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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. It changed, nothing stays the same. I was merely reflecting. Sure it became a magnet - time to go.

    Hadly anti sexual, just a guy who sees hookers as a relief valve or an odd night out - not a way of life. You can be married and still be a happy sex addict.

    Incidently, straight up p4p among consenting adults is one thing but indentured sex work is not something I see as fun in Cambodia OR Thailand.

    Sorry if you have to pay women to get them to speak to you. More sorry still you see yourself as such a player.

    Ill leave you now to your herpes, crabs, thrush, warts and weekly dose of chlamydia.

    Would have been happier with more criminals, they are more normal then the wannabe sex addicts. Fat, sweaty sex tourists most creepy.

  2. You can take a minivan to Aran for b230.


    If you are out of your element and incapable of doing it yourself that is one thing.

    Please stop informing people that this is difficult or a hassle or that thete are scams because even a titty baby traveler can diy this one.

    If you want to take the slob on the bus option for b2000 up to you. The visa run diy by minivan is b1225 incl.visa, minibus,, lunch and MRT in BKK. Jim Beam +b250.

    You gain nothing by having your hand held. There is no pick up service in BKK and you cannot have you pp shuttled across the border, you diy anyway.

    Stop it!

    PS I totally agree that ehen you travel with a pack, you travel with a pack of problems. You are the dope that cant figure it iut after living here 6mos or 6yrs? There will be a bus full of these same jokers and many will have visa issues or simply not have their act together in processing or go wandering off for booze or women or just to have a look.

    Oh and that stupid sticker they all give you really singlez you out for beggars and other scamsters. Sticker = loser.

  3. Sex tourists ruined Cambodia, not a bunch of backpackers smoking crappy weed.

    Sex tourists and riffraff have ruined Thailand as well. The mecca of love for the creepers and neckbeards and titty baby travellers.

    Im off to Singapore today with the wife - that is all I have to say in the matter.

    Cambodia was awesome and if I were a young single guy Id be living there again now. It's starting to really make its way in the world. Far, far more love for barang in Cambo than here in Thailand. They still love Americans and a shine for Aussies too.


    Pussy...pretty much says it all.

  4. I had a huge reply to the drugs comment but my browser crashed. I guess you missed my many comments Nick that was nit why most of us were there. Saddest part and the reason I left was people like you. Guys that come over here for cheap available women.

    Women - pussy, something wholly devoid in your life before you found Thailand. Now you titty babies are the kings. The leaders of men.

    Well, Cambodia and most of the intl community would rather have some weedheads yhan all the problems they have with prostitution.

    The saddness of the nation sort of broke me. It was a party place, not a happy place. That has changed, Cambo is movin on up.

    But I feel sheepish when I return, all sorts of anti - child prostitution nonsense plasteted everywhere. I feel dirty, ashamed to be an older barang in Cambodia. This was entirely the sex tourists doing. Middle aged men desparate for pussy -reading shit on the Internet and decided it was time to act and act they did.

    We used to have a saying, live the children their childhood. Few challanged this maxim and I only knew of a handful of guys who troll for kids. That was a closed group. It eas the idiots that would come over - pull up a chair beside you and started asking about sex. Positively creepy, all sweaty as well. Fat and sweaty.

    AIDS was and remains a huge issue. Cambodian women zero access to health care.

    As the years wore on it was just a bunch of sex tourists, losers, neckbeards - then the thugs moved in. Criminals from UK.

    Anyway, if the only manner you have to interact with a woman is buy her out of a massage, beer bar or go -go. If the Internet improved your dating situation 1000% If truly the only reason you are in Thailand is for the pussy (70% of you), well - that is simply pathetic.

  5. Well yes, drugs did creep in but in early days there was very little hard drugs about. The only people that smoked weed were the tourists because it was such shit. After smoking it a bit everyone would get a cough and sore throat. I developed a process to make the stuff much mote smokable. I recall some crazy ass guy made some pot oil once and afriend eas growing herbin his garden. Oh yes, happy herb pizza had happy herb anttd you could buy weed in all the markets by the bale if you wanted it that way. I dont touch it now— makes me paranoid.

