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Everything posted by connda

  1. If I ever get in an accident that is my fault in Thailand, I will immediately blame "Brake Failure." It works every time, right! Do what the natives do!
  2. Did they get the size of his penis? Foreskin or not? Public hair color? Shaved or not? We need more specifics to catch these heinous criminals.
  3. For the Pro-Vaxx crowd: Keep getting your mRNA boosters on a regular basis. Safe and Effective!
  4. BTW. Retirement visas with money in the bank is pretty much a slam dunk. Why bother with an agent? I used an agent once when living in Chiang Mai as CM Immigration was simply a mess that I didn't want to deal with. Like back when you need to get there before dawn to get a queue ticket. It was ridiculous. It seems things have changed now, but I don't live in CM and use a different office in Region 5 where there are few farangs and a lot of Myanmar workers, but Immigration processes each class in different buildings.
  5. They'll blame the entire incident on a few of the lowest ranking enlisted pukes and then bury the whole fiasco.
  6. Than submit a police report that your agent has disappear with your passport.
  7. It will be a cold day in Hell when those of us married to Thai women will be allowed to use a "E-Extension System" for an yearly extension of stay. Married 15 years and still have to take pictures sitting on a freaking bed. Why not Boom-Booming too? There ain't an E-Extension System in any of our futures. Trust me.
  8. 100%. You've nailed it. It's about obedient and deference to authority, herd behavior, and the fear of being considered "outside of the herd" and hence "losing face." Wife and I went shopping today. Big C, Makro, and some other Mom and Pop stores like our pet food store (we got 8 hungry dogs, 1 cat, and a bird). I wear a mask around my neck in the stores. If asked? I'll put it on. I've never been asked. I made one exception today when I went to SCB (play along to get along) as they have a sign at the front door asking for mask compliance. I've no problem with that. So the only time I put the mask on my face was when I entered the bank, and when I took a pee (I actually think masks in toilets ain't a bad idea) <laughs>. Now my wife. Puts her mask on as soon as she exits the car. Period. And it stays on until were back at the car. "Face" and cultural compliance as far as I'm concerned. In my own humble opinion, wearing a mask outside it the definition of paranoid behavior as well as slather alcohol on your hands at every doorway (Even the CDC studies show that 'fomite contagion' (picking up Covid off of a surface and getting sick) is 1 in 10000. Oh heck, here's the link: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/more/science-and-research/surface-transmission.html Wife and I have an agreement. She doesn't give me any grief about being maskless ("I can't control this crazy farang husband!") and I don't give her any grief about wearing a mask (which I think are useless - well, until your in the restrooms where toilets and urinals are being flushed. Although? It may be a great place to boost you immune system if you're younger in and excellent health already. But I'm really up front with this. Those who chose to live in a pathogen-free bubble? You're killing yourselves in the long-term. But? Up to you. I'm in good health for a 70 year old and I'll continue to challenge my immune system. If I die? So be it. Everyone dies. Look at NancyL (a friend) here in Chiang Mai. 68 and dies in her sleep. I can only wish for such an exit. But - everybody dies. Some in their prime, and Nancy, the last time I saw her, was in excellent health. So why worry. You'll eventually crock too. I'm not masking up, social distancing, or becoming a member of the herd. I just refuse. Because I don't live in fear.....well.... My fear? Living to 100. Yet my grandad did. I'd be happy to check out in the next 5 years. I'm tired, I've outlived my nuclear family as well as my only child. Bring it. I'm not afraid of it. I'll welcome it. Yeah - I'll probably live to 100.
