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Everything posted by connda

  1. Maybe, but she ended up marrying some Aussie and moving to Australia, so I think she actually was better off. I was just off a divorce in the US (cheating b***h) and once I had hooked up with this gal, emotionally at the time I simply didn't want a relationship. At that time I measured relationships in 90 minute intervals max. Living in Krung Thep at the time.
  2. That would make many juvenile, 14 - 15 year old young male's, MILF dreams come true. <cue Van Halen's Hot For Teacher>
  3. The US and Thailand have a Tax Treaty. You won't be paying double tax on your US income as you are already taxed. That is exactly the point of Tax Treaties. If the Thai government doesn't get it's foreign tax policy's ???? together they'll be so much international flack by March 2024 that Srettha's government will have to address the issues or lose face. The international community will force the issue. Now as far as Thai natives deriving income from overseas like retail investors. Yeah! They should be paying tax to their own country's government. The problem here is that Srettha's government has tossed a net in order to catch little Thai fishes, but the foreign sharks and whales they catch will tear the nets to pieces. They really need to focus their policies on their own citizens and be da*m clear about it, which they are not at the moment. At worse you'll need to file some additional paperwork. But I doubt this insanity is going to stand firm for more than a couple of months as it was poorly planned and implemented without any real forethought. TIT.
  4. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." “Love is the law, love under will.” --Alister Crowley, The Book Of Law That's a tough question BMToo. For me morality in many senses means "do no harm." However, many people believe that you must do and act as they say or else they'll feel 'harmed." However - I can't feel responsibly for the feelings of anyone else as their feelings and world-view may be totally irrational to me. Overall I strive to be a 'good', compassionate person who cares for others. But I'm no saint, nor am I evil. I'm just a regular sorta guy.
  5. A typical 'Flu' infection for myself lasted about three days max (last case about 20 years ago) My recent infection of a SARS-based "flu" called Covid lasted 60 hours. I guess it depends on how robust your immune system is.
  6. So, Covid didn't eradicate 'the flu' after all.
  7. And yet from a different article published on AN: "In a related development, the Revenue Department has modified its notification on tax imposition on certain foreign-sourced income. This change will be effective from January 1, 2024." Yeah, ambiguous and as clear as mud, but we don't care - eat it - commoners.
  8. Any time a wealthy, elitist PM talks about narrowing income disparity in the name of equality - Run! In the long run they will make life a living hell for everyone but the upper 1% to 3% of the citizenry. This entire edict was clear as mud and yet they'll shove it down the throats of the citizenry. Yeah, and of course they'll implement digital currency - CBDCs - in order to put every satang of every Thai's earnings, income, and cash transactions under a microscope in the name of "equality." Then come the real taxes. It has nothing to do with equality - it has to do with gleaning every satang from the 99%. It has to do with transferring as much of the nation's wealth to private corporations as the system can handle - all at the expense of the 99%. The upper 1% live in rarified air and have ways to move funds without scrutiny as well as to use high-paid accountants to cover their tracks, legally and otherwise, to avoid taxation. And along with CBDCs will come a nascent social credit system where access to bank funds will be the "carrot and the stick" for the 99%'s proper social behavior.
  9. I don't see a "stampede." Today's rates at BBK Bank.
  10. How much alcohol is too much? The day you ask the question, "How much alcohol is too much?," any alcohol is too much.
  11. What online source are you using to obtain today's USD/THB exchange rate.
  12. They'll probably be some low level cops rotting in prison when the Statutes of Limitations run out and the kids waltzes back into Thailand a free man......and laughing and laughing and laughing.
  13. It's called Selective Enforcement. Interpol Red Notices are for commoners and political enemies.
  14. "October!" "When will Thaksin Shinawatra make a miraculous recovery from all of his illnesses?"
  15. Considering that almost all of the businesses in and around the Old City where declared "Non Essential" in 2020, ultimately leading to a large proportion of small and medium sized businesses going bankrupt, closing, and shuttering their store fronts therefore making Thapae and other roads look like a vestige of a bombed out, post-WWII city - yeah, early-returning tourists come then tell their friends back home that Chiang Mai is a mirage of what it used to be, and potential tourists book a different venue for their vacations. Heck, even Kad Suan Kaow Mall folded. Who wants to come to Chiang Mai to see half the tourist areas looking like Ghost Towns? Well, maybe TAT can market that: "Come To Ghost-Town Chiang Mai!"
  16. But it gives them what they want "Mr. Rich Guy Mr. Farang who will never be allowed to be a permanent resident of Thailand, please produce proof that 100M your 800,000 baht transfer / 65,000 per month or 400,000 baht / 40,000 per month transfers into your bank here was taxed somewhere in your home country which we acknowledge has a bilateral tax agreement with Thailand, but we'll force you to provide proof for each transfer, otherwise we will tax the transfer and it sucks to be you double-taxed Farang." ???????? Farang: ????
  17. The Thai government’s intention to address social inequalities through taxation is commendable but requires a well-thought-out strategy. Let's see how this works. The government takes money from private citizens and gives it to itself and calls that leveling social inequalities? More likely it gets funneled into corporate pork-barrels, "brother-in-law effect" business contracts, 29K THB lunches for dignitaries flying chartered, and offshore account of elite officials. Taxes most often take unequal proportions of wealth from bottom 90% of society and transfers it to the upper 1%. ???? This is then called Equality.
  18. Been there, done that. It took almost 2 years before I felt reasonably well again. Nasty stuff. Best wishes for your wife recovery. Hopefully she doesn't have Long Dengue.
  19. They must have taken some high-priced sideline girls with them.
  20. Wai in the front; boot in the back.
  21. Wrap the head of your "friend" up in gauze. Change it whenever it gets damp. Keep a lot of gauze around. You'll heal up quickly. Typical caveat: I'm not a medical practitioner and what I'm suggesting is from personal experience. It works. You need to wick that dampness away so your friend can heal. See a doctor and use whatever meds he/she/whatever gives you - and use the gauze. Or don't. Up to you! ????
  22. Make sure your Covid shots are up to date. Pfizer and Moderna have new FDA approved vaccines out to protect you. Stay safe!
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