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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. Thai banks may have issues with Americans opening accounts. Thai banks are getting more strict with opening accounts on tourist visas. Thai Banks are only insured to 1m baht, per institution I believe not per branch or account. Thai banks may very well be over leveraged, laden with consumer debt. They are very convenient, efficient, tech accessible with online/bank sim and sms. As the rest of the world forget about interest.

  2. OK, I'm looking for assistance NOT snide comments.

    My wife does not hold this debt

    Neither her nor I have any intention of paying the debt

    We would like to provide assistance / guidance.

    I am requesting information, advice, links. I've looked about the Internet snd not found much. My wife has found some info on Pantip which she will review.

    My BiL has taken on some massive cc debt. He had kept it secret and is quite overwhelmed we have com to find out. He is a very kind, loving guy. I really could not ask for a more lovely bil. At work, everyone knows and loves him as his family very much.

    To his credit, it appears from afar that much of this debt he used merely to pay the household bills of his parents and two years of school he did not finish. He lives a very low key simple life and I am so sad for him.

    It appears there is no.bankruptcy court, at least for debtors under 1m thb. I found an article on BKK Post that states after one defaults, two years thereafter if bank does not sue, claims are nullified. What hsppens though is that the banks harrangue and if the debtor starts paying (anything) the debt is reactivated. So it would appear that the best thing to do is to stop paying and hide. Although they do know your work location.

    I would like to think a negotiated settlement would be best. I do not know if Thailand does this as fairly standard in US. Hope much of the banks debt will they negotiate to clear the debt? Anyone know best case for USA?

    Finally, any strategy going forward? Do you pay the sqeeky wheel, the biggest debt, the smallest debt? What if all cards are maxed and equal debt?

    How much would a Thai lawyer cost to explain a proper strategy to my BiL - needed?

    His debt, his responsibility. I loathe debt and usuary. Giving largely simple people cc's is just evil.

    He doesn't drink, whore, gamble, have a motorcycle, just a simple guy. Loves and cares for his parents. Please no lectures.

    He was born and has lived in BKK all.his life so don't think him some fool farmer. He works forva large impressive company and makes 20k a month.

    If you don't have a positive contribution, move on. Millions of Thai's have debt, don't pick on my BiL. It's not our country or our problem.

    Thank you.

    • Like 1
  3. I'd second the above - the phils is a move away from the whole "Asian" thing in a sense - if that makes sense!? As for why Borocay and not a Thai beach resort? Well, the answer is is the question - because its NOT a Thai beach resort. My then gf and I found it refreshing to visit a clean and very beautiful beach where there wasn't deadly traffic, awful locals, worse tourists and a nightlife which revolves largely around the sex industry. Its sure to have changed some in the 6 years since I was there but going on reports from friends who have been there recently, not much. I'm thinking very seriously about a holiday there with my now wife and our two kids this year.

    Yeah, I know what you mean...ugly, pollution, noise, full of sex tourists...I wouldn't go there if I were you either.

    I mean...what the hell do I know

















  4. Why would you go to Borocay when you could just go to any number of islsnds and bungalows here?

    Yeah, reflect how crappy and broken Phils is and how it makes Thailand look first world in comparison.

    So you seek out hot, spicy food. Only place you are going to have trouble is Philippines.

    Remember, it's a holiday not a permenent move. I'd say from my exp traveling with wife its lack of rice even more than spicy food as the issue. She's a pretty good sport and I try and get rice for us whenever possible. Also why when she whines about rice or food I get a bit upset because I really try to accomodate her. I can eat rice everyday and for breakfast no problem. So when it's not there or total hassle to make at moment I can be a bit agitated. I often tell her...you think some other white guy would care this much that you eat rice and Thai food? Never.

    When traveling, all Asian countries I force her to eat local and in US there is always something to try. Id say ishe usually at least likes it, at times a big hit. Often she is very surprised, wow good ☺! But she loves to travel and adventures.

    I think the old adage about taking thw woman out of Thai but not Thai out of the woman is somewhat dead. The 45 and under crowd want to see the world and understand well enough that they arent going to have a Thai restaurant on every corner.

    We have done a few Tgai restaurants, generally run by Chinese and pretty bad as well as expensive. Thus has also aided her learning experience. Why bother.

    If she can't go a day without pu pah lah, you might want to rethink the trip though.