  9. Attribution and sources. Where did you dig up your sources. Please link them. You've used it and it wasn't for you, so you disparage it's use. "I feel it can be addicting even at low doses." Well in that case, you should avoid it and any other opioids. But? We're all different. I've had surgery with propofol as one of the general anesthetics. A couple of times. One of the thing I've had both doctors and nurses comment on is the fact that clear the anesthetic very fast. They come by the bed and ask, "Why are you awake, you shouldn't be." But I am. "Then, how do you feel?" Clear headed and ready to have you give me a shot of morphine for the surgical pain. I don't clear morphine as fast, so it works pretty well post surgery. But I'm speaking for myself. We're all different. Which is a fact that most Thai doctors I've met can't seem to grasp when it comes to palliative care. Something to ponder: The word "addiction." Opioids, as well as SSRIs (Tram is an SSRI as well) can cause physical dependence as well stop working unless you up the dosage. So Tramadol does cause a 'dependence' as in if you stop or cut the dose you go into withdrawal. The body builds a resistance to the dosage. SSRIs do the same. It's a fact Jack. Addiction is not having the self-discipline to know when it's time to cut the dose, and stop using it altogether. Tramadol as an opioid/SSRI needs to be cycled. Really. You have to occasionally quit using it. Then when you restart (using but not abusing) it works again. Addiction is also falling into drug abuse. Using it as a beneficial adjunct to pain management is having the self-discipline to cycle it. How many people can do that willingly. I've no answer other than - I can. But? I blame a lot of the post-use addiction behavior directly on the doctors who perscribe opioids but then don't provide the patients with the plans and tools necessary to taper and withdrawal - which ain't pleasant. I'm just being blunt: You need a lot of self-awareness as well as self-discipline. As I stated in a previous post - if you have an addictive nature - don't take it. Or if you do take it (via prescription and doctors orders) then research the drug thoroughly. Wanna know why the US has an Oxycontin epidemic? Doctors will prescribe it, but most doctors don't work with their patients to inform them that they will need to withdrawal, and then make a prescription and a plan for the patient to taper off Oxy. Nope. Those with addictive personality take it, like it, and then don't want to quit. But if you don't want to ruin your life? You gotta quit. If you're taking opioids for chronic pain - you HAVE TO cycle which means consciously quitting, taking a break, and then restarting. And then doctors who prescribe Tramadol. In there training they are taught that it isn't 'addicting.' Well? It depends who you give it to and whether of not the doctor follows up with the patient to make sure they are tapered off the drug. Now, if you talk to a NA addict (I'm not moralizing, just being realistic) they are going to have a 180 degree different view from myself. They have to. Their lives literally depend on it. And FYI. When using Tramadol? I have no problem with any alcohol interaction. Some people may. I don't personally.
  10. I've been to enough wet markets in Thailand in the last 15 years where there are no prices on the produce. If the prices are posted, I look at quality and price. By the way, I don't know a Mom & Pop market in our village that posts any prices on their produce. Items in display cases and coolers? Yeah. Produce laying on the table or in a box cooler - nope. You gotta ask. But there are certain fruits and vegetables I like and I know the going prices locally. So no - I don't try to barter down posted prices although I've seen other farang attempt that. That's sort of my definition of being a Cheap Charlie.
  11. Tweekers are a truly paranoid bunch. Best to steer well clear of established meth-heads.
  12. Spend three years isolating the human body from pathogens and your immune system can't do it's job. The immune system needs to be challenged by pathogens to work. So China put itself in a bubble for three years. Now they "open up" and everyone's weakened immune systems are getting crushed. It needs to run it's course. And for people in Thailand who have been masked up and avoiding contact with people for the last three years? You weakened your immune system. So for those concerned that the Chinese Pandemic is going to overflow into Thaland, ask yourself: Have you been in an self-imposed isolation bubble for the last three years. If so - perhaps you have something to worry about. If you've just lived life as normal, you probably have a robust immune system that has already been exposed to some variation of Covid and you have the antibodies fight it.
  13. You won't find Tramadol 50mg at Boots with perhaps the exception of Ultracet which is over-priced 37.5mg Tram + Para. Look around at regular pharmacies. 1 in 10 will carry it. Most do not carry it because of the regulations they need to follow to dispense it. Then read through this thread and note something: 1. Some people can take Tramadol and use it responsibly. If you use it long term, you will have to contend with withdrawal symptoms at some point in time but there are ways to alleviate them including tapering. If you take it long term - use it for 8 months, then taper, then quit for 1 or 2 months. 2. Other people are prone to addiction especially when it comes to opiates. Tram can make you feel very pleasant, but not forever. Them people up their dose to 100, then 150, then 200 - they aren't "using the medicine." They are now abusing it. And you don't want to abuse it. There are plenty of horror stories out there. You've got to ask yourself: "Am I going to use Tramadol, or is Tramadol going to use me." If the answer is the former, it is a very useful pain-reliever for moderate pain, If the answer is the latter - months or years from now you'll be writing how Tramadol is the Devil's Brew with withdrawals worse than heroin. Bottom line: Addictive personalities should probably stay away from it.
