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Posts posted by cornishcarlos

  1. Nice one... If you just told me how to do that, we could all crack a cold one earlier :)

    Well, for starters Ron and me, neither use I-pads..:P

    That is my problem.. Only option at the moment..

    At least the birds are getting some exposure, albeit at different angles :)

  2. Been in bit hectic in the U.K for the last week. Getting my pasty quota in for the year..

    Flying back tomorrow, so there will be some new pics very soon.

    Apparently we have some peacock and turkey hatching right now, so you might be spared any duck pics.

    But then again, maybe not :)

    • Like 2
  3. Hi,

    That sucks....

    I have lots of poultry but only 5 chickens.

    Being away at the moment, I am having to trust my wife with their welfare.

    On the phone to her yesterday and she told me that the neighbours chickens had all died the other day.

    Same symptoms as you described. She told me it was 'white poo' disease !! That was the translation anyway.

    Apparently, very infectious and will kill off the majority in the area.

    Don't have any remedy suggestions, as I'm still not sure what the actual real name of the disease is ??

    As others have said, with any poultry/fowl at the 1st sign of any ailments, separate birds quickly.

    Let us know if you manage to save any or get any more info.

    Feel for you buddy

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  4. Most fun haircut is in the Underground station at cnr Sukhumvit and Asoke Rd.

    Take the escalator down to the first underground point, the bit where you can transverse under Asoke Rd (not all the way down to the ticket office).

    There is a small walkway/arcade to the left.

    Just near the entrance they have a series of booths which offer a haircut for 100Baht.

    The fun bit is after the haircut you get vacuumed ... w00t.gif ... lasted maybe a month ... definately an experience.

    Getting vacuum'd for a month doesn't sound fun :)

    • Like 1
  5. Durian trees by the thousands in SW Samui area, made for a nice drive though the back roads~ !


    Nice pic...

    We have lots fruit farms near us... Often ride my MTB through the back roads..

    it cooler than out on the main roads, safer too :)

  6. The prize is.... 2 peacock eggs, 4 guinea fowl eggs, 2 turkey eggs, 2 goose eggs and 6 duck eggs

    That's all I have to offer but postage included wai.gif

    Sooo, what's the prize again? An omelette? smile.png



    I suppose I'm disqualified now?

    A freakin big omelette.. Or you could put them in an incubator, I can supply on request :)

    You are still in the comp but only 2 guesses left ??

  7. You're building an underground railway..........for ducks.

    Where's my prize? smile.png


    Good you said that.

    A challenge will not be a real challenge without a prize. I fear it's too late because i think he said he will be eating crumpets in the UK tomorrow and then back to Thailand.

    Lets wait for the specific challenge rules.

    Crumpets !!!!

    It's never too late for a prize Mr DAL..

    Will upload a few more of the process later.

    This all took place over a year ago, so it is pretty much finished.

    Maybe not going to be as exciting as a duck railway, but that is always another project to think about :)

    The prize is.... 2 peacock eggs, 4 guinea fowl eggs, 2 turkey eggs, 2 goose eggs and 6 duck eggs

    That's all I have to offer but postage included wai.gif

    • Like 2
  8. Visa validity is now irrelevant. He has entered the country already.

    Now you have a 90 day permission to stay.

    This can be extended for 60 days based on marriage.

    However, whether it can then be extended again for the full year once you have the required docs is the un answered question ?

    I only know that in the Surat office, they told me that only 1 extension was possible per entry. But I wasn't asking about a year extension, just another 60 day.

    So, again, go ask your local office smile.png

    I agree with asking the particular office what they will, or will not do. Many of the smaller offices have to pass applications to a higher authority, so the law will be applied to their interpretation. Bangkok, overall seems to be easier to deal with than some of the smaller offices.

    If his wifes home address is in the BKK area.

    Otherwise, he has to have the extension done in her home province.

    Why, who knows ???

  9. Visa validity is now irrelevant. He has entered the country already.

    Now you have a 90 day permission to stay.

    This can be extended for 60 days based on marriage.

    However, whether it can then be extended again for the full year once you have the required docs is the un answered question ?

    I only know that in the Surat office, they told me that only 1 extension was possible per entry. But I wasn't asking about a year extension, just another 60 day.

    So, again, go ask your local office :)

  10. Yes, thanks for the info, I am nearly put off it all already. I mean if he thinks I am going to go over there, man handle these people throw them out and gain control of properties its just not going to happen. If I have to go down the route of lawyers and all of that taking a long time I am not doing it for free. I mean if the guy is truly the owner, has all of the papers and this can get done without fear of danger then I would do it, but if this is going to involve mafia and all the other BS that comes with it then I will just tell them I can't do it and to find someone else.

    dont be complettely put off. Just research it properly. It could be a walk in the park kicking out a bunch of piss takers , but as someone already said check the lawyers 1st and who these other people are, how are they connected and why they think they can get away with it... Most of these guys that say walk away are probabaly web designers or teachers or something like that and so would only want to work in that enviroment; if you're a bouncer..... bounce. just make sure its for the right reasons and your not bullshitted into doing something doggy for someone who is scared of the consequences themselves.

    Even 'bouncers' get bounced in Thailand...

    Look at those Ozzie boys that got bounced out of the Kangaroo Bar..

    Classic article heading though :)

  11. You almost certainly can recurve a 60 day extension, but this won't be an extension on a Non-O.

    Therefore you wouldn't be able to obtain a Marriage Visa.

    Thanks for your reply. From my knowledge there is no such thing as "Marriage Visa", married people living here have a Non-O VISA with a 1 year extension based on marriage. I already have a Non-O VISA, I'm just not sure if it can be extended twice.

    You can do a 60 day extension based on you marriage, but since you have a multi-entry, it may be just as easy to do a border run and get another 90 day entry to get everything in order.

    Read the posts, he only has a single entry !!

    As I said, Immigration offices vary with their interpretation of the rules.

    What info you receive on here might have no bearing on what you can actually do at your local office.

    So best to ask them.

    Just 1 other bit of useful info, as I found out the hard way. You can only do extensions in the province that your wife is registered in (as in house reg)

    Good luck

  12. Why don't you ask at your nearest Immigration office ?

    Because it's 2:50 AM and that I'd like to evaluate my options before going to the Immigration Office (and waiting an hour or more). As I know Thaivisa is a great and useful forum I though it would worth asking! smile.png

    Not at 2.50am its not... Even the TV 'experts' sleep.

    The Immigration mods seem to know a great deal but like you say, it's early in the morning.

  13. I think that sounds like a great plan... Bingo66 must be a bit fragile :)

    Although, unless BKK is a priority, why don't they head south and then across to Trang and south again ??

    Much nicer drive down that way.

    Agree with the CBR150/250 option as well. Riding a scooter becomes a pain in the a** after a couple hrs.

    From Surat going north, they could do coast roads for a little way, up through Chaiya etc but eventually they will find themselves on the highway, which isn't much fun and not near the coast.

    Let us know how they get on..

    Safe riding

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