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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. Could you maybe explain to me how you came to this conclusion?

    Do you care about everybody's feelings and wai everybody?Or do you wai only some people - not caring about the unwaied people's feelings?Let's keep it simple:Do you wai an older, but incompetent boss? Why/ why not?Do you wai a younger, but competent boss? Why/ why not?
    Hmmm,a tricky one seeing as though I don't have a Thai boss. I would imagine that If I did have a Thai boss I would wai to an older one,regardless whether he/she was competent or not.A younger Thai boss I would wai to if it was expected of me......If he/she was a good boss then I would do it willingly.Older family members always get a wai from me and I always return the wai from younger family members but not the children.The children when they wai to me always get a big smile and a wink (and usually a snack). If introduce to someone by my family or friends and they are older than me,then I will wai them.Likewise if I am introduced to someone who is younger,a wai will be returned.Wai-ing to family and friends I only do on meeting them after a long period of not seeing and and on saying goodbye. Other people that wai me (younger people) will always be acknowledged with a nod and a big smile :) Hope that answers your questions.
    My nickname - and my philosophy - is nidieunimaitre.That got me into trouble in Europe.I do not plan to change.And if that means I do not respect thai culture - ok - then it also means I do not respect farang culture.Living from my pension makes it of course easy to not care about other people's culture......

    Your government pension. Provided to you by all the people you disrespect - and them some others for a good measure of sociopathologic behavior.

    While I would never do this mysrlf, I would like to point out something I saw yester in another mallI was in headed for BigC.

    A young man under 30 walked out of a restaurant. He was wai'ed by the young, pretty greeter at the door. He returned the wai and itwas a fairly gracious as well. So, this goes against our farang common wisdom totally, mine as well.

    Farang addressing Thai who does not understand English (well)

    Farang yells louder. Loudness = better English comprehension.

  2. Well, THB aside, 150 to US1 was a pretty standard rate of exchange years back so it could easily slide a few more baht by years end imo.

    Thailand will devalue, it has to or it won't be able to export anything,double so to ASEAN.

    It's trying to hold on until China makes a move.

    Pretty precarious times right now for all fiat currencies.

    China could come crashing down as could Spain, Italy and the rest of Europe. Euro may be finished.

  3. Blacklisted for having a second passport? Don't think so, I understand that some countries don't recognise the use of second pp, but worst case scenario is they'll refuse the application, which is why I'm posting here to get some sensible advice,, don't know what blow jobs or second jobs have got to do with it??

    In my opinion and that is all it is, two pp from different countries ok, I think the staff are not going to be happy but stuff happens. People emigrate etc...

    Two pp for one country requires explaining. IMO they aint got time fo' dat. The stafg deal with all sorts of dicey peopke and remember while most of us are good joes, there are liads of criminals that find harbor in Thailand.

    It is my opinion that if they knew about two pp they might flag you as undesirable. Might. Staff esp low level flunkies don't care why. If you need to travel to Israel and Saudi, fine. Use one pp for Thailand! With the flood of things they deal with, imo they might see two pp as really dodgy (I assume different pp numbers?) simply not want to deal with it - next.

  4. OK I have found the post from OP stating 10k, plus blah blah...

    Nope, Id be done with this one perhaps.It doesn't feel right

    Her prior income +1k per month increase per year or a base of 8k for start.

    Anything more and Im calling bullshit, after all you are it sounds picking up.loads of her expenses, plus luxuries.

    If you choose to walk - you cant go back, the relationshio is de facto finished and she will.screw you if you weaken and return Then it really will br for the money!


  5. I "liked" Tommo's post, its funny, but its not reality.

    You already pulled her off her job. That is a big loss for her.

    Despite you picking up the expenses, she needs pocket money.

    When I turn 62, collect social security and take advantage of investments come to fruition I ghroighly expevt to be giving my wige a minimum of 8k a month in todays thb.

    This is just for her to spend and enjoy. I would also kick in a few k to her parents. I would personally make financial plans for her for my demise so thst is taken care of.

    I would expect out of that money that if she were going by 7 and I needed something, it would be purchased wo the tboight of it being "her" money.

    Of course, <deleted> the woman needs a life out of your control. You take her job away and then deny her money?? Sounds controlling even though I am sute the question is innocent.

    Biggest mistakevwas letting her quit her job unless she is +50. Told my wife aint no chance of her stopping work pre-45 unless I hit the lottery (neither of us play lottery).

    For the gods sake man, unless you need caring for - gets her out of the house!

  6. Would appear your neighbor is clearly in on the deal. Why don't you try shaking him up by bringing him to court. If you can find in any way what she has done illegal (sold house, stolen your half of money), he has clearly conspired.

    Very very odd indeed.

