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Posts posted by watcharacters

  1. 2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Even if it takes to beating them with a piece of bamboo, across the back, legs, arms as my Mrs did to the twins, when they were 12.


    Being caught as pillion passengers on their cousins motorbike (twice), one would have thought the first canning would have been enough, obviously the 2nd one did it, that and been grounded since then, they are now 14.


    Lots of opinions bagging her from the Thai community in the beginning (village mentality), now, its oh, how can I do the same for my kids.....lol


    Better my kids alive than dead my Mrs says, can't disagree with her, that and they have been told that dad will take to them next !


    Amazing what a good old caning does to them, I remember those days :post-4641-1156694572: 


    That's scary.

  2. 1 minute ago, FritsSikkink said:

    That is why he needs a lawyer, to get his hands on the company paperwork required. 

    Why are people going into business, who clearly haven't got a clue on how to do business in the first place.


    Ok, so if he pursues it he will need an honest and competent lawyer.     Do you have any recommendations?


    And what paperwork?    Sounds like the place was run haphazardly with intention.

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  3. 20 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    "Con man Or is he just outsmarted me?" My friend .........


    If the bar is sold and he took 100% of the proceeds out of the company while not 100% owner, you have a case of fraud.



    "you have a case of fraud."


    And now he just needs to be able to prove it!

  4. 24 minutes ago, connda said:

    Put a length of bamboo in the hold and that is what is called 'maintenance.' 



    Good one connda,


    I recall where one was completely gone in a condo complex whee I lived  and the property manager chose to simply put a chair on one end of the opening.   I guess she thought at night it would self illuminate.   It was about 2 X 3 feet in dimension.    Not small..


    It eventually got replaced and I was the one to thank the manager and bring her the bad  news that the grill was too large for the opening.      I'll never forget the look on her face which shouted "I'll never get them to do the work again on a guaranteed basis."        Kind of how I may have felt as a farang.     :smile:

  5. On 5/3/2018 at 9:34 PM, Lacessit said:

    The OP is trying to elicit information. You are making unwarranted assumptions about his finances.

    So you've never asked the cost of anything here before buying? That doesn't sound like an Asia Hand to me.

    Do let us know when you have something useful to contribute to the thread.



    That seems to be elusive for this  one month long  possibly  newly reincarnated member  of TVF.    


    He doesn't seem to care about agreement of  others or making friends.    :smile:


    Water balloon maybe?




  6. 3 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    Nonsense. Have you seen the devices that  catch fire because of the batteries? It doesn't take much today.


    LOL. The USA has every legal and moral right to set the safety requirements of aircraft seeking to enter its airspace. I have to give my fingerprints when entering Japan and bags of  racially profiled visitors are targeted. Can you have a word with the Japanese please.



    Maybe Kasset Tak  would be better served by directing his displeasure at the groups and organizations that caused all the security concerns in the first place.


  7. 11 hours ago, Hummin said:

    The whole story stinks if you ask me! 


    There is other needy people in this country, and this is not one! Im ashamed on his behalf. Still do not believe for a second he is bitten by a shark. My best guess, is, he knew his insurance was out, hurt himselves on the rocks, and the rest is history. I continue to repeat only 19 stitces 3 shark bites as he testifyed.. Not possible by a 10 kg shark even, the damages would have been alot more. 



    A lad from Norway doesn't have funds to cover his hospital costs?



  8. On 4/30/2018 at 6:54 PM, lonewolf99 said:

    It cannot just be Brits coming here to die - nearly every week a Chinese person drowns and the Ozzies manage to mangle themselves on a regular basis.

    What they should report is that other than war zones LoS is the deadliest place for any visitor.....though most of the time self inflicted...
    especially on balconies according to the Police and the (ex) Girlfriend.




    "It cannot just be Brits coming here to die"


    Did you read that in the OP?    


    I completely missed that claim.



  9. On 11/2/2017 at 1:31 PM, TaaSaparot said:

    Seemingly the Base Condo does not own the land their access road is on.


    Buying the old Diana Inn, means more condos and will also solve the access problem.


    Lets hope we get a pavement on both sides LOL


    Sorry but that would be futile.


    The rest of the street has zero pedestrian accessibility.


  10. On 11/1/2017 at 9:01 PM, NanLaew said:

    And in news just in... 1,838,742 cockroaches soon to be rendered homeless.

    Not to worry.


    They discovered a corner restaurant just across the street.


    Now all they need to do is figure out a safe crossing.



  11. 9 hours ago, smedly said:

    They cannot stop him leaving the hospital - it is not a prison


    Unless there are other complications, If it had been me I would have left once it was stitched up and set in plaster. The only other thing I can think of is he is being treated with intravenous antibiotics but even that should be limited to a few days  - how long has he been there now - over two weeks  


    Also people can fly with a plaster cast - no problem, he could have been in hospital a few days and flew home to continue his treatment in his home country 



    Leaving the hospital is the same as leaving a hotel without paying the bill..



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  12. 2 hours ago, natway09 said:

    One of the messages that our Beloved Late King tried to teach his people was in quite a few of his speeches

    "self preservation" Obviously the Thai people have forgotten or not listened.

    This lady was very lucky that her neck is still attached to her head


    I hope you are either a naturalized citizen or born in Thailand  to make such a post?



  13. 33 minutes ago, midas said:

    I speculate many times that they are not reading road conditions ahead and this kind of proves it:giggle:

    I mean slowing down at a railway crossing should be second nature:blink:

    Yesterday a tourist bus passed me as I was slowing down because I could see a line of Chinese tourists ahead following the flag just starting to walk over a pedestrian crossing but the bus driver  didn't slow down one iota until he was virtually on top of them and then braked aggressively. What are they doing?
    They really should have their mind on the job much more.



    "They really should have their mind on the job much more. "


    What mind?       555


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