    • Like 1
  5. The only lie my now wife has told me is that we agreed that we would buy new Google phones in USA. While I was away camping she bought a Nex4 from Jaymart knowing I would go ballistic. She lied by omission.in conversation trying to soften me up.for when I returned and saw she spent 15k on a bloody phone.

    She is as lovely and honest as the day I met her more than three years ago.

    Our lives are simple, there is no drama or other people - no need to.lie.

    Our email and fb accts are left open out of both trust and laziness.

    So either,

    1) she spent 15k of her own money on a phone and you are a control freak


    2) she stole 15k of your money and ..............

    I would be interested to know which answer is more correct?

    TommoPhysicist, on 04 Mar 2013 - 18:49, said:
    bangkokburning, on 04 Mar 2013 - 16:37, said:

    The only lie my now wife has told me is that we agreed that we would buy new Google phones in USA. While I was away camping she bought a Nex4 from Jaymart knowing I would go ballistic. She lied by omission.in conversation trying to soften me up.for when I returned and saw she spent 15k on a bloody phone.

    She is as lovely and honest as the day I met her more than three years ago.

    Our lives are simple, there is no drama or other people - no need to.lie.

    Our email and fb accts are left open out of both trust and laziness.

    So either,

    1) she spent 15k of her own money on a phone and you are a control freak


    2) she stole 15k of your money and ..............

    I would be interested to know which answer is more correct?

    Some couples who trust each other actually have joint accounts, Tommo. Not every couple is insular from their partners and have separate accounts. And, what one person might find a necessity their partner might find frivolous.

    We have a joint account to which we both contribute

    She spent her own money on the phone. The issue has a number of points to it. I am steadfastly opposed to expensive phones, we have five Internet devices already, she had lost a phone prior (not that she will lose this one, but shit happens), We allocate lots of money for travel, this was a misallocation of money. Zero sum, used for phone not used for trip (as we try to keep bank balances), While we share expenses I do most of the sharing. Most importantly what you missed Tommo is tgat it is simply a lack of patience and a waste of money. She is a great saver, she has simple needs, she spends her own money and I am blessed BUT when I pay for a ticket to USA it doesn't free her money up to go spend it on bullshit - especially when the same crap can be had at half the price in USA. She understands this well in regard to shoes, clothes and outdoor gear as well as expensive food she likes.

    Control freak - perhaps a bit but she has her own money and if anytbing I encourage her saving both her own and in our joint acct.

    You are just a sour cynic, reading your posts I don't think you have ever had anyone love you nor you the ability to love in return.

    Thank you Rene

  6. Hey!

    Ive been talking to my wife about something similar. Find some canoe and travel down from Noth Lao thu Muong Noi and on to Luang Prabang. Camping along the way.If time permits, all tbe way down to the Mekong. If even more time to spare as far southbas one could go on Mekong.

    My wife enjoys outdoors and loves camping

    A real adventure.

  7. This is a great thread. I don't live in Issan but know it well enough. My wife's parents both hail from the region.

    Last September we were married there. Lots of old people with scant money tied 100b notes to our wrists and were both happy and proud to do it. I felt like such a loser taking this money. No more such than an from an old guy with one arm. Now how difficult is it being a one armed farmer in Sisaket?! He really brought a tear to my eye. When the drama was over and we were relieved of our banknotes, I tried to find the guy and give him as well as all the very old people their money back. He made his contribution and best wishes to our marriage and was gone. He met the village committment - to a farang and his wife from Bangkok. That to me shows real character. When we return I will find him and give him a gift. But old ladies too...walking in the heat to our wedding, walking back home. Giving us money however small.

    *My MIL is very supportive of the moo bahn and especially the wat (actually two). She has forever gone to wedfings herself and supported the couples despite having only one potentially marriagable child out of three. She saw the day as payback ☺ We gave her all the money plus 30k (15 from each of us).

  8. Water should be no more than b20 per, even then you are getting ripped off.

    Electric in a cheap fan room is often more pricey, esp for farang. Flat under 4k only way to rationalize b8+ electric.

    Proper bod standard flat, electric 6-7b per.

    Flat rate on water should be no more than b150, really 100.for two people. Here in BKK we pay less than b140 and my wife does 2-3 loads of laundry a week. About 5 showers a day are taken. Our water bottle service stopped so until I tesolve that our drinking water also comes from tap.

    But as Tropo states - they set the rules and looks like Pattaya/Jomtien has become mote expensive than Bangkok on a number of counts.