    The freedom the OP was talking about might have included smoking weed but that was hardly what it was all about. There were simply no.rules and no <deleted>**ks were given on any day.

    You had money in your pocket and adventures were to be had whether that was xing illegaly from Kampong Som to Trat (Trat did not have Immigration for farang), motoing to Battambang, KR problrms in Pailin or all sorts of crazy ass trouble you could get up to in Phnom Penh.

    You wanted work - just go.look for it, you want to open a bar - do it. Open a guesthouse, restarant - go for it.

    The problem is no.one has your back. If you developed bad habits (for me it became alcoh.for awhile) booze, dope, women there was no one to catch your fall.

    Post KR there were no rules for society so while the Khmer were piecing their families and broken lives together, the expats were running amok in a quiet but determined way.

    It wss like there were 150 insanity wolves running about all.looking to give Hunter Thompson a run for his money.

    It was total.freedom. People were frightened to visit.before sbout 98. No titty baby expats or bacpackers. It was bomb ass.

    But the best was we were all a bunch of insanity wolves - some guys were old Asia hands, some new and some came just because what could be more fing crazy than living in Cambodia.

    No titty babies, esp like do msny in Thailand now. You had to have some heavy balls to be living in Cambodia pre 96.

    • Like 1
  6. One really funny thing about Cambodia in 93/4, the only people that were out after dark were the punters and the hookers + a few cops on the take.

    You could drive down Monivong on the wrong side of the street with your eyes closed without a care. I think I did that more than once on my way home from Martini Pub (nothing to be proud of I suppose).


  7. Sorry, I am thick. If you exchange at the bank rate, that is no less than 40 satang per USD/CAD/AUD on any given day than what you would get for a US100 note at say SuperRich. That's pretty big money when multiplied out at 50, 100, 300K dollars.

    So if you wire your currency here, they do not hit you on their rate (scb tends to be lowest) AND they do not get to manipulate the rate by giving you the lowest rate of the week - but it seems you are still not getting the cash rate and by my mind 50 satangs per dollar is pretty painful - that is more than one percent.

  8. X rate for cash compared to bankratesTHEN you have those mystery days the bank sits on the cash and then gives you the lowest rate of the week.

    How is this a good thing? How have you made it if not to your advantage but at least equitable?

    50 satang per dollar (pick the countryl is huge and that is the difference over cash rate, not incl the actual x rate.

    One million for retirement, three million+ for acondo - that is serious money into thin air.

    You need to set up aforeign currency acct and remit in fc but then what? Take 6m down to Super Rich??


  9. I have taken a look at the thread above and have a few questions...

    Would like a drivers lic for id purposes

    I posses a non-o based on marriage, I do not report — I do runners.

    Can I obtain a letter from the apt office instead of an affadavit from my embassy or anything from chaeng wattana?

    Is there any eay to get a 5yr lic first go?

    Would b500 to the right person upon delivery of lic help?

    Any advice

  10. I also miss the craziness, anarchy and freedom of Cambodia but it's really for sworn bachelors and those that dont need a nice if any beach.

    Ive been back many times - visas, siem reap and it is much more livable now than when I ditched it in 96.

    At that point I had enough of the corruption, stagnation, boderline failed state and most of all the desparation of the poor. It was not a happy place post election. Political corruption was ballsy and in your face. Mafias on the rise.

  11. Get an overnight bus to Ranong. Arrive early morning and grab a moto to the pier/Immigration and get stamped out asap, get a share boat to Myanmar total cost for boat, not you - b300. Go over, hand your pp and us10, get stamped and return. Back to Immigration and get stamped in. You are done.


    Visa services are for losers. Get to know the country you live in, have fun - that IS why you came here no?

    Simon +4

  12. I dont know what sort of business you are planning but even import - export I would not be inclined to do business with. Even Thailand! You have to be in HKG or Sing for Asia.

    Even US if you are mailing/shipping anything outside std dropship your profits will disappear under weight of all these services.

    BTW only a matter of time before usa taxes Internet

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