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Posts posted by watcharacters

  1. 1 minute ago, Sheryl said:

    I think there are 2 different issues getting confused here.


    The first is whether the word per se is derogatory. For example, if describing what a person  looks like ("tall farang wearing a red tee shirt") , is the word derogatory? The answer is no, not in itself. It is neutral,  no more derogatory than say "Asian" or "African". Of course like any neutral term  it can be given a negative  spin through use of  a derogatory tone of voice.


    The other issue is whether it is offensive to label people based on race/nationality, or reference their race/nationality in contexts where it is unnecessary or (at least to us) irrelevant.  To most of us it is. But in Thai culture it is usually not, though taken to an extreme (for example always referring to someone whose name is known as "farang" rather than by name) most Thais would agree that it becomes offensive. Not because of the word itself but because of the way it is used. Just as it would be offensive to always refer to an Asian coworker or neighbor, whose name you know, as "the Asian".  Nothing wrong with the word "Asian" but failing to call someone by name and unnecessarily referencing their race is offensive.




    If anyone want to bother to look, I have not suggested the use of the word farang is offensive.


    I have said I find it particular how often Thais in general feel the need to express the word in general conversation.


    Hence why I said Thailand has few "foreigners" compared to the USA.    Very few..    Thais however  frequently feel the need to use the word  "farang".


    Funny that.


  2. 40 minutes ago, AlfonsV said:

    In contrast, Thais make a difference among Asians, not calling them just Asians. They call them Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese, Burmese, Cambodians, Malaysians, Indonesians, Filipinos. They can better distinguish them as we do because they are neighbours or farer "neighbours". I think that's normal.


    That makes me feel better..




  3. 5 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



    Strange how I don’t feel suppressed, or that my human rights are infringed.


    Frankly, with all the political sh1t going on in other countries, I quite enjoy living in a country where there are no political parties.

    Jip 99 please let the members of TVF know what is your home  country.


    I hope you are proud of it and don't feel offended.


    It just   allows for more understanding..



  4. 7 minutes ago, BigBadGeordie said:

    I take it you have never read any of the posts by Tommy Robinson?

    I am sure you don't follow him on Twitter, as he is banned for life for racist abuse.


    "Twitter declined to discuss what, specifically, had precipitated the ban and Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, said he had been told it was for posting “Islam promotes killing people.”"


    Tommy Robinson was either the founder/leader/senior figure or in his youth a member of extemist right wing fascist parties including the British National Party (BNP), English Defence League (EDL), British Freedom Party (BFP) and the National Front (NF).


    You say he "just shares the views of the average Joe on the streets."

    I am not sure what streets you frequent or who you classify as an average Joe?


    As they say you can judge a man by the company he keeps. Given the views expressed in the OP, It is not difficult to define what type of person you are.


    The inane drivel in the OP deserves to be trolled vociterously.


    Given your alledged commitment to free speech, I am sure this post will not be deleted.



    Ae you replying to Webfact  thinking there will be a reply?



    • Haha 1
  5. 1 minute ago, mihalis said:

    Are no it’s not ! Really need to spend your time of positive stuff ! 


    Please spend  your time doing something  other than reading and replying on TV.   


    Village life is boring enough.


    It will make you feel better about yourself.    :smile:


    Try it for a while..


    • Sad 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Of course it defines Thai, it defines every word.

    What is missing?

    What is good?

    No, I was looking at the definition. The ad. Frank, means additionally it is used to mean Frank.


    Yes it defines  according to the definition it has.      I respect that.     


    Do all the other members of THV accept Oxford dictionary as the Holy Grail?


    I have not head this before but regardless I doubt the definition you give expresses the understanding   of most Thais in terms of their usage of the word.







  7. 7 minutes ago, starky said:

    Yes but a lot of times when Thais say farang the "stupid" is silent





    That being the case  "forgive them" as they just don't get it.


    Again, foreigner, or Farang  (falang)  was not used during my 50   plus years outside thailand. 


    Thais love and I do mean LOVE  using the word.


    And TVF members can keep defending how Thai's  use the word.


    Keep smiling guys..   No Po Pem.


    • Haha 2
  8. 47 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Here is what the Oxford English Dictionary says.

     (faˈraɳ)[Thai fa 4-rang 4 white race of people, ad. Frank n. 1; cf. Feringhee.]


    Excuse me but does the Oxford dictionary define Thai?


    Something is missing here..


    That's pretty good.



    Ah..   Wait..    Are you looking at entomology?




  9. 1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

    Your premise and examples are completely wrong.  Firstly, farang does not mean foreigner, it means Caucasian person.  As for the USA, we are obsessed about race.  There is constant reference to one's race or ethnicity, whether African-American, or Hispanic, or Asian, or Muslim...it's constant.  So you are wrong on all counts.   


    And you are totally wrong IMHO, Sir.


    The examples  I gave are 100% valid for my life experience.    Your's may differ and I respect that but please speak in this instance  for yourself  don't  accuse me of being wrong as I stated about you.  :smile:


    Lastly  since this topic has arisen more than once, please offer a genuine and  100% valid, final  link to prove your   Caucasian  definition  claim.    You may be on to something new..