    Did she have lotsof time on her hands? Was she given to gambling in any way? She may have had to sell the house to save her life andcould not bear having to confront you with it.

    Could be she just took the cowards way out of a divorce. What is also odd is that selling the house at full price properly and discounting it to a neighbor nets same for her?

    Has the sale been registered at the land office or are you being shiwn some bs paperwork? Isit pissible the landoffice is even in on it? Do you have a computer print out of the sale?

    Sorry bro.

  7. In fairness, there are a lot of supid questions asked, a lot of questions that can be answered by searching.

    There is also a great deal of confrontation between the old school and the new arrivals, money and no money, the lazy and the diy'ers. Lots of very sarcastic comments about Thai women (some hit the mark) usually provided by a guy that could never land a date let alone a wife or gf in his own country.

    We come from different stations, culture, education, vocation/profession, military service or lack of.

    Some have big hearts, some small. Some big open minds, some small closed minds.

    Many have washed ashore, counting their days till they pass. Othets actively chose to be here and live evertly minute of it as their finances allow.

    Many obviously still belly up to the gogo bars and pay retail for their companions. Others have seen that the best of these days long past, esp with all sorts of incurable and deadly disease floating. Its not just passe' its just not longer a quality experience. More likely to end in some aggro than be a pleasant experience, to which is asked what sort of person bothers with this?

    People jump to a lot if stupid conclusions, make a lot of assumptions. I for one get tited of people asking the same stupid questions obviously wo searching. OK maybe fresh opinion is needed, but often not.

    There is a real failure of people to not school themselves in the Thai or expat experience and then run to the board with all and sundry rumor, speculation, trival question...

    Then there ate the trolls. I have a rule, if OP has less than 100 posts, I don't bother to respond if the question looks like trollbait whatsoever.

    It is a very diverse group of people.

    • Like 2
  8. You can always obtain a replacement passport (much easier not to have page extensions when crossing borders). Not sure on mailing as have always picked up but they have an email available for questions such as that. Probably can't answer until next workday however.

    Thanks, lopburi. You're always a wealth of information.

    Years ago I felt it a distinct plus to have a 96 page vluttered passport. Immigration would look at it and not even bother to try and make sense of it. Last few years it seemsto be opposite, just a flag for too much time out of my home country, too much time in Thailand. Sometimes they hassle me by just flipping thru it not really doing much of anything, just trying to make me paranoid.

    Now I am on O visa I'm treated better. I also have the impression Im treated better with address in bkk and not Issan. Just a gut feeling.

    If you get a new pp, get a 48 pager, same price.

  9. Yeah, if nothing else basic question on app is wbeb were you last in Thailand. If you are in Vientiane and esp Savanaket snswer is oretty much yesterday or at max within thirty days with almost no exception. You will nit have proper exit stamp, whats worse you will have some old exit stamp or maybe worst of all, none. If you are lucky, they would hold your pp. Not lucky, kick it back.

    But when your explanation is....ohhh, my stamp is in this duplicate passport blah blah - you are done.

    They won't eant to hear anytbing about second jobs or blow jobs. Tbey will think you are scamming them and not suprised very much question second pp. You may even get blacklisted.

    My 2bahts worth

  10. It is my opinion having crossed the Thai border tens of dozens of times that the computer system (software/WAN) is not capable of displaying all the visas in current form, you have ever obtained and if you think about it for most foreigners its sort of irrelevant as they come and go once a year.

    Even if this were to change, unless this information is already in electronic form getting it into a db would be quite laborious.

    Unless there is a system thay allows each visa to be entered as it is given or utilized, it's not there. Only other real possibility is data entering tm7 as it arrives wheteveri.

    I have always wondered where all our tm7 forms are stored. My file must have a hundred.

    I try to sneak a peek at the system. They strike me as "dumb terminals" most likely running a program in BASIC although I think I recall recently windows based program.

    Spending a lot of times on the border so time to contemplate nonsense like this ☺

    If the question pertains to emb/cons whether you are given a visa, it is my opinion that they do not have your entire visa history and don't care. If there is any pause, they just kick it back. Usually, in the region, if they accept your pp they will process it. In Vientiane they size you up and flip.thru your pp quickly. Much same in Penang. Other places vary.

    Why would they kick your pp back? All visa runners have their secret methods they think work. I eas able to go ten years, no ted stamp (but did get kicked back in Penang once). Everyone has their strategy, everyone thinks they are the authority. I can tell you though, tourist visas perpetually are not ez to obtain now, even if from outside the region. Going to a more obsecure location can be pos or neg, its all experience and knowledge on thr ground.

    That is why I slways do my own visa runs. This board is great source of info but also a great source of rumour and speculation. As much as single experience can make trend, I KNOW. Further, when I state something here, on ghid subject it is always first hand experience.

