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  1. My wife has been jonesing for a really good blueberry cheesecake?
  2. Well, it's not a fair crime either and it is pre-meditated, the targets are specifically chosen and after things like this, many people will feel unsafe just walking the streets. That's not fair either. I think in many cases like this, if the perps plead guilty they get a reduced sentence. I also do not know what a fair sentence might be, but it was a very deliberate act with a potential of doing bodily harm...
  3. the competition getting to you?
  4. incorrect - there seems to be a worldwide movement of people not liking immigrants or foreigners who come and behave badly. Even Thai outside of the tourist areas talk with disgust at some of the bad habits of low class visitors and even High class visitors who behave arrogantly. When people whip out their member and pee on things you cherish, it rightfully so can make people angry. Thai are mostly tolerant and easy going but don't think they don't notice disrespectful and often unhygienic and disgusting behaviors... there are way too many incidents to mention - -
  5. hmmmm - Yo - .00009 - it seems you can think of many things to denigrate Americans about...
  6. You found plenty to denigrate the Thai for - why passover a positive trait that they are proud... most people are proud of their ancestors and culture - every culture has good and bad things - they, if nothing else created a unique world that you have chosen to spend time in - - Since time is your most valuable commodity and you have chosen to spend it here, maybe there is something here you like?
  7. They sell keto strips that you can pee on - - Big problem I had with keto was constipation... big problem for most.
  8. Are you confusing the word "new" with "News" ?
  9. I will say this - I would not want to be in the business of paying medical bills for someone else, especially older people who are sure going to need your services at some point... I'd be trying to close down the local ice cream shop by any means possible..
  10. I have no faith in insurance companies to pay out at all. Many years ago I watched some sort of expose and one of the former workers said that her job was to deny any, and every first time claims - and to persist in this way... I know for myself, if I am not well, the last hting I will want to do is fight about anything, including and especially money. I am sure that other companies are more honorable... I guess check references as thoroughly as you can.
  11. Jerry loved the soup nazi - a friend of mine knew him when he was just starting out - my friend told him 'don't quit your day job.' Jerry did well for himself in spite of not being funny. Elaine, Kramer, Costanza, even Newman were all much funnier.
  12. should that be "as stupid" ? or something like that? Maybe it is not that important to keep 'stupid' grammatically correct...
  13. pastures of plenty?
  14. assuming you like their spit in your food.

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