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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. I don't know. When you go to the apt login page there is some crap script that never has run correctly stating - run this to protect against ARP Spoofing. Seems to me this could very much be the situation. Maybe this is a problem of this apt and has taken yrs for me to see it.

    Yes, when I do click the NEXT button it appears it attempts to contact the site. But hey, maybe this is MIM attack or ARP Spoof???

    I am just going to do the entitre thing thru the modem.

    I am off to Trang in an hour, cant respond but would appreciate input.

    I havewritten a leter for office to fax to apt ISP.

    Worry to much about my credit card?!!

  2. "Messed Up"? No.

    As I stated, I have selected the ticket options and clicked > NEXT. It then stals.

    This has ocurred on my netbook, my Nex7 and my wifes Acer laptop.

    Black Pudding Bertha has been able to get thru the initial screen.

    I have been able to get thru the frst screen using my phones modem

    THEREFORE - there is something between my connection and the site that is stalling. ISP malware, packet sniffing amature, I ont know but I am very concerned.

    Never put my C details in he browser while connected to UNSECURED WIFI. Always disconnect and use phone modem. I do though click thru and set up the page so next click would be pw/user or cc details.

    We do though enter our fb and email over unsecure. Site is https and or we have https anywhere runing on my netbook as well.

    Ghostery and noscript running BUT noscript allows site to run.

    Was all good 24hrs ago.

  3. Don't know why I did not think of this before....attempted the action using my wifes computer. Same deal, click next and the site spins and stalls.

    I am currently runing MS Malicious Removal Tool, will reboot and run Avast from boot and SAS full and in extreme mode.

    Can anyone tell me what is going on? I guess I cannot trust the ISP and/or the wireless network at all now. What a hassle this is going to be...

  4. Hours ago I posted regarding difficlties I was having with he KAL website in processing tickets. For 24 hours I have been unable to access the > Next page after making selection. The site simply stalls. It stalls on all browsers and on my Nex7 tablet.

    BPB has verified the site is functioning.

    I have run the following: GMER, AVAST Quick Scan, AntiSpyware, HijackThis, Glary, Kaspersky rootkit and found nothing out of ordinary.

    Just for chuckles, I accessed the site on my netbook via phone modem and it works!!!!


    I should add, I never place my cc details or banking pwds/user over unsecured wifi.

    I set up the page, click thru to the point of needing to add details, log out, disconnect from apt wifi and then start the phone modem.


    I should be at least safe over the phone modem or no???

    I am going to run full Avast scan at boot, maybe online scan.


  5. Thanks I think I have a bigger problem. Just for giggles, I tried the site using my phone as a modem. IT WORKS!

    I am on unsecured wifi. What I always do is set everything up and then enter the cc details over my phone/modem. NEVER WIFI!

    I think someone trying something funny - redirect or ???

    We do enter email, fb, etc https over this unsecure wifi though.

  6. This is really a mess. OK, so I installed Active X and used MSIE as required by KAL. No better off. As the box I am plugging dates and windows in looks sort of Java-ish, I dlld latest Java and reboot.

    BTW I am using Ghostery and scriptblock. But everything OK yesterday and scripts are def allowed to run on KAL site.

    Calling to BKK resv gets me clueless Indian call center.

    Normally, just totally stalls. On rare occassion I get this:

    GET /local/na/gp/eng/tp/bo/eng_tp_bo_ifr.jsp?SO_SITE_ALLOW_INFANT=FALSE&ENCT=1&FIELD_CHD_NUMBER=0&E_LOCATION_6=&E_LOCATION_5=&DIRECT_LOGIN=NO&E_LOCATION_4=&E_LOCATION_3=&E_LOCATION_2=BKK&E_LOCATION_1=SLC&TRIP_TYPE=M&B_ANY_TIME_6=TRUE&B_ANY_TIME_5=TRUE&B_ANY_TIME_4=TRUE&B_ANY_TIME_3=TRUE&B_ANY_TIME_2=TRUE&B_ANY_TIME_1=TRUE&SO_SITE_CLASS_OF_SERVICE=in+availability+page&[email protected]&B_LOCATION_6=&B_LOCATION_5=&EXTERNAL_ID=QEU&B_LOCATION_4=&B_LOCATION_3=&B_LOCATION_2=IAD&B_LOCATION_1=BKK&AIRLINE_6_1=&AIRLINE_5_1=&SO_GL=&AIRLINE_4_1=&EMBEDDED_TRANSACTION=AirComplexAvailability&AIRLINE_3_1=&SEARCH_PAGE=SD&B_DATE_6=NaN0000&SESSION_ID=&B_DATE_5=NaN0000&B_DATE_4=NaN0000&AIRLINE_2_1=ke&B_DATE_3=NaN0000&B_DATE_2=201310310000&B_DATE_1=201309130000&AIRLINE_1_1=ke&FIELD_ADT_NUMBER=2&v7ResURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwftc3.e-travel.com%2Fplnext%2FKEUSA%2FOverride.action&[email protected]&CABIN=E&SEVEN_DAY_SEARCH=TRUE&TRAVELLER_TYPE_9=&TRAVELLER_TYPE_8=&TRAVELLER_TYPE_7=&TRAVELLER_TYPE_6=&TRAVELLER_TYPE_5=&TRAVELLER_TYPE_4=&TRAVELLER_TYPE_3=&HAS_INFANT_9=&TRAVELLER_TYPE_2=ADT&HAS_INFANT_8=&TRAVELLER_TYPE_1=ADT&[email protected]&HAS_INFANT_7=&HAS_INFANT_6=&actionURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.koreanair.com%2Flocal%2Fna%2Fgp%2Feng%2Ftp%2Fbo%2Feng_tp_bo_ifr.jsp&HAS_INFANT_5=&SITE=CASGCASG&HAS_INFANT_4=&HAS_INFANT_3=&HAS_INFANT_2=&gweb_kal=rkddnjstlr&HAS_INFANT_1=&ARRANGE_BY=E&FIELD_INFANTS_NUMBER=0&LANGUAGE=GB&SO_SITE_MOD_PICK_ARPT=FALSE&ENC=30B6AD50A9F065149F935DBBC370F5D6191D64A922BC7B182FA1607D6852691DF0F369221B67CF612173F418B070AEF9795EBE7C6D33D31E2DF41A72422965CD97E36F86724C09CC58BB6691B8181CDD HTTP/1.1 Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */* Accept-Language: en-US User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0) Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Host: www.koreanair.com Connection: Keep-Alive Cookie: _EXEN=16; JSESSIONID=ayHDaU-Eu0Z7; serverName=www.koreanair.com/; lateLoginPageName=/local/na/gp/eng/ft/mb/mp_signIn_guest.jsp;

