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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. Funny, me and the wife also hoing to Lao end of Dec. Looking for exact opposite experience. Tubing was worst thing to ever come to Lao. Will be happy to get rid of that entire element, especially the Israelis. Funny what a lovely place it was on my visits in 95, 97 even visit Lao year in 2000. Then the scrum arrived. Make no mistake, real riff raff. The guy in the article likens it to movie the Beach. Pretty dam_n close. Bunch of drunken, doped up children Last decade I only used it as a stopping point between cities. Was impossible to get proper Laotian food. Even noodles a chore. Ive heard the other side of yhe street is more quiet and local. We will sleep there thanks. You can have your tubes. Im sure your new Thai gf will be enthralled with it all...whistling.gif

    You say "Will be happy to get rid of that entire element, especially the Israelis."

    I'm curious. How in heck are the Israelis getting singled out for the blame for this? I have a hard time believing that there were more Israeli's involved in "the scrum" than Europeans, North Americans, Australians, etc. ???unsure.png

    They are not the only element sure, but I have had problems with them 2x while simply transiting thru VV. But who is singling, I stated especially the Israeli's.

    The worst, bar none. 20 yrars in Asia, never met an Israeli who didn't cause me some hassle or annoyance, didn't try and mooch somethjng from me. Never.

  2. there are 2 types of 3 entry tourist visas - either ones valid for 6 months from issue or 3 months from issue,

    ask the embassy which type they issue - if it's only a 3 month type don't bother and apply for a 2 entry tourist visa instead.

    most embassies give out 6 month types which means you'll be able to stay for almost 9 months

    depending on how early you apply for the visa determines your maximum length of stay in thailand,

    if you apply say 10 days before you come to thailand that 10 days will be taken off one of the first two entries :

    enter thailand 60 days + 30 day extension (optional)

    do a border run get next 60 days + 30 day extension reduced to 20 days

    do another border run get next 60 days + 30 day extension.

    so if you apply for your visa 10 days before your due to arrive you'll be able to stay 260 days.

    you maybe able to apply a day or two before your due to arrive depending on how your applying.

    the optional extensions cost 1900 baht and are done inside thailand.

    when this all runs out you can goto a neighbouring country and get another tourist visa and start again or maybe you can apply for a different type of visa depending on status, or as you said you can just keep going to a border every 15 days.

    if you can get a 3 entry tourist visa valid for 6 months that's a good as you can hope for, if it's only valid for 3 months then drop down to a 2 entry .

    which embassy are you applying from ? do they do a postal service ? or can you do it in person ?

    to activate each 60 day entry you have to leave thailand and re-enter some people just exit and re-enter 10 mins later some people spend many days outside thailand it's upto you, the extensions are done inside thailand at any of the immigration offices and the dates for doing those are anytime during the 60 days ( most people do the extensions around day 50 of your stay - the 30 days gets added on so you can't lose days) .

    if you goto a burma border you will have to pay 500 baht to enter burma,

    if you goto cambodia the price if 20 or 25$,

    if you goto malaysia it's free,

    if you goto laos it will cost you 35$.

    is this your first time to thailand ? most people tour around and then decide where to settle.

    Unless the price is up, Cambo visa is 20us.

    You make it sound as though the visas flow like wine.

    Double visas in the region are pretty rare these days, esp for runners. If you have a clean passport, you are good for about a year. Or in other words, about three double visas.

    I am unaware that any emb/cons will give you 6 mos on a double, std is 3.

    Includes WDC as well.

    You may very well need to provide paperwork for a TR (finance, tickets, etc...).

    Guys that are just coming out of Thailand and returning as fast as possible with no other travel in the region seem to fare worse. Persons with lots of stamps but visit Thailand once annually ang go home fare best.

    General Statement:

    I don't mind runners unlike much of this board. I mean why should it matter to me what visa you are on?

    What is becoming annoying is people that have this life but chose not to accept its realities.

    1. You like order, but your life is chaos and you never know your future. Deal with it. Comes with the lifestyle. That means understanding how the whole game works. Try it some time.

    2. Do not build a comfortable life here and dig yourself in - because its only a matter of time before you are going to have problems. You should already have bacup plans and addl places to exist. I realize this does not include Chang beer and sharing b300 Beach rd hookers with your Indian and Arab friends, but times change.

    3. Educate yourselves. Stop asking stupid, basic questions, start reading threads for info and context. Then ask for an update.

  3. Isn't that why all embassies strongly recommend medical insurance for emergency & elective treatment. If you cannot afford medical insurance or do not have access to Thai Social Security, surely you should reconsider your long term stay in Thailand.

    I recommend you commit this to memory, it might come in handy as helpful advice if ever you find you yourself are refused health insurance or treatment you need is not covered by the insurance you have.

    Absolutely, that's why I also have reserved funds for medical treatment. I also have a Living Will, so that my financial assets to take care of my wife after my death, are not severely impacted by the practice of many hospitals to extend life purely for monetary reasons.

