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Posts posted by watcharacters

  1. No tool like an old tool. Seriously.

    I wonder how many of the guys with young wives can say that they are not supporting them financially and giving them a much better lifestyle. Some might even pay salaries to their wives.

    Anyway as long as they make sure that the money does not dry up and that their "wife" does not find a way to get the money faster an other way like so many farangs found out some even got killed for it then all is ok. I havent seen many young guys get killed by their wives if you read the tales its usually older guys with relations based on money.

    I don't see the difference then why not rent one if your paying anyway its safer and more change.

    <deleted>, how many times will this be posted?

    We know that there are those with money who waste it. We know that there are husbands who support their wives financially - and I see no reason why they should't. We know that many young people can't be ripped off because there's nothing to be ripped.


    I suspect many TV members are financially challenged and less than happy.


  2. You are entitled to define your maturity as you see fit.

    My wife has had her own house for years. I wanted a bigger a newer one and that's the one we live in. Why not be comfortable with plenty of space around you if you can afford it? She has her own vehicle but I wanted to be able to use a rather nice brand new suv I fancied. She prefers the pick up for business. Read my previous post.

    My wife is younger but hardly young.

    Funny how kids think that they know more than do grown ups. Chappy, I've been around the circuit more times than you have. I'm in the best relationship that I've ever had and am enjoying myself. I hope that, one day, you too reach that happy state.

    Soften your soul.

    Well all power to you if you're in the best relationship of your life. I'm sure you said the same thing in all your previous marriages or liaisons.

    All I'm saying is that plenty of men, myself included, have had successful relationships with women where they haven't needed to grease the wheels of bliss with liberal quantities of cash. If that's what you have to do to keep your wife, fine . . . as long as the dosh is there.

    You and I both know that advanced years don't provide any guarantee whatsoever of success in relationships or superior knowledge of the ways of women so I'm at a loss as to why you keep berating younger men.

    You were younger once; didn't you have successful relationships back then or do you genuinely feel that one has to have a foot in the grave to be able to make one work?

    I'm 'berating' younger men because I'm hacked off with them coming here and telling others how to live their lives when they haven't got a clue what life beyond the nappy stage is about. They also think that they have the right to insult those other people and their wives. If they don't like it back, they should keep quiet.

    And no, my relationship doesn't depend on the 'dosh'. I enjoy, with her, what I have over here. She spends her own money on me too. Up to me and not the business of any bitter, clueless, pot-less young prick who's just realised he hasn't done anything about his pension fund.

    So, what turned your business owning financially independant woman onto an old man ?

    The gut, the grey hair, the sexual prowess, lol........you're kidding yourself, even Mick Jagger knows the young chicks are with him for the money, the fame etc, what's your story ?


    Doer Jagger complain like TV members about what others think and say?

  3. It's no surprise that older men living in this country will extol the virtues of dishing out readies in order to secure the attention and affection of a younger woman but be aware of the fact that there are millions of older men who haven't rocked up here looking for young, cheap tail who would essentially call you losers.

    It's not just younger guys.

    And you aren't an old loser because?

    (45, no relationship, no family, no children according to your previous posts)

    Oh, I openly admit to being an old loser as I'm the same but 10 years older.

    (I really hope you aren't going to argue that 45 isn't old?)

    I'm not getting at you HS, I just really want to understand how you can judge yourself a winner and the rest of us losers?

    As far as I can you really aren't different to those you rant against.


    Absolutely not.

    I've made lifestyle choices that I am very happy with as far as wives and kids are concerned, thanks.

    I am completely different to those I refer to here. Sure, I'm 45 but I take good care of myself and look considerably younger than I am.

    I'm not in the position where I'd even think about financially compensating a younger woman to consort with me. The very thought of that makes me cringe. Not, you understand because I give a monkey's what others think but because I'd care what I think.

    You may have seen the couple of images of my "main squeeze" I've posted in the past. She's a highly attractive 37 year old, I don't pay her a stipend, I haven't bought her a house or a car but we still enjoy each other's company immensely. When - not if - the relationship crashes, I've got more than enough game to replace her but it'll be a cold day in hell when I hook up with any woman under 30.


    Because I don't see what I'd have in common with a woman that young unlike the fools in this thread deluding themselves. Sure, there's nothing wrong with delusions but for crying out loud, don't dress it up as something it ain't.


    Of course you know reality is different...

    "I'm not in the position where I'd even think about financially compensating a younger woman to consort with me. The very thought of that makes me cringe. Not, you understand because I give a monkey's what others think but because I'd care what I think."