    Sometimes visas services help, often they do not. Do not believe that they have secret connections. More often yhan not, they don't. Many of them require you to front up to the window yourself anyway. In ghis case pretty obvious there isno influence.

  11. To be fair, the base burger starts at about 159b... And that's for beef imported from Australia...

    The old "imported Australian beef". I have no doubt that Aussies do in fact have great beef.... something seems to happen to it between here and Aussie land though. Stop giving aussie beef a bad name.

    I thought it was from Morton's or Ruth's Criss ☺

  12. Thanks for your three further replies and interest. We are inclined to look at this from our western laws and perspective. I do not know ir honestky think its the same here. The banks own you to afargreater extent.

    Aussuebebe - I thought about this. I do not want to be in tbe meeting or involved in any direct way for a variety of reasons. I think lawyets hete even more skeezy than back in US. I worry that any advice given, even if paid for will not be the best and even in the lawyers interest as much ad my bil. For instance, not stating best, cheapest option but one that benefits himself. Unfortunately, like a prior post stated - no debt counselors here. My wife did day she thinks she found a site that helps

    , so she will investigate that.

    Isawasnake- ah we have the same head. You are very wise ☺ Unfortunately, I do not think they have collection agencies, at keast gor banks. They just nag you into your next life. The laws here seem thus far to really be in favor of the banks. Don't get ne wrong, he birrowed and spent the money - but really quite incredulous neigh nefarious. We will investigate.

    Satcomlee - Hah, we are not worried about his credit. Its shot anyway. And ehat dort of corporation extends tens of thousands of baht to someone with limited education and income? Really. The only way this is a good business decision is when you add fail safe laws to prevent default. He does not need credit and never did.

    Thanks for link Farma. It was very informative. It does not appear he can file bankruptcy, as I mentioned appears to be 1m bottom limit, laws also seem to be written for businesses (perhsps high net indivduals). Quite a complex process, I cant see him going it alone unless he is simply dragged thru the process by the courts. It does talk about negotiated settlements and meetings of creditors.

    Wife foes not believe collection agencies exist here. Sounds about right. They extend their own credit be it Citi or Powerbuy and then manage issues accordingly as another profit center. So it appears thus far.

  13. I think you are looking for unicorns and waterfalls of chocolate, especially in this day and age. Double so if you are American.

    It's always something, why do you think it's such a profitable business (stealing and rigging aside of course) ?

    Thai banks are no interest and full.of fees. Cross rates suck.too.

    Cambodia - fine for 10k I guess if you live there. Cambodia is still so dodgy as ypu well.know, can't beleve youd want to sink 100k in the place.

    India - macroeconomics and inflation aside. No idea on fees, banks are very solid. Strict banking regs. Easy to open acct if you are American.

    You are expecting way too much for small fry retail customer.

  14. In the debt riddle west, DEBT COUNSELLORS are now a dime a dozen. They specialize in consolidations and debt agreements. Given the extent of personal debt in Thailand, I would be suprised in there are not some similar businesses here.Perhaps you can get you girl to track one down, and then sponsor and go along to the initial meetings to see what strategies and solutions are offered.

    Does not appear to be any such thing here although this appears to be a serious problem. I think its non isdue because a person cannot declare bankruptcy so sooner or later the banks get paid. One year or one hundred. Quite draconian.

    No one is going to give unsecured loans to people already clearly underwater. Trouble is people make such small wages that when they are overwhelmed with debt, there is no way out.

    It's really quite opportunistic. Not unlike giving 18yo college kids cards in US but here they are in far better shape as you cannot aoparantly declare bankruptcy under any terms.

  15. Thanks Barry. Informative. Not really clear how he was brought to court. I would think each bank sues and makes its case but this looks totally incorrect according to your story. Somehow he landed in court and required to pay all banks one by one. That is an odd method to dictate, who is first, who is last? I had read that a person cannot declare bankruptcy on less than 1m debt. Anyway, that is very harsh.

    His current proble is as well is that he is just servicing the debt into infinity. The usuary needs to stop.

    I also hope that his balances are for goods and services, not interest unpaid. My wife says this is more or less the case.

    I was hoping he could directly negotiate a settlement with the banks as stated prior.

    30% harsh but would be much easier to swallow if he was given a knock down on repayent of balane.


    Thanks Richard. He is really a very, very nice guy. He was mortified with shame when his sister (wife) learned. He is such a nice guy that an upper level executive, a friend of both offered to help a bit. I told my wife no, she would only be helping the bank. He is sunk and needs to find his own path, he obviously is in no position to borrow money so it would just be a gift.

  16. Whenever I do my wife a little favor, usually bring her a glass of water - she gives me a little wai. She did it when we first met and three + years later post marriage.

    Manners, get some.

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