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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. If I were single and under 45 I would be looming to Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnsm as bases. Not Thailand. Double so if you like the feeling of a growing, vibrant people and economy.

    Thailand is finished. You know when the bloated, whinging, cable tv and air con crowd have staked a claim - its done

    Get off your ass and have a look.

    I lived there 93-96. Loved my time there but grew weary of the grit and corruption. Cambo is on the move. Thailand, not so much.

    • Like 1
  2. This is another whining variation of if you don't have "enough" money (in my judgement), go home crowd.

    The ugly twist is that unlike theBlather the OP is grubbing for our money.

    Thailand, despite what it desires is the CHEAP holiday destination for the world and the CHEAP retirement destination for a a multitude of overweight, sexless sociopaths.

    If you need to confirm this, you need only go on any exoensive daytrip on the Andaman. There you will see all the lovely working and middle class folk enjoying their holidays. If you are too lazy, just go to the airport.

    As for the sexpats who have moved to heaven...have a look around the bigCs and Tescos, etc...look at the chumps shopping there. Average no money Joe's. Now go to Robinson's or any of the stupid priced malls. How many guys you see shopping there? None, just a tiny few buying gear to take back to EU where VAT is so high.

    The reason that people retire outside their country is because its cheaper, a lot cheaper. This nation caters to cheap charlies.

    If you have any serious money and are living here and not in your home country, south of Europe, Carribean...it can only be one thing. Legendary availabilty of CHEAP compnions. I would argue this far more insidious than a retired teacher "scraping by" on b25k a month.

    No crime in being poor - only being stupid.

    • Like 1
  3. Indeed, who would be jealous of a person who has decided to move to a foreign country, marry very soon thereafter and start a business (we all know how 95% of these turn out) - with a Thai spouse no less.

    You are shackled to a business 24/7 and that type business in particular.

    Maybe it's you, not your guests and that is reflected back upon you. I wont stay in a farang run or owned gh. They are always more expensive and the owner/manager usually think much more of themselves than seems to warrant. I still recall an abdolutely miserable gh "owner" I had a run in CM better part of 20yrs ago. His wife gave me a room cheap because she was smart as the entire pkace was empty. He made my stay throughly miserable and dtove me out. Yeah, I was a 33yo backpacker (clean, educated snd nearly 50k usd in pocket).

    Judging by what you have told us (21posts) about yourself, I don't know why people woukd be jealous either.

    I can tell you that you have picked a business full of hassles and grief. Seems it's wearing thin already.

    My uncle had built and sold many hotels. My cousins and himself retain four. They have zteadfastly disallowed their children from entering the businesses. They will be sold off when my uncle dies and cousins retire or don't want to deal with the patrons and their bs any longer. The kids will see none of it save fir the money. The children are pushed toward the professions.

    Perhaps your patrons see you as just a flunky inkeep expat working illegally?

    Just because you own the business (not the building note) is not especially commanding of high respect. Many, many people with money treat all servuce staff like shit.

    Love how you seem to think its just the poors. How telling...

    Raise the prices and clean out your riff raff. Ought to work real well for you.

    If you want to judge people, I suggest a better method might be not on the crass vulgarity of money (honestly, you have no idea how much money people have do you?) But when they open their mouths you can instantly tell their their station, their education and if that is not enough judge a person by their actions.

    Of course, you are not intetested in people but in their money, so it is pretty obvious that is your gauge of success. I can though state that our world will be far less when are all salespeople, middle managers, indurance flunkies and real.estate flippers.

    All hail Babbit!

    • Like 1
  4. Too funny. All andwers require same amount of effort save for the amount of time your ass is in the seat.

    That is ehat you ate asking no? Shortest distance.

    Not best, cheapest, most fun, visa free....

    All places have ups and downs, expenses and windfalls and all about the same when all said and done.

    I think Phnom Penh would be most fun. Vientiane most boring, Penang for foodies. KL, HCMC and Bali meh...Angeles City if you want to live (die) dangerously, Singapore a treat for a Thai friend. Hanoi for few days nice. Why not Nepal?