  14. Do you know how fast a 6 digit pass-code can be hacked? That's my point.
  15. The report has no weight in the judicial system. Well, granted. A politicized DOJ may try to implement the Jan 6th Congressional Star Chamber recommendations, but? It will go to the SCOTUS and get shot down. "Our Democracy is in danger!" Agreed! By a one party duopoly and 'public-private partnerships' which reek of classical fascism. It seems money buys the power. Average Joe's and Jill's can't compete with the corporate and billionaire donations that buy the election results. Thanks SCOTUS ruling on Citizens United. It ushered in fascism and a system where the rich and wealthy can buy election. Look at how much money was poured into the 2022 election by ex-FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried. They'll never claw back those funds. And then Soros - one man destroying the integrity of the US legal system. "Yeah, feel free to go to your local store and steal upwards of $900 in merchandise. Misdomendor and released without bail. Slap on the hand if you show up in court, if it goes to court, and the Soros backed DA won't file charges. But be a conservative in Washington DC on Jan 6th. "Insurrection!" The current US ain't the country I was born into 70+ years ago. We've taken two steps forwards and three steps back. I'll just sit back and wait for the ad-hominid comments.
  16. Yes I do. I don't worry about it. If you do worry about it, link the medical studies which conclusively prove (i.e., statistical significant) that high cholesterol - by itself - causes heart attacks. Best of luck. Now - high cholesterol and certain lifestyle choices (smoking for instance) - different story. Damage your circulatory system and - yep - cholesterol will fill in that damage. If you're worried though? Keep taking the statins. Just get your liver and kidneys checked regularly. "Statins are perfectly safe!!!" Ok! I said, keep taking them.
  17. Covid? Learn to live with it. Let your da*m immune system do it's job.
  18. No. Not based on the current minimum wage. A cost of living increase for the recent inflation - ok. But that isn't going to bring it to 600 THB/day. By the way. We pay are own laborers based on skills, productivity, and unfortunately gender. Based on those factors we pay between 300 to 600 THB/day. Before some Westerner has a mental breakdown, come live in rural Thailand before you melt down. Then get a grip on that the plate of somtum you bought for 20 THB 10 years ago - still costs 20 THB today. In Bangkok? The cities are insane and a crucible for inflation. Which is why I don't live rural.
  19. Download our banking app. "Safe and Convenient? Just download at Google Play." ???? Ok <Goes to Google Play and installs my bank's application.> They only need access to most of my phones functionality: Camera, mic, contacts, location, etc etc etc. Then you login by just clicking their icon. Perhaps the first time you need a user-id/password. Might even need 2-factor authentication (going to the phone you're holding). After that? Bob's Your Uncle. Just click the icon and your in! I don't see how Android is either safe or secure. Possibly convenient (or not). What do you think?
  20. I used it for three year for a rotatory cuff tear that I refused to have surgery. My minimum effective dose was 50mg/day. Over time and based on the pain I'd go to 150mg/day. But my average dose pretty much stayed at 50mg. Over a three year period of time and daily stretching? It healed. I cut the dosage to 50mg a day, prepared mentally for a few uncomfortable days, and quit cold turkey. No need to list a bunch of links about withdrawal horror stories. I understand the withdrawal symptoms as I first used it for long-haul Dengue Fever which was just nasty and lasted close to two years. So I've withdrawn before. It takes awhile for your brain to reset itself. I used it; I didn't abuse it. Don't abuse it and it is useful. Abuse it? Well, then you deserve the hell of sever withdrawals that you'll eventually face. No sympathy from me.
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