  10. 8 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Both your examples qualify as "lying to avoid criminal prosecution"

    Edit: Come to think of it I should have qualified it as lying to avoid criminal prosecution for oneself or others.



    I'm not a lawyer but I'm pretty sure if a person lies to an agent of the USA  to protect another person, it would  STILL be a very serious crime.  


    You agree or disagree?


    Edit:   FBI,   Treasury,  ATF,  or any other.    You get the idea.    It is a serious offense.


    The simple fact is the POTUS is not allowed to lie to Federal agents.     I hope he avoids trying to do so.

  11. 4 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Lying by itself is not against the law. Lying to avoid criminal prosecution is. It seems unlikely that Trump fully understands the difference.


    Well,  lying to any federal agent while being interrogated is in fact a felony in the USA  punishable  with some substantial penalties.    Even lying to a local cop is a felony.  ( and of course they are permitted to lie to you)


    Come back?


    Edit:     I forgot to mention regarding lying the word "while under oath" , but I think it goes beyond that.

  12. On 5/1/2018 at 12:32 AM, IFinish said:

    I have an acct at bkk bank and have the normal 800k baht on deposit. It has been in in the acct since last December.

    Last month i was in my branch (Jomtien) for other reqsons, an requested an FET document for the transaction when i funded the account so i would have documentation of source should i want to withdrawl it. She said no problem transferring out less than $US 50k. Dont need source documentation. I pressed her hard to get it anyway for my peace of mind but she would not budge from her stmt that it was not necessary.

    i told her that bkk bank needs to correct their withdrawl instructions on their website to show the below $US 50k exception.


    Thank you for that reply, IFinish.


    I can just imagine the  exchange you talk about.     The lady would not budge but then if and when you want to transfer out funds the next person you deal with  says, "What was the name of the person who told you that?    Well she no longer works here."


    There is something in place in the bowels of the  government regarding funds  send from Thailand.   I just don't want to get caught off guard.

    • Like 1
  13. On 4/30/2018 at 2:56 PM, hobz said:

    Alternative way is to buy some cryptocurrency from bx.in.th or localbitcoins.com (the latter has higher fees) 


    and then you would sell the cryptocurrency in the destination country using coinbase.com (US) or localbitcoins (any country) ..  might be faster and cheaper than bank wire transfers.. but maybe nervewrecking and subject to fluctuations in price of cryptocurrency


    My  wire transfers are sent complementary from the institution.    Can't get much less expensive than free.  I now know I need to ask for a FET.


    Thank you all.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Eligius said:

    His hand gesture is probably intended to mean something nice, like 'love' or suchlike - but I felt it looked more like the gesture of a man holding a gun to the nation's head than anything else!


    And the photo second from the bottom in the OP looks like the fellow is either pulling something by a chain around his neck or else is putting the chain around his neck in the act of strangling himself.   Strange photo indeed.

    • Haha 2
  15. 2 hours ago, starky said:

    Yeah except Aussies love a whinge and just happen to have the luxury of the highest minimum wage payment in the world at near 18 dollars and hour imagine how they would be carrying on if the were taking home 12 dollars a day. Poor Thais are getting screwed an they receive nothing even resembling a "living" wage.


    It's all relative to the cost of living now init.


    This shows the highest minimum  wages paid in the top 5 cities in USA.   And believe me I doubt it offers any luxury for those stuck in that dead end race.





    • Like 1
  16. 14 hours ago, Eligius said:

    I would love to see those Westerners or well-off Thais who have had the good fortune and luxury of a fine education and are in a position to earn a decent salary try to survive on the pathetic pittance of a 'salary' many Thais earn  - which would not even pay for one of the wealthy's weekly restaurant meals.


    If I had been born into a poor peasant family in the Thai countryside, with a dreadful school to attend (no air conditioning, sometimes no electricity, no academically reliable books) headed up by teachers who know almost nothing about the subjects they teach, with English teachers who can barely speak English, with little cultural motivation to improve my knowledge base and with no suitable place to study and improve myself even if I did wish to do so  - I very much doubt that I would be in the overall (relatively) happy situation I enjoy today. And we should always remember that there is HUGE wealth in this country - but concentrated into a tiny few hands (including the hands of some of the richest people on the planet - but I won't name any names ...).


    It makes me sick to hear comfortable people saying that Thais who are living on a few hundred baht per day should be content with their lot and not ask for more.


    Charles Dickens (of Oliver Twist fame) must be turning in his grave!



    You summed it up well.



    • Thanks 1
  17. 57 minutes ago, Eligius said:

    'I love everyone,' lied Prayut, as he made the shape of a gun with his fingers, indicating how really he would like to shoot everyone.


    Hand me the sick bag. I am not sure how much longer I can look at that smug face or that mean mouth of his, from which nothing but lies and insults to our intelligence belch forth.





    I was wondering what that hand gesture meant?


    I'd have never guessed it was supposed to mean a gun.


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