  5. First, taking a minivan and the big bus in Poipet will only cost you 220 + 10usd. So it is 35% overpriced. Add to tjis far slower on Thai side, one trip a day. Further, willing to wsit while all the idiots, noobs and peoples from asstd wide andvwierd nations jostle for visas and the flunkies try and gouge each in turn for money.

    Count me out.

    I will say though, it does avoid and hopefully will.crush the bs taxi/camry mafia.

    It is always better, faster, cheaper and more fun to diy.

  6. No, I am having a go at YOU.

    Maybe you ought to go talk to a monk and get some sort of clue on what the basis of this entire civilization that you live in daily rests upon.

    It doesn't rest upon religion......if that's what you've learned on your travels go get a refund. smile.png

    This app until now was giving me errors when selecting quote option.

    Call the truth an insult to avoid confronting it as fact. Got it.

    Indeed, the soul of the nation is Buddhist and with all their faults, that come with the smallmindedness of modernity - Thai's are very kind and decent people.

    All Thai's have very poor relatives. They are all one generation from peasants themselves. But more than that...they try to practice kindness, concern, compassion and in short - to be true to the teachings of the lord Buddha. Fall short? Every day dont we all?

    It always warms my heart to see a young person drop money in the cup of a beggar knowing full well s/he makes as little as 10k a month. I routinely see acts of charity here I would never see in the west.

    You discard their culture and religion and thereby their civilization. Note I stated civilization, not some crap throwaway consumerist attitude. The soul of the nation and the people.

    Unfortunately, Thailand is full of farang with this crap attitude now.

    Funny, you hold up hippie travelers as some sort of good thing. They are the stinky bums you so despise.

  7. I have plenty of resources. I am very, very prudent with my money. When I set out, I had a plan. As long as I hold to that plan, I am fine.

    Bitter at perhaps the US and world financial system for screwing me (what has occurred since 2000). Bitter at corporate thieves and government hacks.

    I will be happy to take your money though. I'm sure you could do without McDonalds for a week.

  8. You really do make me ill.

    Most, most, most of the guys on this forum had no thought of Thailand, absolutely ZERO clue until 10 years ago. I saw the wave as early as the Internet (boom 97) when "sex tours" became popular. Years after word sort of got out that yeah, Thailand is safe enough for a diy sex holiday.

    Meanwhile, I'd lived in Cambodia for a number of years starting pre UNTAC election. I'd been up in Lao as early as Feb 95, was in Vietnam well before diplomatic ties were established with my country. been to Myanmar multiple times (first traveler to stay in New Bagan) and traveled all around Pakistan in 97. If I had a solid travel partner, I would have gone to Afghanistan.

    You don't know shit about these countries, otherwise you would not discount my age and story. Lao, Vietnam and Cambodia all fresh and new again and I was there and you obviously were NOT.

    I had traveled a great deal in the US by age 12. By 18 I had seen most of Mexico and made multiple trips to Baja. I stopped traveling to put myself through school. I graduated, then got right back on the road after making some money.

    Very, very few guys here fought in Vietnam and most did were just grunts although they will all tell you they were tunnel rats, macvsog, spooks, etc...

    Fewer still as we can see were hippies, real hippies. Fewer still made it to Asia and looking at the recent thread -essentially none made in to Thailand. Why? Because it was where the war was, not the party. In fact, the party was in California - where I lived.

    Please spare me the lecture and the World History course.

    You are so typical of the <deleted> in Thailand, neigh the world now. Hooray for me, the hell with you.

    Do you look on all people that did not inherit wealth and title as you did as bums and miscreants or just white people?

    You attitude is very, very, very unThai. Which questions why you are even here. Answer...like the po' folk because its CHEAP. Lets face it, if you were a real man of any means you be in south Europe on a yacht not hanging out in cheap restaurants that stumblebums frequent.

    Go home.

  9. You make me ill

    Who appointed you the farang spending authority?

