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Everything posted by greeneking

  1. But they don't want to let him start doing anything for 60 days....
  2. Forensic auditor required. Must be 100% honest and bullet proof.
  3. 60 days? Many countries the right to govern has changed by the next day. Here the losers and their friends have 60 days to muddy the waters and hide what they would like unknown.
  4. Yes. No-one has asked yet about the cost.
  5. If I did not make it clear enough Prayuth took power illegally and then failed to properly vow to keep to the Constitution hix people drew up. The one that was altered after it was voted for in a very dodgy referendum. There are grounds to call what rules have been passed to be invalid.
  6. If I remember correctly Prayuth deliberately failed to complete his promise to uphold the Constitution. If so the Constitution Court should be able to wipe out a lot of these problems. If they wanted to. Thai PM breached constitution by failing to vow to uphold it: ombudsman Aug 27, 2562 Reuters
  7. I would say do talk about it now. The doors have been forced open and the public wait for real change. They want the issues that have held the country back to be addressed while excitement and hope are fresh. It is not the wishes of a few activists. The suits and appeasers, the compromisers and business interests will crowd in soon enough. Strike now!
  8. The country has voted in favour of major change. I hope the need to get a majority does not lead to such compromises that it was all a waste of time. If not now, when?
  9. 'Prayut says he respects election results' So we wait for him to request his appointed friends in the Senate to no longer oppose the formation of the new government Wouldn't that be nice. A Statesmanlike way to pass on his powers and and show respect for the country and its people.
  10. He's going......it took a long time, but finally he is returning happiness to the people!
  11. A special military operation. Not a coup! That word is no longer in the dictionary.
  12. They wanted him to 'run away' when they gave him permission to leave the country for a sport event. His sister made an escape worthy of the Scarlet Pimpernel when she escpaped to Cambodia from a heavily guarded house when she was supposedly facing serious crimes in the Courts. If the current lot are arrested after the election they will find they can sidestep justice too.
  13. I think they would not need to. Simply insist the existing law is enforced properly.
  14. If you were paid 100 baht for everytime you said 'criminal fugitive' you could buy a very expensive thesaurus? The only place I hear about plans for revenge are in your postings.
  15. I do hope so. It should be remembered that the last time the protestors were facing the police. If they ever caused real problems then the army who stayed in the background might have had to step in. There are some in the army who would not want to do their 'duty.' But most would. There are also more secret forces who can be used. Difficult to say more. It is to be hoped the democratic forces win the election, the result is quickly accepted and Thailand can be governed for the people.
  16. They allowed him to leave the country for a sporting event. They expected he would not come back.
  17. What happened to Asean free trade agreements?
  18. The Royal Gazette may be reluctant to accept and publish an unwelcome result. There are also 2 significant funerals that could be used to delay matters.
  19. Would any party take the risk and say, "Vote for us, we will not offer anything for your vote because it is wrong. And we will govern honestly with no need to get back the money we bribed you with."
  20. Yes. The 1997 Constitution. And apologies from Pheu Thai for the mistakes made and how it was abused. And that Thaksin acknowledges he should take a back seat as the country tries to repair the damage done since.
  21. Remind us. Is there any evidence of him showing some modesty and ability to compromise? Best hope is when he places his orders there will be no one willing to accept them. Will a negative election result be tolerated?
  22. The usual quandary.......must you obey bad laws? And rigged constitutions?
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