000 , depending on who you believe, deaths on Thai roads each year

    Using the lower number that comes out at close to 25 per day.

    What percentage of those deaths would be in buses?

    I would suggest a very low percentage.

    If someone wanted to break it down I would expect motorcy to be at the top of the list with private cars and utes next.

    Meaning that you would be far more likely to die in a private car than in a bus.

    I travel in buses all the time, 4 different ones today, and I look around carefully and never see the emotive things that some poster come up with.

    Such as, bald and shredded tyres, missing wheel nuts, buses on a lean, drivers with no licenses (how they work that one out I don't know).

    In the almost 8 years I have been traveling on Thai buses I have only ever seen 2 instances of what I would call bad driving.

    In contrast I see some real loony behavior from private motorists and when you are sitting up high in a bus you see these things so much better than when you are in a car.

    Of course all the posters who 'would never ride in a bus' are such wonderful drivers that they have never and will never do anything wrong.

    Well buses are for those people who ride buses. I hate public transport, it's just not my thing - I always drive - if I am visiting somewhere I rent a car and self-drive (except in Myanmar or other countries where self-drive is not yet offered, in which case I rent a car with driver). After clocking up perhaps half a million km in Thailand alone, having driven to Malaysia, driven a left hand drive Lao car to Thailand many times and over to Vietnam, driven in China, Cambodia etc. (and I'm talking cars here) although I even occasionally drive motorcycles, I think I know what I am doing. Being in control by driving your own car and knowing the way the locals drive you can still drive safely without ever being involved in an accident. And I do...I have never been in involved in an accident driving in SE Asia and I don't expect that to change.

    I think you are rather naive if you think that you will never have an accident, just because you consider yourself to be a good driver.

    I too have never been involved in a RTA in Asia, but unlike you I know this is more through luck than amazing driving skills.

    It only takes one of the idiots on the road to coincide his/her muppetry with your passing and......

    Hope you avoid the muppets as long as possible !!

  2. There should be some kind of accreditation process where farang can bring their spouses and have them given a colored ribbon to wear whenever leaving the house so that everyone will know their social status and maybe in conjunction with Thai Visa each users avatar could also be marked identifying the social status of their spouse. This would appear to fulfill a very important role in the lives of many Thai Visa users.

    ์Note to F99.

    Every Thai that sees a Thai lady with a foreigner does know her social status. No need for a label.

    What is her social status ??

  3. “I just ran,” he told bystanders. “They chased me and hit me and I kept running and they kept hitting me.”

    Unless they pulled a gun or knife on you, who the hell runs away a leaves their wife n kids in a dangerous situation ??

    Gutless beyond belief...

    Thats rather nasty.

    None of the family stood still, they all ran in different directions......you are quite a grub to say such a thing when you were'nt even there.

    Yup, but it would be a boring thread if everyone just Thai bashed :)

  4. “I just ran,” he told bystanders. “They chased me and hit me and I kept running and they kept hitting me.”

    Unless they pulled a gun or knife on you, who the hell runs away a leaves their wife n kids in a dangerous situation ??

    Gutless beyond belief...

    That's a little harsh. It appears they were after the husband not the wife and kids and whilst they were chasing and beating him the family were actually out of harms way. Not every is Van Damme and can single handed take on 4 assailants.

    No, the family were beaten too according to the report, maybe you missed that bit ?

    He just ran without knowing what was happening !!

    I'm not suggesting he take on all the guys but I would at least expect him to make sure his family were ok..

    The report also says 6 Thai men were involved in the assault. It doesn't say the age of the children or the parents. It doesn't give all the details of how events escalated and the assualt started either.

    Go on then, if you were out with your wife and kids and 6 men attacked you what would you advise?

    I would advise running away as fast as possible... With my family in front of me !!!

  5. “I just ran,” he told bystanders. “They chased me and hit me and I kept running and they kept hitting me.”

    Unless they pulled a gun or knife on you, who the hell runs away a leaves their wife n kids in a dangerous situation ??

    Gutless beyond belief...

    That's a little harsh. It appears they were after the husband not the wife and kids and whilst they were chasing and beating him the family were actually out of harms way. Not every is Van Damme and can single handed take on 4 assailants.

    No, the family were beaten too according to the report, maybe you missed that bit ?