  9. Yes, but you are not:

    A Thai national

    A long time resident of Bangkok

    An office worker making 12k a month with a 3k flat and no health insurance.

    SC agsin I do not disagree, but I think part of that subsidy already exists because the people of BKK have allowed the BTS to exist, maintain and even grow itself. They put up with the hassles, the traffic jams caused by extensions (for years) and give it a monopoly as well.

  10. I would not expect much. Isnt Carls the outfit with the 6.00 burger? Sorry, I should know, Im from So CA.

    Cant see Thai's dropping b250 on a fast food burger.

    Wife and I went to the Southwest via Vegas. Went to In and Out Burger, what a mistake. Not the same burger I recall from my youth in California. It was hugely expensive. The burger was tiny, dry and overcooked. People that rave about the place in present tense are out of their minds. The fries were not that good either but dont recall why.

    Had a five guys burger abt a year ago with my father. Most expensive, overrated meal I have ever eaten. Two burgers, two drinks, nearly 20us. Never, ever, ever again. Burger was not even cooked to order.

    Just eat Thai food, rarely disapoints.

    • Like 1
  11. Is or was stickman ever relevant? i kinda thought he went stale many years ago ,trying to reinvent himself as Bernard trink type ,

    I have always considered Stickman to be a reliable commentator.
    Actually he is not. He will XXX out anything he believes might cause him trouble, legal or otherwise. If the truth suffers - so be it. He is quite judgemental and does not retain the common sense that anything can happen - even to guys that have been here forever and know the game well. Everyone written off wholesale as chumps. Ironically, he has been divorced. Im sure all his hanging out in bars did him no service. Read somewhere his blog brought him down. So, just a general skeezines as I do not ever recall in the few rants I read him talking about liasons in first person. Maybe he was smarter than that. Id like to think he was married and honored that - could be wrong.

    He knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing. That would seemingly include friendship.

  12. think about what a price hike would do to a worker commuting everyday, vs what one would do to a thai or especially foreigner who uses the bts once and has to pay 60 instead of 30 baht.

    More taxi use, more congested roads, more road maintenance, more air pollution. That's what I think. The whole point of mass transportation is to get as many people as possible to use it.


    Right. I think we agree? KEep the prices the same for those that use it heavily, which will get "as many people as possible using it" on a daily basis, and charge the hell out of the people who hardly ever use it. Forgive if I was unclear.

    I thought that was what they were doing? Remember that the purpose of the BTS is not to reduce congestion, but to provide an improved means of travelling around the city. It's there for the benefit of its riders and the businesses that they frequent, not for the benefit of car drivers.

    So if people are willing to pay a fortune to use it every day, then they should be so charged. It's not a charity, and it's operation is not subsidised by municipal government. It is a business operating in a competitive environment, and they shold maximise their income so that they can invest and develop their service.


    Wholly correct, but it is chartered and sanctioned by the people of Bangkok. It does owe something as public service to the city. The city must get something out of the monopoly it extended, the land it consumes and the inconvenience in its building and maintenence. It is not at all the same as a shop or a bus.

  13. I personally think they should charge the hell out of tourists (who have no problem paying 300 baht for a martini; they are on vacation), and charge a minimal amount to locals.

    How would they determine who a tourist is? Are you saying there would be an immigration booth at every BTS station and every single person would have to go through an immigration check? If somebody forgot their ID card or passport at home, then they could not ride the BTS?

    perhaps i could have been more clear, but i was simply saying charge a lot more for people buying single journey tickets and keep the "trips" via the 30 day cards (rabbit cards) the same price. the more i think about it, i am saying people who are "tourists" when it comes to the bts, ie the ones who use it rarely. in short, charge the hell out of people who never use the system.

    think about what a price hike would do to a worker commuting everyday, vs what one would do to a thai or especially foreigner who uses the bts once and has to pay 60 instead of 30 baht.

    Pretty much agree. Office workers making scant wages, real hardship.

    I would not be at allnhappy to.pay more because I have white skin OR need bts once a month.

    Mrt and bts need to merge cards, especially if packagrs are going to be introduced.

    I live on MRT and will never need a card unless I teach someday if ever. Really not happy to pay more than b20 to go Asoke Thong Lor <deleted>. Asoke to Ploen Chit or Chidlom!

    Many office workers make a pittace and the buses are broken and packed to the ceiling.

