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Everything posted by connda

  1. Is there a cutoff date for filing an Online 90 Day Report. Does it have to be done a specific number of days before the 90 expiration date - if so - how many?
  2. The Makro in my area is starting to loosen up. I've been walking in maskless for a couple of months now. The guards don't say anything.
  3. Does anyone remember hearing the term, "Asymptomatic Transmission" before 2020? No the term seemed to surface so there was an excuse to "test" anyone with a PCR Test that has no standardized cycle count and therefore could be used to target people with absolutely no symptoms and force them into Covid prisons where you would surely end up in contact with active Covid cases. Private hospitals were making 100K THB a pop from "Asymptomatic" foreigners. What a great and effective way to make money. The new Pandemic Industrial Complex is pretty much a Trillion dollar industry now. Testing perfectly healthy people to make sure they aren't sick. <laughs> PT Barnum would have loved that one.
  4. Heck, they can't even enforce the 80 THB price cap. Don't expect miracles.
  5. How about attribution for your assessment, otherwise it's simply a post with the intent of disparaging a specific ethnicity and citizens from a specific country without providing any substantial evidence or facts. So, where is the link to an official statement from Thai immigration stating that it expects, "Over the next few months as tourist visas expire there will be a massive wave of Russian overstayers trying to avoid the war. They will also be attempting to work illegally to fund their stay?" The title of your post is stated as a "fact." Just saying...
  6. By the way, the term "anti-masker" is a pejorative that is meant to demean and discredit another persons views and opinions right out of the gate, and immediately set a confrontational tone. A less confrontation question would have been, "A question for those who don't believe that masks are effective", or "A question for those who choose not to wear masks." If you want to wear a mask - up to you.
  7. Because wearing a mask (especially a cloth mask) to keep out a virus that is 0.125 microns in size is akin to surrounding your house with a chain-link fence to keep out mosquitos. Now personally I think people with symptomatic upper respiratory infections should wear masks to contain the snottering fluid particles from frequent coughing and sneezing, i.e., to protect others. Contain it at its source. To give another analogy, if Bangkok strictly applied laws to restrict the emissions from hydrocarbon burning vehicle - and I mean STRICT - then the population wouldn't have to wear N95+ masks to protect themselves from the annual onslaught of PM2.5 particles when inversion layers trap emissions in the atmosphere over the city. Again - contain it at it's source. Filter at the source, the same for masks. As far as people "wanting" to wear masks? That's up to each individual. In the last 15 years here I've seen people wearing masks for whatever reason they have. When the PM2.5 gets really bad up here in the North, like 350+, I'll even don my 3M P-100 when outside. However, my problem is when a government orders you to wear a mask. That's the classical liberal in me that detests totalitarian-like diktat on entire populations regardless of the reason. However, some people prefer to be ruled. There the 'logic.'
  8. So Yong now says we can ditch the virtue signaling sign of social compliance. Well, until the next scheduled "pandemic."
  9. Completely doomed to failure. Like Thais failure to pay their speeding tickets, if their license is revoked then they will just drive without a license as the cost to do so is a paltry 400 or 500 THB fine (and a ticket receipt that allows the violator to bypass other roadblocks for the rest of the day). Their is no downside.
  10. How many points are deducted from a driver's license for "Driving Without A Driver's License."
  11. I have a few unvaxxed friends who used to come here annually for a month at a shot. I just sent them the news. They usually come in February, but how the heck can you book a flight if you don't know if the "rules" are going to turn on a dime. I'll be surprised if they come.
  12. Everything you need to know about new Covid variant Kraken It's another coronavirus. It has been given a scary name to frighten the fearful. So get your Boosters - Safe And Effective!
  13. Why enact this for essentially three weeks and then stop? It's very difficult to believe they'll make these rule changes and then drop them on Jan 31st.
  14. Buy a new car. Suzuki Celerio. About $10K USD. Gets you from point A to point B. Do you need to drive a status symbol?
  15. Ok. What nationalities? Now I've seen the same at buffets in Thailand. By the way, which is why I refuse to go to buffets in Thailand any longer (once was enough). I didn't see any Chinese. So - this is an 'ethnic hatred post' that you've posted. What are you attempting to say about Chinese people? Spit it out. Greed is only the purvey of Chinese people? Ok. So you are racist? Just asking. Hate Chinese? Other races and ethnicities too. Westerns showing hatred and contempt for non-Westerners is really bad. So you understand where you live? You're not in New York. You're not in Berlin. You're not in Warsaw. You're not in Finland. You are in Thailand! Please stop.
  16. Just like: Americans Brits Canadians New Zealanders Aussies Europeans and on and on and on and on................ <put an overpriced country where inflation is running rampant here>
  17. Overly interested in sex is a vice. Over-eating is a vice. Excessive alcohol consumption is a vice. Excess pot consumption is a vice. Excess anything is a vice. So what to do. Well, pick a vice you believe you've handled and then subject everyone else to your assessment of their moral character - baseless or otherwise. Or - live and let live. Well, until someone else insists that their needs to be a law to regulate You but not Them.
  18. My step-son was in the Thai military. /sarcasm on Outstanding institution! /sarcasm off
  19. I've seen some grainy pictures that look like the hull had a rip in it. But how. It's "crickets" as far as the government goes. Did they run it into a coral reef? Still incompetent in a major way.
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