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Everything posted by connda

  1. Which mean? Leases suck. With a Usufruct, your on the Charnote. Like a tick on the back of a dog. Of course - if someone purchases the land they can use "tick remover", but??? Legally? Buy some protection.
  2. Yes. You can. Get a Thai lawyer. You are not going to navigate a Usufruct by yourself. Be prepared to give the Land Office some ฿฿฿Love฿฿฿. You come away with your name on the Charnote and essentially you have a lien on the property for your life-time. You wife could sell the property, but - it's still yours to "Use" and sell.
  3. I'm surprised Immigration and the Thai MOL isn't cracking down on Farangs illegal rice planting labor!!!
  4. But but but - if they fly over here? All the CO2 from the planes will melt the ice-caps and will flood Thailand. They will need to move Bangkok back to Ayutthaya which will also be flooded. So - no no no no no - Don't come here. It will melt the polar ice-caps. Only Al Gore's and the WEF private jets are CO2-Free!!!
  5. I'm not going to count. I'm just wondering how many AN posters wrote: "See what happens when you don't have insurance!!! Ha Ha Ha - Another grift to get money from GoFundMe!!! Losers!!!" But? She had insurance. Think about that. - Why don't insurance companies pay out? Insurance is the ultimate scam that is backed by the "pubic-private partnerships" between governments and corporations as the expense of the public. Government: "Everyone needs insurance." Insurance: "But we're not going to pay out."
  6. Message sent: You will not entertain aligning with China or Russia. Or Else!
  7. What what what??? Why 'buy research papers? Just have ChatGPT write them for you!
  8. @Pib Thanks for the clear explanation! I used to have the SSA payment go to BBK Bank in Chiang Mai, but I live in Lamphun. When SSA offered IDD payment, I closed the BKK Bank account and had SSA Manila reroute it to SCB in Lamphun via IDD. But this gives me the information that I need if I ever choose to go the 40K/month route with immigration using the SSA payment. In that case I'd simply need to reopen a receiving account for the SSA payment at a Bangkok Bank here in Lamphun. At the moment it's not an issue as I just use the 400k in the bank method. But the winds of fate are fickle and you never know what the future will bring. I just want to keep this in my back-pocket in case I need a different option. So I just wanted to understand what was needed. Thanks again for taking the time to answer the question clearly and concisely. I really do appreciate that!
  9. Thanks for the long description, but it didn't answer that very specific question I asked, and - it has nothing to due with acquiring a green card for my wife, so it's way off topic. And I did not ask a question about 'How to do a marriage extension.' I've been married for 15 years to my Thai wife and I've been doing them for years based on 400K THB in the bank However? 1) I am interested in the 40K per month from a foreign source deposited into a Thai bank account - and in this case - I'm specifically trying to understand 2) how to do so using US Social Security payment deposited into my Thai bank account by the US Social Security Administration. My question is very specific: "I'm looking for advice from any US citizen who currently uses Social Security deposits as their financial requirement for marriage extensions. How are you doing it? What bank are you using. What hoops do you jump through." @ubonjoe I know you're from the US. Do you have any insight on using SSA benefit payments to meet the financial requirements for a Marriage Extension. If this has been covered before, do you have a link? Thanks!
  10. A summary of the article: "Vaccines aren’t suitable for coronaviruses. Such respiratory viruses spread and mutate too quickly. This is why there has never been a vaccine for the common cold and why the flu shot is predictably sub-optimal. Vaccines can be sterilizing and contribute to public health only when the virus is a stable pathogen, such as smallpox and measles. For coronaviruses, there’s really only one way forward: better antivirals, therapeutics and acquired immunity." For those with the attention span needed to read this article co-authored by Tony Fauci, you'll come away with an understanding as to why, at the present moment (as well as when the mRNA Covid shots were rolled out at "Warp-Speed), current vaccine technology isn't (wasn't) very effective and simply can not create "sterilizing vaccines" for cold, flu, and SARS-Cov-2 viruses. In the future? Maybe. Right now? No. What has been injected into a few billion people's arms are not sterilizing vaccines which are "effective" at stopping infection or transmission these viruses. https://www.cell.com/cell-host-microbe/fulltext/S1931-3128(22)00572-8
  11. Like you, the majority of times I go to Watsons there isn't a pharmacist on duty. Their stores seem to be tailored toward the sale of things like cosmetics and skin care, for example, and secondarily the sale of OTC drugs. There's one in the Big C where I shop. I stopped going to them because either the pharmacist is MIA or they don't have what I'm looking for. The pharmacy upstairs in Big C is better stocked and more apt to have a pharmacist on duty. Still, I get most of what I need from a couple of pharmacies that I've been shopping at for year in Chiang Mai. Large stocks, pharmacist always on duty. Why bother with large corporate stores imho.
  12. I'm looking for advice from any US citizen who currently uses Social Security deposits as their financial requirement for marriage extensions. How are you doing it? What bank are you using. What hoops do you jump through.
  13. Farang retirees need not apply, even though that would supply Thailand with a huge pool of Native English Speakers. Nationalism and abject racism is simply too strong to allow the status quo to admit that NES farangs volunteers could contribute to the education of the country. Whatever. Their loss.
  14. Interesting. Our "home visit" many moons ago consisted of a short talk between the wife and immigration officials at a locked gate. The whole thing lasted a few minutes.
  15. What's "fake news?" It's whatever governments, corporations, and MSM mass-media who are owned by large conglomerates of mega-rich people wish to call it. Creating a single authoritative view of the world which can not be discussed or debated leads to - authoritarianism, and then totalitarianism. In communications, there are always black and white and shades of grey. The monied interests who seek to limit what is called "news" to a single authoritative voice do so to promote their own agendas, which in turn boils down to increasing their own power and wealth at the expense of rest of humanity.
  16. So it will be Prawit, when he comes to power as PM, who will pave the way for Thaksin's return. How interesting. ????
  17. Don't know why Trump would care. However, I know a few conservative UK Scottish citizens who are happy to see here go.
  18. The title pretty much explains it: Marriage Extension Quesion: How to us US Social Security payment sent to a Thai bank to show monthly 40K+ THB foreign transfers? How do these payments show up in a Thai bank as far as "Foreign Transfers?" Do they show up as FTT at a bank like Kaisakorn? (SCB shows up as a normal deposit "X1" and not a foreign transfer). If not, then how can you use the monthly SSA payments as the financial requirement for a marriage extension?
  19. Hear that sound? Listen? It's the sound of Mexico calling.
  20. I quit wearing a ring after my third marriage. I have scars instead. Scar tissue is less likely to conduct.
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