  7. Inside Thailand

    Outside Thailand

    True isp

    Could anyone check to see if they encounter than same madness as I have been experiencing with the KAL site in booking tickets.

    Google Korean Airlines

    Select Booking Online

    Go to matrix that allows MULTI DESTINATION

    Select (doesnt matter, its all broken...)



    Any dates

    Pax 2+

    The thing just STALLS. This has been going on since last night. I had been using FF sucessfully, but IE is default. Tried IE, it has its own set of issues but it too stalls. Tried Chrome, it stalls.

    Tried Dolphin, Chrome and FF on Nex7. All crap out. Dolphin never ran this well at all.

    I do not have java on this machine, not running in FF.

    Ran fine yesterday.

    Buying tickets today, leaving for s Thai @ 1600hrs.


  8. I hate all three of those islands much for same reasons

    Why don't you just go try each one out instead of asking highly subjective questions here?

    Samui - crowded scam of an island

    Lanta - the island resort that never should have been

    Chang - overbuilt, sewage problems, water is not all that pretty.

    All these islands only have one really stellar beach and on every one its been ruined by mass tourism.

    If you want quiet and beauty - you have to camp the np's

  9. Stupid, horny tourists who have seen no more of Thailand than Pattaya - perhaps.

    Any expat living outside Pattaya (low IQ designator) should be able to tell good girl from bad in a glance.

    Having said that, I think it pretty poor form as a foreigner to approach a hooker outside her "place of business". Thai women do not want to be seen with us! Again, Pattaya excepted, anything goes - just dont mistake good for bad or you are gonna have a really bad time!

    Anyone recall that British moron who approached a Thai woman in the street for a slice? He was arrested and deported.

  10. Hang around a guesthouse to score a free piece of ass because you have guilt about paying for it. That's really what it is with you guys obsessed with not paying for it.

    Of course, there are many sociopaths as well. Like a Turkish asshol_e I knew. Met girls online, told them all sorts of bs. They were proper women. When they would get a bit serious he would leave - he told stories of sneaking out of the hotel and leaving the city. What a colossal asshol_e.

    So are you sleeping in the dump as well or just spending b200 in taxis to go there and b350 on soft drinks and fried rice?

    I can just see you now, the happy traveler...been in Asia two years maybe. Seen a few countries superficially. Sit around the table all day night bestowing your travel wisdom.

    If you are after white girls, go home!? Oh yeah you could not score any women in your hometown.

    Married to a lovely woman 15yrs my junior - its free.

  11. The first year. Assuming you had no or few Thai visas in your pp you could survive easily on tourist visas. Just have to be wise about it. In fact, Id recommend it over the retirement visa as the o-a is a big hassle (but doable).

    When you decide you really want to set roots, then what Mario suggests is the best path these days for male not married to Thai, not working Thai.

  12. The marriage extension would not end if employment ended so for some a better choice - needless to say maybe not for others.

    But it would not be renewed, if your marriage ended or you could no longer produce your spouse at Immigration. Perhaps the poster needs to assess whether the job or the marriage are likely to have the best longevity in deciding which visa to go for. Most people in secure jobs and married to Thais opt for a NON-Imm B visa because their companies do the paperwork for it and they don't need to make the missus take a day off work once a year to help them renew their visa. It depends on your circumstances.

    If your marriage ended - duh

    produce a spouse annually - not a requirement

    If and when I ever decide to teach, I will do so on a non O "marriage visa". Teaching is quite different than other jobs. Employers are often very sketchy. Agencies, even schools. You could lose your job or have to walk away for a myriad of reasons.

    I think that for teachers, "marriage visa" is far better option. In the end, when you have to leave and leave you shall - your life is not in turmoil. You are not left scrambling out of the country or in-country for any old job to procure visa so you can return to your wife/family.

    In fact, how many times have we read B visa holders loding jobs and scrambling and hassles...

    I disagree with your premise. Further, if most do it - that means it is perceived by most, to be most beneficial for them.

    No way do I see it beneficial for me.

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