    Everyone pays in one form or another.

  4. If you don't have any immediate luck with your local Mitsu dealer (and likely you won't because if they don't know what it is, it doesn't exist), your best chance will be to contact an Australian dealer's parts dept and get a part number.

    Then take that part number to your Mitsu dealer and just say "Order This Please".. Note: Ignore the price the Australian dealer provides - the Thai price will be a mere fraction of that wink.png

    I did this exact procedure for a number of 'no have' accessories on the wife's old PJS wink.png


    any chance of a volume discount? 555

    • Like 1
  5. i didnt atack you i just asked why you was here, now you have said,

    but you did say, 25% chance she could harm him, and 40% chance she could go of sex,

    now if im reading this wrong, im man enough to say sorry,


    40% of women sometime between 50 and 65 stop having sex forever.

    The numbers (20%) for sexless marriages below age 50 are fairly scary.


    All women

    Studies in Britain, Europe and America, involving thousands of women of all ages, indicate that anything between

    30 and 50  per cent of women have been hit by prolonged periods of little or no sex drive.

    Older women

    And then there's the menopause. In an ongoing international study of 8,000 post-menopausal women, two out of

    five ( that's 40%) British women said 'the change' had wrecked their sex lives because tissue dries up and sex becomes uncomfortable.

    25% of all marriages end in acrimonious divorce.

    If you can find stats that differ from mine, I will be happy to use them.


    I believe you backed up your post well. Leave the others to conjecture and etc.

  6. Yep, I'm sure Mick Jagger, Ronnie Wood, Rod Stewart will look at a bunch of old losers on ThaiVisa, drop their girlfriends immediately, and go after the grandmothers instead.

    I know a guy who is in his late 70’s, he has a very young wife, she's still in her teens, he treats her like a princess and she seems happy enough, of course, there is more to it than that, but the old bitter and twisted men of ThaiVisa would never understand, they are just jealous, same as I am.

    Lets see, he's happy, you're not, not much more to say.

    I think it's the young bitter and twisted who never understand. Who wants a lesson in morals from today's kids?

    How old are you, 234 ?


    I fully understand the others posts, Banzai99, but I honestly don't understand your's.

    Where did 234 come from?

    • Like 1
  7. Bought a couple of bits in Tesco today, put my stuff on the counter, a lady behind put all her stuff amongst my stuff on the counter, it confused the teller, and me. I had to chuck her stuff out the way. rolleyes.gif

    Yeh it is a confusing conundrum. sad.png


    Cheep Charlie you!

    I'd have happily paid for all her things and asked if she wanted to add even more things to her purchase. I would have smiled as widely as I could. Then I'd have said to her "pass it on". 555

  8. Saving Face ... Thailand's Biggest Asset.

    All comes down to a matter of perspective.

    Not that I particularity agree with either proposition but I do think you have a naïve concept of the principle outlined in your OP.



    David if you have the time and inclination please explain how you feel the OP has a naive concept of his "face" principle. I'd like to hear your viewpoint.

    I certainly agree with some of his direct statements in his post such as horn honking. There's little doubt about that. Anyone who's visited the Philippines will instantly find what a stark contrast there as is to usage of the horn. Filipino drivers can't keep their hands off the horn.

    They also have a universally followed concept of hiya which allows a person to dodge any bullet with a lie or anything else.

  9. just go along to immigration with proof of residence,house book,letter off landlord,plus id of the owner,wife or landlord,passport and not forgetting the fee which can be anything they ask for[korat 500bht] but dont get one from the embassy.


    If he has a house book would he then not have a landlord? I thought a house book would indicate he (wife) owns the house?

    I'd recommend trying to get a Certificate of Residence with a 90 day validity. My local car registration office said they don't even get started processing the registration until 45 days at which time my 30 day certification letter became invalid. She said I should have gotten a 90 validity. Back to immigration and the officer said she would not provide a certification letter longer than 30 days. Another ฿500. to the immigration lady for a new letter is what it took to keep the gears greased.

    I'd have liked to take care of all the details right out of the chute, but at least it provided a days activity for the Missus as she scurried around taking care of these important details.

    I'd get the 90 DAYS IF YOU CAN.

    Edit: I just realized maybe you meant a copy of the landlord's house book. We have such a pile of papers (copies) covering everything from my arrival card to passport stamp to house contract and etc that I lose track. The Missus handles those details.

    "house book,letter off landlord,plus id of the owner,wife or landlord,passport."

