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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. We had a personal experience with Siam Bank (Worst and most unethical bank in Thailand in my opinion).

    We took out a loan for a 2.5m house in Chiangmai in 2006 and borrowed less than 50% being an amount of 1mil bht. All was fine and never missed a payment until we hit hard times in end of 2007 and then during 2008 we didn't make any payments for about 3 months. We approached them to allow a 12 month moratorium on payments by using the ample equity we had in the property. They flatly declined and commenced recovery which took about 4 months to get us to court. At court we told the judge that we had hit hard times and couldn't pay and had tried to negotiate with the bank to compromise. The judge ordered both the bank and us (my wife) to work out a compromise and bring it back to the bench. We talked with the bank's lawyer outside for 20 minutes and reached an agreement.

    We ended up agreeing to make payments of 5,00bht per month (about half the regular payment) for 12 months at which time we expected to be back on our feet and could then restructure the loan to make higher payments.

    They agreed and we went to the bank to sign the documents (none of which I could read nor was really privy to as I couldn't understand the full particulars,.. just went along with what I/we believed to be the understood basis of agreement). We made the next 12 payments every month without fail and then in the 13th month heard nothing from the bank so we went to see them to ask about the next steps in the process.

    At that point they told us they were calling up the entire loan of 850,00bht and wanted it within 30 days. We couldn't believe what we were hearing.

    We went back to the bank twice and finally spoke with the head branch honcho and told him this was grossly unfair and covert and manipulative. His response was basically "som nam na",... "we're the bank and we can do what we like". We had been deceived 12 months earlier when they were all smiles and rewriting up the new loan agreement (with the hidden agenda attached).

    We offered to pay all back interest (about 90,000bht) plus bring all payments from previous default up to scratch. They still refused. We offered them half of the debt (450,000bht) and asked for a loan rewrite but they said they would only rewrite the loan with a 6 to 12 month terms which was preposterous.

    Long story short,... we waited for about 6 months and then they placed the property with the executions office (Govt office) and scheduled auctions over the next 3 months starting at 1.35mi value (half its real value) We were able to frustrate that effort by getting our own independent valuation and submitting it to the executions dept which was accepted and now we had the auction starting price at 2.7mil. This gave us more time.

    The only reason the bank was so belligerent and hell bent on recovery is because they thought our property was easy pickings as they only had lent about 40% value and knew in a fire sale they could recover 100% of loan plus costs and that we could go to hell in the meantime. Thai borrowers have the luxury and protection of 90% LTV ratios but farang/Thai loans at that time (2006) did not,.. 50% LTV ratio was the best available.

    This game of cat and mouse and failed auction attempts went on for about 10 months before they were able to get a new auction valuation of 1,7miliion which we again fought and won and in the meantime we sold for 2.5mil so that put an end to a very horrible and stressful experience.

    It is worth noting that when we informed the bank that we had found a buyer and wanted a payout figure and needed to get the Chanott deed they played hard ball and made it extremely difficult. They said they would not stop the auction process until they had 100% of cash (and they really slugged us for every single baht and charge imaginable) which we couldn't give them until day of sale. Even then they were not willing to cooperate and the guy at the bank (an insidious little weasel) had the gall to tell my wife "actually,... the bank wants to buy your property and that's why they will not cooperate with your request to conclude the auction process and prepare to settle". At that point we hired a top gun lawyer who has over 20 years experience dealing with banks and these matters (recommended to us by a separate bank manager who wanted to help us). We paid the new lawyer 30,000bht and he had it fixed up and settled within 10 days and now we are free of those parasitical bastards who would be struck off the banking licensees list in any western country.

    Furthermore,.. when we had a valuation done by the registered appraiser we told him the story and he said that this kind of practice and corruption is rife within the banking system and that Siam Bank was the worst of all offenders.

    Hope that helps you.

    Sorry, Siam Commericial? SCB?

  2. Thx for that Alex. Dont see anything on my csmera esp how to fix it.

    Dont bother with Surin. Just back, 90 dead. 12 hrs in eater. No turtles, sharks. Coral is non existant. Highlights = octopus, huge lobster.

    Fish populations cut in half yet again. Many species holding on last year, not seen.

    Save your money unless you are just going for a pretty beach.

    Depressing more than anything.

    Kradan has a nice drop so maybe the coral has held on a bit, water is always so murky and urchins abound.

    Rok - I will make some trips.

  3. Heres wha:-D t you do. Tell her to show up at the Amphoe, you have the cash.

    The cash is whatever you are willing to part with (20 -40k).Dont mention how much.

    When she arrives, sit down in front of whomever to sign the papers and show her the money. If she balks, she will lose face, just shrug and take the money and leave.

