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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. For what its worth, seems abnormally warm in BKK. Only a few nts Ive needed a blanket and that was wee hours.

    We were recently in Luang Prabang and Moung Noi. Yes, chill! But I recall years ago being in Udomxai in Transit. Both there and points north frigid and easily below 0C. Lao seemed mild in eves.

  2. That is at least what an old Khmer informed me when I used the term (in usa). She was actually Khmer - Cambodian refugee.

    JJ not sure if Thailand has more per capita than elsewhere in the world or they simply come to bkk to get out of the small cities. Being gay might be more accepted than in the West by say...one father. But still its not totally accepted. I think male transexuals that are really not passable have the worst time of it. But yes, in bkk it is very gay, very open much like any normal city in us or much of EU. Both Thai and Phils feature lots of gay men on game and variety showd. They work a lot behind the scenes as well. My wife says they have their share of Tom's as well.

  3. I was caught in 94 and agsin in 96 in public transport (actually, one was a dump truck) and turned back. I seriously doubt even present changes Myanmar is allowing you to take your own transport and roam the country. No way. Folly for asking.

    I have heard rumours that some islands will be opening for 1 -2 night stays. If this is done via proper channels there is a park fee of 150us so that with the tour makes the whole thing stupid expensive poor value.

  4. Where are you? If the building is full of farang coming and going short time, possible. If you are in Nakon Nowhere or even just a few farang in condo in BKK. they generally cant be bothered. My apt staff are very honest.

    You are given some sort of meter reading yes? Its not just pay 1600 farang hey you! They will have to kerp adding the padded figures to rip you off. In a year the meter would be 100s of units +

    You are in a condo. Seems like you are renting from the condo not the owner directly. Unless owned by the condo corporation. Yeah, potential mischief.

    Ask to see the meter and check it monthly if that will put you at ease. I have heard that there are tricks to speed the meter up, but youd have to ask others.

    Its weird you pay the condo I could see you paying the owner. You know you can have the bill put in your name in a condo? Youd also get the offical uyility price, not one satang more.

    Not saying they might not be sticking you somewhere for a few hundred, but if you are running the ac all the time, have a washer, cook....

    Something else you might want to try...look at the meter when the ac is on for 60mins that will tell you a lot.

    Ask to see the .

    • Like 1
  5. Wow I hate Apple and Steve Jobs so much it might be seen as a personality disorder. Jobs isnt the genius he is mafe out to be, he made lots of serious mistakes and is a wotld class asshol_e.

    If it were not for the iPods and now iPhone the company would not even be alive.

    I grew up on Apple, mafe my living on them.

    Its all about money, roping you in, control, money.

    Pure evil

    And iTunes is the biggest most hugest pos sw currently in distribution.

  6. Go camping!

    Its fun, it will make you healthy and you will meet loys of Thai women.

    In fact, alcohol was technically banned from the NPs two yrs ago. Did not teally last but its far, far more low key.

    Take a trip to the Indian Himalaya in summer Manali to Leh.

    Dont go to Angeles City

  7. Not only can I suffer THREE weeks of jetlag (two is standard for me) I can have this problem going the other way (us) which is supposed to be better. Not at all.uncommon for me to wake up in the middle of the morning knowing Im done sleeping. If Im.lucky, Ill catch another hr before sunrise.

    Only thing that seemingly helps me is getting out into the sun and excercise.

  8. <p>I get super bad jetlag. Im a mess for weeks but havong said that, there are hours in the day I am fine. Add to this I dont sleep much past sunrise.

    It all becomes a vicious cycle with or without alcohol.

  9. That certainly ought to make some space on Sukkhumvit and Silom. be nice to see the fake videos, drugs and stupid sex toys off the sidewalks. nothing spells low class better

    Maybe you just ought to move to a better neighborhood or staying in a nicer hotel.Oh yeah blah blah I really hate all that sex and tourist stuffWhere you stayin'?Nana Plaza...&lt;deleted&gt;?Well, its a step up from Pat Pong

  10. Stove or oven? Oven will really suck power and its on a minimum of say an hour. So that would be potentially 30 units a month right there. The ac is ?? perhaps 1.5 units per hour? so that is 90 minimum. So...cooking and 2 hour ac = b550 over about what we are doing.

    Add to this a few more hours of ac per day, an extra load of wash per week, hot showers and using oven for baking or addl food other than one meal pd - I think that gets you to about b1600.

    Keep tabs on the meter...if they are just pushing the number up on you anticipating you willnleave in a year, most likely screw it up sooner or later. Yrs, meter could be broken and yes to their favor so why fix it?

    Our fridge is old, but not ancient. It is energy saver. If you have a really old fridge, that also really sucks power. I had a small fridge in a flat once. Awful about b150 a month over std fridge. It seemingly leaked power.

    Why dont you shut everything down and see where you are? Its cool season now.

    No ac, hot water, wash by hand, minimize tv (use power saving).

    Oh, do you have a desktop computer? That will suck loads of power as well. Cable modem?

    • Like 1
  11. My wife works in the tv industry, loads of gay men as well.as other friends. She often refers to gay men usually fairly effeminate but not always so as "katoeys". Its usually said with a smile as they really are not katoeys. I sense it to be a + affirmation to their being open and gay. Most are just typical gays. Some could qualify as katoey kwai but that is a bit derisive. A few are trans and a couple are very attractive transexual.

    Incidently katoey = vagina in Khmer so heads up on that.

    I have also heard the dtoot = tootsie explanation. Makes sense, doesnt hurt that it also has some addl subtle sexual.overtone as well to make it "proper" slang.

    • Like 1
  12. We are in an apt and are overcharged for elect @b7 per unit. Even using just a bit of ac (older unit, not dinosaur) in hot season (one hr a night), one fan, one lcd tv abt four hrs day on avg, hot water shower (not so much in hot season), low power gadgets, older fridge, microwave for heating water basically.

    Washing wifes blasted 50kg of clothes 2-3 loads per wk and our sheets. My hunch is this is the issue along with extd ac use.

    Super doubt she uses hot water fir washing - colors would run like crazy. Thai textiles, clothes really crap.

    Without digging out my bills, we pay about 1150 pm hot season, about 850 cool. So id think the real cost about 25+ percent less. Maybe 800 in the heat - similar to your useage.

    We are same as you appliance wise. Our flat is 30sqm. I estimate you use a lot of ac and then there is the oven.

    You can have a look at the meter, ask. Its not a secret.

    Try using the ac to.flush the hot air out of the room, close it and turn on fan in day time. Keep windows closed and cool in. Night time, run the ac flush the hot air out and open the eindows.

    Our ac unit sucks a lot of power. Its slso broken so we have to manually open and close. No stat to regulate ac kicking off leaving fan on. Very, very common here. Also try to turn the ac to low fan, no swing.

    Im surprised at how much the older washer uses power - ouch!

    • Like 1
  13. OP seems like a bright guy but so much of your plan seems to only create potential grief and loss.

    Build a house - but not around when the house is built

    Use the house but not stay ft there (theft, wear)

    Rent the house (absentee landlord nightmares)

    Move back to the 15yo old - wear/tear, neighborhood goes south

    Taxes. Not lg sum but a negative as you are not residing there.

    Are you sure you could even let the place and what sort of rent?

    Money for land if not house - write it off

    Cant own the land unless wife dies

    All sorts of legal issues with the house (tax, transf, ownership...)

    If it ever came to anything legal, this is more money - and youd lose anyway

    I cant see a benefit at all for you building thus to maybe live in 15yrs from now.

    Finally, I really hope you are talking BKK suburbs cause if you are building in Nskon Nowhere its an even worse idea.

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