  10. There have been public uprisings in the US against these safety laws, demanding the right to drive a car without seat belts, ride a moto without a helmet.

    And I completely agree, nanny state nonsense, we completely overvalue human life in the west.

    Some have lost their lives in such protests, due to accidents where they would have survived if they'd been obeying the laws they were protesting. Darwin's law at work, the way it should be. . .


    I used to feel the same way as I don't seek laws protecting myself from myself.

    My feelings changed after reading an article by a neurological surgeon talking about the brain injuries she'd dealt with at taxpayers expense. That's right, if someone want to injure his or her self, I say go for it but not on my dime.

  11. Police said they believed the explosion was caused by a home-made explosive device weighing at least five kilograms. The bomb was hidden in a bin that served as an ashtray.

    Must have some heavy smokers down that way if they need ashtrays that can hold 5 kg w00t.gif


    That's exactly what I thought.

    " The bomb was hidden in a bin that served as an ashtray."

  12. ^^ The Truemove h promotion seems to be 50% off their two smaller 'starter' volume-based internet packages 150MB and 1GB for the first 3 months. Still better than nothing and it is great to test out their internet without having to outlay too much cash. I wonder if there are other 50% promotions floating around there? Maybe someone is bold enough to test out ''matching" SMS/USSD signup codes to see if the discount would apply to one of the larger packages?


    On the attaches picture you can see the available packages (only in Thai of course), and in the red square I marked you can see the content to sms to true to get the wanted package.


    They seem to have a new plan that mirrors the volume-based plan. No english, but I'm guessing these plans do not auto-renew? I don't see the difference between V1 and M1 (they both use volume) except you don't seem to get any after-usage fair use. Perhaps with the M series it is easier to just re-topup the volume vs V series is more designed for a strict monthly subscription? M series is "30 days" package vs V series is monthly auto-renew.



    I clicked on the tos and of course the english translation was again unavailable. Google translate seems accurate enough. A couple of key distinctions:

    - It seems like they do make a specific reference to intentional throttling BitTorrent or downloading/uploading large files. I have seen on myCat where I was suddenly throttled for downloading (using http, not bittorrent) a larger file using internet download manager (maybe 100+MB file?).

    - They do seem to enforce the 3 hr (180 minute) connection timeout rule. You must reconnect every 3 hours to continue using service. This must be to prevent unattended continuous use?



    4evermaat for this post.

    I didn't have success looking for the information you provided. I learned while bicycling this morning my monthly internet package had expired and figured I'd just let it charge me an hourly rate while I was out. AT 6:33 a.m. I got an sms that i had a a current usage charge of ฿20 and then 14 minutes later another message that it was now ฿50. I guess they can go up quickly. The Truemove office was closed so I needed to get the number so sign up again for the package I use.

    Thanks again.

  13. I gave up smoking 5 or 6 years ago as I started to suffer nasty bouts of sinus pain and one too many chest colds. I am not aware of smoke around me at the airport at all. But since I don't need to smoke I guess I am not near a smoker's room in fact I didnt even know they had one. Wonder why other non smokers feel the need to go there? Strange behaviour that.

    At my local shopping mall, smokers are even banned from smoking in the open air out on the balcony of a coffee shop. The irony here is that the balcony is just 20 metres away from 6 lines of traffic. Do I need to say more?

    My sinus problem did not ease at all and actually has worsened over time in about the same proportion that car use has increased so it seems odd to me that people should bang on about smoking.

    Some people are genetically disposed to lung cancer even from low doses of second hand smoke and they need to be protected I understand that and it seems that provision has been met already with a general smoking ban in places commonly used by everyone. In or around a smoker's room is not a common place and needs no such ban.

    As a matter of opinion I seriously doubt the evidence pertaining to the airport is correct or that second hand smoking is as dangerous as stated. Does it come anywhere near the dangers of traffic pollution?

    Still it is a controllable problem and that problem has been contained, so what's the real reason? If you are one of those people that experiences symptoms around minor exposure to smoke it seems probable that your passages are already very stressed and maybe you need to deal with your general allergic condition. Maybe start from selling your car if you have one.

    That is exactly the type of attitude that is so ridiculous. Please see post #191 (not mine). The fact that you feel smokers should have some inalienable right to smoke around other customers on a balcony is just mind boggling. This is the attitude that is a huge part of the problem here. Explain to me why people should be compelled to put up with cig smoke. please! If the business chooses to make it a smoker's area, I am actually ok with that, but your point is just such a self serving one. Why on earth should it not be ok for them to stop smokers from going there? The stuff smells, drives away customers, and it kills people. My god really, you need to reinvigorate your arguments.

