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Posts posted by cornishcarlos

  1. Ok, haven't had a look at the tube yet as it just happened.

    Wanted to know if anyone can guess a reason before I investigate, or if anyone has had a similar experience.

    Bike is at home, not been used for 2 days. Tyres at 40 PSI front, 45 PSI rear. Kept inside out of the sun.

    So, just came back inside the house and walked past my bike. Heard 4 or 5 short sharp air bursts and then a continuous air leak. Tyre goes flat in front of me ! Nothing visible on the outside of the tyre to suggest a reason.

    Any ideas... Will pop the tyre off later and have a proper look.


  2. I ride mixed.. Tarmac and gravel trails through the plantations. Just did 75k today and I rate them highly.

    Quiet on the roads and not sure how a dedicated slick would give much more benefit.

    On the gravel they are still quicker than the stock knobblies but I can corner at the same speed I was before !

    Each to their own though....

  3. Anyone else a member of this group ?

    I came across it on another bike site and thought it was a great idea.

    We always see touring cyclists pass our place. It's nice to help out when needed, especially in the more out of the way areas.

    Take a look..


  4. Haha yet another 5* thread. Good laughs. On a sad note mine knows nothing and admits it. Maybe I have a defective model and need to trade her in. This common sence thing she has learned is not that much fun anymore....

    5* ? But nobody is playing MasterMIL :)

  5. Is there such a thing as a quiz show participant visa for the U.K ?

    Wondering if I can get the MIL one to compete on Mastermind.

    I reckon she would clean up as she knows everything, never even left the province either !!

    Anyone else's MIL up for a shot at the title :)

    • Like 2
  6. Hi,

    Any vets out there ? Need some advice on my goose nasal issues....

    Have tried a couple locally recommended antibiotics with no success..

    It's getting worse and would like to find an effective remedy soon.

    I have tried a couple poultry sites but nothing coming back from them !

    This is Lucy and her/his swollen nostrils :(


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