    This place was great until these old, fat slobs showed up with their money.

    Half million baht for three months living. Disgusting.

    Your money will never = my experience.

    I've been living in Asia for twenty years, never taken a baht from anyone.

    I left at 33 to explore the world, not wait till I'm good as dead, every great experience turned into a shopping mall, in need of a packet of Viagra to keep a stiffy, grateful or any hag of a woman that will pay me mind.

    You stayed at home, played it safe, squirreled away your money, left your fat wife, found Thailand...now it is you we shall bow low.

    Thailand is now safe for you. Shopping malls w full ac, resorts, aircon, toilet paper, ice, western toilets, cold beer and cheap third world prostitutes.

    Maybe all the poor Thai's should just kill themselves too? Oh, but then who would serve and service you.

    Totally appalled.

    If you ate so aghast, perhaps you can buy them all tickets home.

    • Like 1
  10. The guys that enjoy the nonsense are always the same lot - reliving a lost youth or never having grown up at all.

    The guys that are the worst have no clue what the holiday is even about, have never seen the 3 day holiday in traditional form. Think its about fun, titties, beer and water guns. Then there are the losers that book flights (no lie) to actually go to Pattaya to be in the middle of it.

    Show me a man who likes the holiday and I will show you a tourist who knows nothing of Thailand and doesn't care.

    If you see fun in what has become senseless danger, you are truly lost.

    This is not to discredit a bit of fun or the holiday as traditionally celebrated. Want a nice balance and good fun? Try Luang Prabang, used to be great with ceremonies, parades and boats across the river for a big party. Of course, Lao people so lovely anyway.

    Loy Kratong was also finished in Pattaya a decade ago. What a lovely festival that was in Thailand. Now..few ladies dress for it. Done properly in only a few places.

    • Like 1
  11. Pure tripe.


    That is the way it is and that makes it correct.

    Absolute rubbish.

    Man was born with unalienable rights. Every day, in every nation is a struggle to retain these natural rights.

    When man accepts any less than his born right to be free he need look no further than himself as to his captor.

    We exchange freedom to live in civilization and societies. We should derive benefit not burden.

    ★ We (should) rail against the corruption in the west as well. Westerners I will guarantee are even more angry and bitter at their corrupt practices and institutions.

    The world is entering another dark age, hold on to your panties. They gonna get dirty..

  12. Most of us are prisoners of our pasts. It is not easy to modify behavior especially would seem for most Thai expats especially those not desiring a relationship.

    Hats off to alcoholics who stop drinking - what a burden to face. Not only the alcohol, but facing life.

    I've been toying with writing a self help book for years. My challenges with living here, going from playboy to married guy. Behavior, how to snag a great lady...

  13. The only thing better abt Phils is ease of visa. The price of which rises annually like everything else in the shithole.

    Think Africa not Asia.

    Sad, sorry broken country in which everyone, every day, every moment will see you as mark and even patsy.

    It is about as expensive as Singapore, the food is atrociously bad and the people desperate and dangerous. Never met a nation of people with so little integrity. None.

    • Like 1
  14. Thanks for all this general information. All pretty much inline with my thinking. My SIL is a decent woman, met a bad guy, got pregnant, then another. Her life doomed. They all live w/ inlaws and all decent folk. Non drinkers save for the guy who becomes more trouble by the year.

    Anyway, they all love the kids. The eldest is said to be very clever and even in top of her class. The younger is average but in same school my wife graduated from which I am told also good. Both all girls schools.

    I need to get this young woman in different vocational really professional settings so she can ponder her opptys in life. But she is still young. The family is very poor, the neighborhood sketchy. But we need to get her into a good school.

    Don't believe she will become a party girl. Certainly there is no money to party with. They are very good and decent kids.

    I'd like to see her become a dentist. Her sister could assist and mom could clean. But that is my thinking. But I will only pay for a serious degree: maths, sci, engineering, architect, medicine, law/business, cpa...

    My opinion from where my wife works...good luck is about = to an average univ degree from avg school in Thailand.

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