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connda last won the day on September 16 2020

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  1. Europe including France (Macron), UK, and the collective EU are pretty much toothless as well as irrelevant. The only players are the two super-powers: US and Russia. They can scream for ceasefires (code for "re-arming) until the cows come home - they won't happen until Russia and the US say they happen. The rhetoric from the EU and UK is starting to sound like (study history) the same rants by Napoleonic France and Germany pre-Operation Barbarossa. If the EU and UK figure that "third-time is a charm" they better wake up to the fact that will actually become the death-knell of the European Union. At worse, these morons may end up provoking a nuclear war. Read the history of the UK and Europe: these people have been at war like forever. War is in their blood...they can't stop. And the UK and European elites (leaders) have for centuries and generations - hated Russia and ethnic Russians. And they hate each other. Hate and War; War and Hate - that is the essence of Europe including the UK. "Ceasefire?" Not going to happen.
  2. Let him go. If he ends up in Dubai, great!
  3. It was sealed April 2022.
  4. I was a military brat, and I was in the military myself. Overseas deployments where a fact of life. And I enjoyed my time overseas - a lot! Even spent the first three years of my education in a post-WWII London English boys school. It all shaped my world-view. After the events leading to my last divorce, the first thing that came into my mind is, "I've leaving the country and moving overseas." Just like that. I've never looked back.
  5. Hell, we had grooming standards all the way though high school. No jeans, no "pegged" pants (of course we all had pegged pants), skirt-length rules for the gals. The restrictions loosen in the early 70 well after I graduated.
  6. The tracking never worked. But on the plus side, I did get the passport in about 3 weeks. And I got a letter like other when they sent it back.
  7. I don't advertise my political views in the real world. I can see the level of hate here in this forum. Poke the wrong unhinged Leftie and who knows what happens. Too many of the Antifa-types out there looking for an excuse to act out violence. I don't need that nonsense in my life. Outside of the anonymity of this forum, I'm just an apolitical US Buddhist. That's a tough enough row to hoe with evangelistic Christian tourists and expats you meet here. "You're going to HELL!!!" Yeah yeah yeah...
  8. I never remember doing that. I was on a Business visa for three years and then changed to a Non-B extension based on marriage. The only forms I remember having were the K.2 and K.3. And I did the first extension in Korat, so we were nowhere near Lamphun where our marriage was registered. Well, best of luck. Maybe you give it a try without the 6.1.3. What's the worst that can happen - they insist you show it. If they don't insist, you're good to go. And realistically, how difficult is it to get another original of the certification letter. Interesting though, I can see certifying you've been divorces, but how do you certify that you're single? That's pretty much your word. It's not like countries provide their citizens with certificates of singleness - not that I've ever experienced?
  9. This pretty much says it all. Most of those whom I marched in anti-Vietnam War marches in the 60s and 70s have done a 180 degree turn and are now rabid war-mongers. And the party who wanted war, war, war is now for peace. Go figure? Anyway, sorta explains why the AN Lefties are so pro-WAR! Given their new love of WAR and their support for authoritarianism, it seems the Left has folded around and has become the new far-Right.
  10. Trudeau Blasts US Tariffs, Vows Canada Will Stand Strong Canadians "Standing Strong." Yeah - The US is really worried! 👠
  11. The same one Biden, Harris, Clinton, and Obama served in, and for the same length of time.
  12. What is an inexpensive phone that can be set up to use an eSIM? My Samsung A34 doesn't have that capability. Looking for options.
  13. It's unconstitutional and abridges the 1st amendment. It will never survive a SCOTUS challenge. Nor should it.
  14. The only way I make sense of this is if Thailand chose to deport them back to China in order to send a message that Thailand will never be a transit stop for Uyghurs thinking that if they can reach Thailand then they will find safe haven in the US, Canada, or AU. Which does make sense. As everyone one of us who lives here knows, Thailand want nothing to do with those entering Thailand illegally whether they seek asylum or simply seek to live in this country illegally.
  15. "One can only hope." So you advocate for the assassination of the US President? Interesting? 🤔
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