    He just ran without knowing what was happening !!

    I'm not suggesting he take on all the guys but I would at least expect him to make sure his family were ok..

  6. This one from the bosses suite, on the boat I am currently working aboard.

    Not in Thailand, but as it's a boat, potential to be in Thailand one day smile.png

    Good one Cornish! By the look of it this is not a small boat. I know a guy from the UK who is travelling the world as a sail manager, meaning he leads a crew of 4-5 to take care of the boat. Still sounds very appealing as a job to me.

    Not as glamorous as it sounds... As an engineer I generally see the other side of these toilets on a regular basis, if you know what I mean :)

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  7. That is why I never pull away 1st when the lights change to green... Always hang back a few seconds and see what comes through the reds !! They never want to wait for the next set of green lights, as if they will get anywhere so much quicker by jumping a red ???

    • Like 1
  8. I know they do stop cars for driving on the right, if there is no other traffic to be overtaken.

    Although, maybe they are stopping them because they presume them to be speeding ??

    When you were stopped, were you in the process of / completing an overtake ! Or were you just cruising in the right hand lane ??

  9. I know this is Qatar Airways thread... So, I'm in Qatar working now and had no issues with them.. Some people will never be satisfied, especially when they don't read the website properly...

    However, why would anyone flying to Perth, Australia go via Doha !!!!!! It's in the wrong direction, not just a little way but a long way in the wrong direction :) Just go with JetStar....

  10. even iam tempted by this ninja i think ill stay with my current line-up. S4R - R6 - DUKE390

    HOw is the baby Duke?

    Still waiting for it. But all reviews i have been reading are positiv. ATM iam still on a KSR165 in the city.

    I'm interested to see what price it's going for..

    Just read the reviews on it, looks sweet but in U.K selling for 215k baht and cheaper than the Ninja 300 !!

    That is obviously not going to happen here but let us know as soon as you find out please ??

  11. I haven't read all the posts, too many for me..

    To settle is one thing, to integrate fully is another. I don't believe anyone, even those that claim to be fluent in Thai, can ever fully integrate without the help of a local, even then it depends on the reception from the people you are trying to integrate with. There are just too many 'thainess' nuances that you will never pick up on unless you are Thai or have them pointed out to you.

    So those that have settled on their own, have in my opinion done a great job and should be fully respected because there are plenty more that haven't a clue. However, those that have fully integrated into the Thai way of life are few and far between.

    I'm hovering between 'haven't got a clue' and 'settled'... Trying to move up a level but never expect to be integrated and to be honest, not really that bothered.

  12. Seems like you will spend more time and money, thinking about this idea, than actually doing it !!

    Unless you want to be a direct competitor for someone like Mr Walen, I don't see how you will make money with a small scale school. Unless, you are teaching yourself or your immediate family is capable of teaching.

    My wife runs English language classes from our place. We use our coffee shop premises as a classroom. She is not registered, she doesn't have a teaching license and she does not pay taxes. I do not for one second condone this approach, however, with over 60 students a month, she earns around 35-40k. If everything was done above board, she would be effectively working for free.

    As someone mentioned above, the focus of her classes is conversation, although she does work around the kids curriculum and also helps them with any upcoming exam study/problems they might have. We have kids turn up 2hrs before their classes at times, just because they love studying with her. Over the summer holidays, she was running summer school and had back to back classes all day, everyday. (she did pull in about 60k those months). My point being, the kids love to study in an environment that is not what they experience at school everyday. In 8 months, I have seen such an improvement in many of the 'slow' learners, just because they are happy to study.

    So your choices as I see them are, push figures around, debate laws, consider target markets, plan hiring options etc

    Or just open a school and start teaching some kids that want to learn.

  13. Shame you didn't do a little more research.. The boat, leaving from the pier next to the one you were at, costs 15 baht and run very regularly.

    It's a pity this experience has tainted your view of Thailand, it is not all the same.. There are some (a few) genuine people that are happy to have you visit. Just not in the mass tourist areas.

  14. Just found this thread....

    Welcome, Mr. Cornish! wai.gif . I have been expecting you.

    Do not forget to flushthumbsup.gif

    You have been expecting me in a 'toilets in Thailand' thread !!

    You saying I'm full of sh*t :)

    Another great thread though, only too happy contributing to worthwhile causes...

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