    Go see post #190 also. Please people stop with the ridiculous comparison with cars. Smoking is a bad habit that serves only the smoker, and it does not even serve the smoker at that!

    You may very well be right about the evidence from the airport. But that is neither here nor there really. You could just as well be wrong.


    Would you please share with us when you stopped smoking and how much you smoked a day?

    Thanks. I would love to smoke again but won't.

    "I am a non- smoker, so I would not be smoking in front of you.

    Chill, while "I" am banned from smoking in bars, pubs, restaurants, airports even open-air locations in Bangkok ...BANGKOK....

    Tell me EXACTLY where your and your pregnants wife health is more in danger: passing a poorly ventilated smokers- room at Swampy (by the way...are you usually forced to stand right next to one??) for 5 seconds ...or generally and basically EVERYWHERE for the rest of the 23 hours, 59 minutes and 55 seconds of the day?"

  14. Solved...deleted offending apps and redownloaded them.


    I made the mistake of buying a 32 GB iPhone as well as an iPad. There are just so many incredible apps available that I too quickly ran out of memory. I can't even update all the apps due to the memory availability.

    I can only guess you are referring to apps that take up loads of memory when you say you deleted the offending apps. Is that the case?

    I learned my lesson and will go for the max memory in the future when I buy new.

  15. I wonder if some posters are referring to the iStudio resellers as an Apple repair center. I was under the impression they only ship a product for repair to Singapore.

    I had an issue with my MBP a few ( 2 ) days ago and after spending over an hour on the phone with a support tech in Australia and him subsequently checking with a senior advisor regarding the issue he told me I should take it to an "authorized" Apple repair center. When I moaned about having to go to BKK to the Siam Paragon center, he asked where I lived and after I told him he gave me the address of a center which is 15 minutes from my house. He also said there are 7 such centers located throughout Thailand. I can't find a list per se but there is a locator available found on google.

    My local shop is similar to the one I used years ago in the Philippines. It looked pretty much what i'd call fly by night. I could have effortlessly loaded everything from the place to a moving truck in about 10 minutes. I would have naturally needed to ask the sleeping younger fellow with his head on his folded arms on the table to kindly get up.

    I have to add to the credit of the lady working there, she diagnosed the problem immediately whereas the support I used earlier was unsure. She was a complete pleasure to deal with and I hope I can use this center for additional support.

    After looking at several sites for airline tickets on Friday my cursor froze and a reboot couldn't be done. I had only a grey/white screen with the spinning wheel. Aussie support had me try several things including one where I held down the shift, command (or maybe "option", I'm not positive.) letter "R" and letter "P" while powering up. There were others we tried as well.

    The lady at the local center simply powered up the lap and held down the letter "N". This brought up a diagnostic of about 20 things such as bluetooth, HD and etc. It was immediately clear the HD was corrupted when we saw the HD icon with a red X through it. I figured possibly up to two weeks for repair, but she said it would be available in three days, Monday. Whoo hoo!

    Once again, I say hats off to Apple, or is that Larry? 555

    Edit: spelling

  16. Sedation should be mandatory for all young children on all flights. There is nothing worse than having a screaming child near you on a flight of any length. The only thing worse is the bratty, screaming child in a seat directly behind you that takes great pleasure in kicking the back of your seat. I have had words with more than one mother that would not or could not control their children. Before the peanut gallery chimes in, yes, I can be a real prick.

    Not sure I can agree with mandatory sedation and I am one who flies long haul flights regularly with screaming kids. But when it comes to kids kicking the back of my seat, I'm with you. Last time it happened was on a flight from Singapore to BKK. After the plane landed, I told the brat's father he was a lousy Dad for allowing his kid to be disruptive. He must have lost face as his wife and her parents were along on the flight, and he challenged me to a fight...I told him I wouldn't strike someone I was likely to leave behind in a pool of their own blood.

    Since its been mentioned twice, just some food for thought.

    While it's only happened to me possibly on four occasions in all he flights I've taken, the sure fire solution I've found to the matter of an annoying person behind me is to turn on the attendant light and speak to the flight hostess.

    It's never failed me. It works. I don't want any kind of confrontation on a plane or a failure to resolve the matter at hand. At least two of the four stewardesses mentioned to me how the understood how annoying it is to have anyone kicking the back of the seat.

    Then sit back and enjoy the flight.

    Good luck.

    And why limit sedation to long haul flights? 555

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