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Posts posted by cornishcarlos

  1. You expect another boring thread about the negative aspects of life in Thailand to remain civil !!!

    It's a 'disgrace' that you have even bothered to start this thread...

    Why not just post your thoughts on 1 of the other 236 threads of a similar nature ??

    Buy a duck, that will make you smile :)

    • Like 1
  2. After what feels like a lifetime I am finally heading home to be with my loved ones and to see and hold my little boy for the first time.


    see you all when I get back



    He has more hair than you :)

    Safe flight and even safer landing..... Enjoy yourself and the family time...

    If you come down south, give me a shout... Well after the 19th Aug :)

    • Like 2
  3. You are not alone in your bewilderment...

    We have done it twice now, on 2 separate plots.

    1m diameter concrete pipes !! I even suggested we go with a smaller diameter just to waste a bit less money, nope 'cannot" OBD requires 1m by 'law'...

    The only reason I can see is to stop your own property access getting washed out in a flood.

    1 of our plots has never come close to flooding, in fact I had never seen any sitting water in the ditch ?

    Another case of nothing will change, as like you say 'everybody does it'

    Good luck in your quest for info ???

  4. They are all great roads to ride, even on a scooter..

    There is a big waterfall as you come into Anong from the south on the left, plus a view point hill on the right.

    Some nice fruit plantations along the roads as well !!

    Have a nice trip and be safe

  5. Off to work in Qatar for 6 weeks...

    Keep the pics coming guys, give me something to keep my mind off the 45+ degree temps !!!

    Remember, a ducks not just for Christmas :)

    If it's a big one there should be enough for boxing day as well :thumbsup:

    Maybe you can drops a few more hints as to what you building while your over there.

    Have a safe trip mate :wai:

    Thanks Shaggy...

    Will post a few more pics from my laptop when I get bored...

    The blue dress suits ya :)

  6. 'Our advice'... Thanks for letting the OP know how we all feel !!It wasn't a failed marriage by the sound of it, it was a classic scam..2mil might not be a huge sum to you but to others, as in the OP case, it is life savings..Having said that... I really don't think the OP will have any luck getting even 1 sating back, unless the family have a sudden attack of guilt... Not likely...

    Are you claiming your advise would have been to buy the land and pay the sin-sot ??????Anyone who thinks 2Mbht is a lot of money, shouldn't be living in Thailand.

    Just speak for yourself and let others comment what they wish....

    And yes, I would pay sin sod as it is custom...

    Good luck OP

  7. There some for sale here:


    They appear to cost anything from 420-520K baht.

    What to look for in a car like that? Everything, if your friend don't know what to look for, don't buy 2nd hand but new.

    Used cars in Thailand are notoriously know to have the odometers tampered with, bent in an accident, maybe flooded during the big flood, many many pitfalls.

    I would personally rather +100-200 k baht on above price and buy a new car with typically 3 years warranty.

    Unless you buy from a Falang then there won't be the problems mentioned previously, well not if I was selling anyway!!

    Ha ha ha ha ha....

    I bought a Land Cruiser from some 'really nice' missionaries in Zambia once, that was $6500 down the toilet :)

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