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Everything posted by connda

  1. Back 50 years ago when I worked fast-foods, they used Beef Fat! Gawd - talk about tasty fries!
  2. I love Thai restaurant veggies, but the sauces they use to make it is loaded with sugar. Just saying...... If you don't have insulin problems, then it isn't an issue.
  3. Considering that in the past we have seen pictures of "sick, elderly" farangs in terrible condition in prison ICUs (and I don't mean intensive care units) I think that the hospitalization perk is only extended to the wealthy and/or connected citizens. My guess is that this hospitalization perk isn't particularly extended to Thai commoners nor foreigners. You gotta be a "somebody" or else you are a nobody. Nobodies rot I have the feeling.
  4. You can't change what Thai restaurants use to make their food. You can change your life-style. Look into fasting to control pre-diabetes (type 2). I was told I was pre-diabetic too years back. I water fasted 5 days and was back to normal. Fasting does work in many cases. "Google" it: Diabetes and Fasting. It literally can reset your insulin levels (HOMA-IR) as well as lower your fasting blood sugar and A1c levels. I'm speaking from experience here*. But let's source at least one study to keep this real: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35661214/ *And as always the caveat: I'm not a medical practitioner, this is not medical advice. See a doctor before engaging in any treatments for diabetes or engaging is fasting.
  5. Again. This is your friend! ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????
  6. Of course your landlord will take your entire security deposit for putting holes in the door. Fyi. My landlords in Thailand always had a key to my apartments. However, you can (and should) use a locking door-knob cover. None of my landlord cared that I used these. In fact, they encourage their use. With your landlord having a key - you don't get locked out when you forget yours (I've done that more than once). You can find these at any key shop in Thailand. ???? In my last apartment I installed a wrought-iron screen door. We lived on the 4th floor of the apartment building and got a nice breeze (no A/C in the rooms - living 100% "Thai" were all of the residents were also Thai). Landlord had no problem as long as she got to keep it when we left. And - the $&^&% still kept the entire security deposit. Just get use to that. Don't bother cleaning your room as they will take it anyway about 95% of the time. But, after installing that door I didn't worry about anyone breaking into the room. It was worth the investment as we lived there for over three years. Rent was less than 2000 THB / month. Door plus installing cost 3000 THB. Average that over three years and it added about 80 THB to my rent if averaged over three years. And it kept us quite cool and comfortable.
  7. Up here in Northeast Lamphun I've been following these "doom and gloom" weather forecasts since the beginning of the Rain Season. What do we get. Nada. Light rains the produce pretty much nothing. None of the local rivers and catch-basins are filling. Personally I'd like to see a few real "soakers" because right now this part of the province has serious water issues.
  8. Village classrooms? Nope. Let the commoner peasants use fans.
  9. Go figure. It's the old 'gotta click on the box' trick 'eh?
  10. Go to a Thai Restaurant in the West. Enjoy the ambiance and food. Now - real Thailand? It's everything the Western Thai restaurant wasn't.
  11. The OP could just pay and agent to go through the hassle at CW for him. I did that before I left CM as I simply got tired of hassling with the lines and delays at Immigration. That was before they even started building the new place. Just get an agent to go through the hassle - if the OP considers it to be a hassle.
  12. I get along with any and everybody regardless of their ethnicity, race, or nationality. I don't create my opinion of people based on whom our own governments and "leaders" tell us are "good" or "bad." I base my opinion of people based on their actions and the content of their character. I'm neutral with most everyone at the beginning. Trust builds over time. History is littered with examples of genocide, ethnic-cleansing, and pogroms when governments and authority figures tell their compliant public whom to hate and despise as well as why. Any expat who has traveled the world and wasn't brought up with a built-in racial, ethnic, or nationalistic bias should understand that.
  13. Lymphocyte T-Cell Immunomodulator (LTCI) is a drug that has been approved in the US (2011) for cats with Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). It goes by the brand name of IMULAN. I have a 1 year old cat with Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)/Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). If I can find this available in Thailand I'd like to give it to my cat. If anyone knows of a distributor or where I can purchase it I would appreciate it.
  14. Unfortunately it needs to be done at CW. Regarding online. Yeah, it can be flaky. But you have 1 full week after your 90 day expiration to get it done. Submit it online and then wait. If the approved form doesn't show up by the last day of the "grace period" you'll need to go to CW on that day. But I'd try online first. I've only had to physically go to Immigration once to process the 90 day due to not getting the approval back in time. Other than that it seems to work quite well.
  15. Use this: Click on "apply" on the bottom left. Use this link to login. I'd suggest using Brave browser of Chromium (Chrome) with this online application. https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login
  16. In Thai they are called mia chow, rental wives. Trust me, Thai men engage in this way more than farangs. Hence the Karaoke bars and shower massages, as well as private clubs. Personally I've never 'groped' a woman before. It's not my style. However, I have 'rented a wife' in the past. And "old men?" The first time I hooked up with a bar girl I was 35. This scene isn't just for 'old men.' These places cater to Thai guys from 20 to elderly in most case. The farang bar scene is an after-though. Japan sounds like a good place for you, however, the bar scene there can be pretty exotic if you get invited in. None of these places are for alter boys.
  17. That works. That really all I want to do - use it for future purchase. I guess I'll open one and send the item back.
  18. That's the only reason. I was going to return an item and it requires a Lazada Wallet for the refund.
  19. Me too. In fact, I simply detest everything Android and 'smartphones' in general.
  20. If the morality bothers you Nick, you've come to the wrong country. Try Japan or Korea. They are probably a better fit.
  21. Honestly. at the bars I'd go to, I'd buy occasional drinks for the staff but at the same prices as customers pay. I never have gotten turned down. It may not be 'extra money' but it is a free drink.
  22. Nope. All the men I bought drinks for in the past were....ah-hum... 'ladies.'
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