    I think.when she sees cash, it will change the story.

    Tell her you are finished with her, paper or not. Bye bye.

  4. To the poster encouraging taxis to rip us off by paying an inflated fee. No, you are doing it totally wrong.

    OT: I always get in the taxi first, and then tell them where to go, if they refuse, I tell them it is illegal to refuse to go. And I always make sure I stare them in the eye, and move slowly out of the car, and meanwhile I usually say, I will call the police. That will make it uncomfortable for them to refuse to go.

    If you ask first, you will never get a ride these days.

    If they have looked the door, and they wind down the window, I just turn around and move on to the next taxi without telling them were I am going.

    Wow, this is so wrong. I bet you have loads of problems with taxis.

    Locked door?

    So then they drive you in circles so you pay addl 20%.

    Most likely just doing runs in tourist areas - got it. Nana to.SC.

    Do you puff out your chrest when barking your command? Curious.

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  5. ASK. Fully respect the right of the guy not wanting to drive where he does not wish to go. Many reasons...shift change and such small money being main factors. Been few times I have been left waiting for a taxi.

    Routinely getting no for trips to Sai Tai. Last week guy took us and dumped us 70% of the way there. Long story but he did not ask for the fare. He lost his head sitting in the traffic.

    First I was really mad, put our trip in peril. After we arrived and vot to the bus I just felt dorry for him.

    Dont let the drivers leave the main roads, you never gain by shortcutting on long distance taxi rides. Quick detour is another matter perhaps.

  6. Anyone rattle off the names of the boats running to KR please. Ph numbers would be great but I can Google.

    There are about half dozen. Please operator names, not dicey booking agents.

    I had gone w Lanta Garden years past but they were not interested taking us and our camping gear over Songkran last year.

    Lanta Garden

    Opal Tour (perhaps the best)

    Many thx.

    PS Does the bus from bkk drop.at Saladan or in that bus depot area on the enter/exit to.the actual island or...does it drop somewhere before the ferrirs altogether?

    Oh! Minivan that leaves early evening? Seems last is about 5-6pm to Trang.

  7. Sort of funny, the doubters have zero evidence to refute the science, but the science is crazy and will never happen.

    What I see in 25+ years is a very large possibility of annual.flooding, a govt who has not come to any conclusion how to deal with it and a massive amount of pissed off people who must suffer the losses annually as well as deflated real estate.

    My wife to me that her parents second home in Patumthani which was totally flooded out will never fetch the same money. Unless something changes (technology, barriers, etc...) I think people in flood prone areas are destined to be screwed - and that does imo mean parts of central bkk as well.

  8. Not to dwell on the flooding thing...

    Yet another condo block is going in near our apt. This will be located very near a tiny klong which is of no use other than drainage. Virtually on top of it. Ive seen many just as close as well...

    We were not in Thailand last year during the big floods, traveling in SW USA. Despite being sort of nearish a tiny water outlet (400m), we were told our bldg had little in any flooding.

    My questions:

    When flooding occured in BKK did the klongs provide faster drainage OR

    Increased flooding due to spillover/overflow, but areas drained very slowly as water flooded areas into lowpoints and stood, did not drain.

    Or possibly both?

    So is living near a tiny klong a plus or minus?

  9. Ah, you will have angry wife if you don't buy gold necklace, wont you?

    No, I don't think she'd be angry.......only disappointed. I take such good care of her in more ways than one and she really appreciates that. I couldn't run this girl off even if I tried.

    I want to buy the gold because that is what is respected over here. Imagine, in the USA, wanting to marry a beautiful lady and not wanting to buy her an engagement and wedding ring.

    I think you are a troll

    Thete is nothing similar to buying an engagement ring and buying a necklace:

    1 it is a shared tradition

    2 gift is to fiance not parents of fiance

    3 parents of giance DONT ASK FOR THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS

    4 Many women, esp these days ate saving the money on the E ring, buying a simple band and using the money to further their future.

    If you are not a troll, you sure are dumb. Go ahead and buy it you seem to keen on doing so despite utter lack of support here.

    Also sin sot is given AT the wedding, you make it sound like this is a gift.

  10. Only end in heartache. All of you are making poor decision and remember shes spoiled goods once married. Ironic the Thais dont want to pay ss no? More importantly, family has zero respect as not even discussed ehat might be presented for show. Really no respect there for you both but even more the daughter.

    Prenup not going to matter, the family will hold his money and dole it to him. They will be btoke all the time, she will put up her wages for the house. She will have to work. Just the nature of this guy "dj". Heaven help her if she makes it to 35 with him. She could still be a stunner but he will be in the clubs. After all he is a dj...

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