    So you paid a lawyer to draw up and perpetually maintain a bunch of stupid paperwork that 90% of the population in Thailand cannot comprehend.

    You must be both a genius and a long term resident of Thailand.

    Do you really think a hospital in Thailand will maintain you without payment? Tooooo funny.

    Just have the wife show up at the hospital admins office - NO MONEY.

    BOOM - you're dead.

    Talk about overthinking.

    Best laugh on tv all day.

  4. You allowed to get Thai citizenship, if it bothers you.

    If you want to remain as a tourist then the dual pricing is pretty fair IMHO.

    Many farang do in fact pay more in taxes than millions of Thai (VAT). Even the cheapest farang still spends 2-3x what a minimum wage Thai worker will. Many of us are not tourists. Perhaps tens of thousands. Some even have Thai children.

    This is just ignorant. In situations where govt resources are used, this may be warranted. In the private sector this is just an opportunity to gouge.

    Could you imagine an export business trying to survive with this mentality?

    Local prices is 100

    Export price is 150

    • Like 1
  5. Safe.

    But stay away from that mall with McD and KFC as well as Odean. They are serious targets. I met a guy who was in an Odean blast and we have a friend living in Songkla only missed that big bombing at the larger mall recently - by minutes. Bombing those nalls is a regular occurance.

  6. <p>Here is what you do...this is the cheapest/best option, not necc your dream option:

    Arrive in Hat Yai

    Walk to my favorite cheap gh in Thailand - Cathay GH

    Drop your bags and walk to the HY bus terminal

    Book mv to Pak Bara (see below)

    Arriving at the terminal, book minivan to Pedang Besar (b50)

    The driver will tell you where to alight

    Go thru Thai immigration

    Walk down the hill

    Go thru Malay immigration

    Walk up the hill

    Go thru Thai immigration

    Cross the street and flag any big orange bus down

    Less than b50 back to HY, about 1hr++

    Alight somewhere in HY. Try to enlist ticket lady for help.


    Make your way back to Cathay GH

    Minivans that run to PB are from the new outer mv terminal BUT...

    Just book 4pax direct at Cathay GH (upstairs w/hotel is cheaper) to Pak Bara early am. When taken into consideration getting 1 let alone 4 pax out to new station, it is a good value for you

    THAT is your answer...BangkokBurning accept no.immitations. Some people know, some just fake it

  7. I've had a serious bout of it. Nasty.

    Unlike Malaysia and Singapore which spray, Thailand does not nor does it take this endemic challenge seriously.

    I would not be at all suprised if thousands of people get dengue in Thailand every year. WhenI was in hospital, Nurse told me they get on avg one case a day during high season. Its everywhere too, mostly cities but countryside, islands are rife. Like Sheryl stated - standing water and sewers.

  8. Pomchop - could not agree more.

    Honestly, dont even want to go back with wife. Its long finished. Drunk children in VV, latte sipping hipsters in LP.

    Trip is quick, her 2nd time to LP. Get her shots and go! Walk the old city, waterfall, muong noi, stop in vv (transit). The more I have been thinking abt it more its a waste of money - but its the wifes trip.

    Sadly, East Asia is way done. You really have to dream up adventures and travel way off the beaten track fir anytbing authentic.

    Yeah, grubby, smelly Israelis sitting in crappy restaurants smoking shitty weed and eating khao phat watching Friends. They joined a minivan I booked down to VTE it was pure hell. A classic story I will never forget.

  9. Funny, me and the wife also hoing to Lao end of Dec. Looking for exact opposite experience. Tubing was worst thing to ever come to Lao. Will be happy to get rid of that entire element, especially the Israelis.

    Funny what a lovely place it was on my visits in 95, 97 even visit Lao year in 2000. Then the scrum arrived. Make no mistake, real riff raff. The guy in the article likens it to movie the Beach. Pretty dam_n close. Bunch of drunken, doped up children

    Last decade I only used it as a stopping point between cities. Was impossible to get proper Laotian food. Even noodles a chore.

    Ive heard the other side of yhe street is more quiet and local. We will sleep there thanks. You can have your tubes.

    Im sure your new Thai gf will be enthralled with it all...whistling.gif

  10. There are no good sites. They are all riddled with dodgy farang middlemen and their even more dicey "girlfriends" offering places that are at minimum 20% over what you would pay if you rented directly. If its written in English, forget it!

    Even if farang are not in the middle, if its written in English you will pay more almost certainly. Online ads give zero reprentation on what is available on flats below 10k, esp 8k.

    First, come here. Next find a cheap long stay hotel. Third, start to vet to know the major areas where you might want to live. Finally, return to those areas and simply bang on managers office doors till something turns up.

  11. Thx Steve. Better they get a clue fast. Should be discointing very short and very lonv stays Coral and marinelife dire at best.

    Surins have stated they will no longer run boats to Koh Torlinda but seem will still go to Ao Pakat (insert &lt;deleted&gt; here). Prices remain same but all trips have been cut way back time wise.

    Koh Satok was grim as Hin Khong as everywhere.

    Dec5-10 2012

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