  14. Forget the internet no matter what you want to pay. Its all about legwork.

    IMO best you are going to do is b3000 month and it will be an old apt bldg, standard 24-30sqm box with ac.

    Any flat worth living in will start around 4k. I was recently out looming for a new place as we now have noise problems. Anyway, Im seeing smallish newish flats 5.5 up. Surprised really. Many bldgs quite full.

    If you are broke I understand, but a sad apt will bring you down. Also consider your neighbors: noise, drugs, theft.

  15. Took mine to HK. She liked the place but not the food. I felt the same. She wants to go to Korea as well. Those period dramas late at night have got her interested.

    YES Korea! Korea is the rage now.

    Funny we have done daytrips in Seoul 2x now (wife has childhood friend married there). Shine has come off the apple..it's very clean but a total bore. Wife after now traveling so much with me has seen how Koreans behave and dislikes them almost as much as I do.

    We both were good w the food. Healthy, clean and cheap.

    I'd lived in Korea many years ago - or tried to. Really got a hate on fir the people. As a tourist you are treated quite ok though. Working you are subjected to all sorts of bullshit nonsense.

    Korea + snow = great experience or go in autumn when the leaves are changing and do some hikes. Koreans love hiking.

  16. Take her on a trek in Nepal! The Poon Hill is a good starter and a few days on Pokkara lake is nice, Katmandu is interesting as well! There are many other options but Nepal is amazing!

    Nepal sadly is a pretty crap experience now. Id say its 100% about the trek. People are still decent, but the culture broken and gone and temples uncared for. I cant second Kathmandu and sad to state it.

    BUT the trek to Poon Hill is a great idea. If you have two weeks, do the Annapurna. It is not too dificult and will be a highlight of her life. AA flies direct to KTM visa on arrival.for Thsis.

    Good call!

    PS very surprised wife liked simple Nepali food. Shocked really.

  17. Just remember this about the wai:

    Thais are very non judgenental about it as you are a foreigner. They totally understand they its not your culture. Having dsid that...why not TRY.

    Extend a wai as your wife/gf does to people you come in contact with

    You only need initiate a wai in rarest of circumstances

    You do not need wai a monk if you are not comforatble with it.

    You definately do not need wai cops, immigration or consular flunkies

    Don't wai prostitutes for Lord Buddah's sake

    Do not wai drivers, service staff, etc...

    Some service staff deserve a nod such as the hostess as you board a flight

    *Never extend your hand to a strange woman, even an aquaintence.

    Wai-ing a child is fine but the child should wai first and it should be quick, informal. It's nice to return a wai to small children imo because that Thai child has just respected you - farang. I would return a casual, quick wai in hopes it is a reward for good manners. I return the wai to encourage the small childs good manners and respect of me, the white guy. Also bit of respect to parents as sometimes kids are prodded a bit as shy.

    The thing everyone wants to avoid is looking like an idiot. So...

    Never wai hookers or taxi drivers

    Never wai deeply, keep ot simple

    The expression of clasping hands in a (slight) bow is common throughout Asia. It's a way of communicating without touching peoples dirty hands. People do things certain way for a reason. Custom is often born of utility.

  18. The only lie my now wife has told me is that we agreed that we would buy new Google phones in USA. While I was away camping she bought a Nex4 from Jaymart knowing I would go ballistic. She lied by omission.in conversation trying to soften me up.for when I returned and saw she spent 15k on a bloody phone.

    She is as lovely and honest as the day I met her more than three years ago.

    Our lives are simple, there is no drama or other people - no need to.lie.

    Our email and fb accts are left open out of both trust and laziness.

  19. Love this quote,

    Thai women don't wear wedding rings.

    Maybe more of an indication of the (peasant) class he associates with than the norm.

    There are many Thai women wear wedding rings with pride, more of a "face" thing.

    10 years ago I got a job tutoring Thai doctors at Pattaya Memorial hospital. None of them wore wedding rings. If you think Thai women wear wedding rings that's cool. After you have lived here for a while you will notice that I'm right; they don't.

    Peasant women! Oh please:)

    Yeah, middle aged Thai men with money don't like to explain to the karoke girls they are married - but F it eh? Dampens the fun.

    So CMK that would make these guys about 55 minimum today yes?

    Young people getting married in Bangkok very often have rings.

    Since when could Pattaya be used as a normal gauge for anything anyway?

    The older Chinese I often see wearing rings, maybe its the Christian influence.

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