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Everything posted by connda

  1. It's used by old people to control the pain of things like Rheumatoid arthritis and other chronic pain like knee, joint and muscle damage. Unlike NSAID and other OTC 'pain killers' they don't destroy your kidneys or your liver. Yes. You need to control the minimum effective dose and be willing to quit using Tramadol occasionally (which means going through mild withdrawals) as opposed to keep upping the dose (stupid in the long run). It's effective and useful, especially for those of us in the "elderly" category. They should worry more about "young peoples" methamphetamine usage as meth is now plentiful and cheaper than dirt throughout Thailand.
  2. "Only the "well-heeled rich" should be allowed to stay. Kick these Cheap Charlies out!" Hubris. The 1300 THB / day pays the daily wages of 4 Thai nationals. Take a university course in Economics instead of promoting status consciousness.
  3. Plus 20 minutes of signing the paperwork while stretching the cramps out of your hand every 5 minutes.
  4. That's Chiang Mai and some surrounding Northern province. Guess I'll just wait with the eight dogs for the knock on the door. "We know you stay in Thailand not real. You have fake marriage. You fake marriage with Thai woman for 15 years. You just pretend to be married. You stay with 'false pretense!' (although I doubt they'll be able to say that phrase.)" Hi, would you like to come in for a cup of coffee? Don't worry about the snarling dogs. They don't bite.
  5. Congress controls the purse strings; they do not control the judiciary. Checks and balances. Which makes America great. Now, they will attempt to control the judiciary, but it will never make it pass the SCOTUS as it is unconstitutional. For those whining that they don't like the way the US system is set up. How un-American. For those who want to attack ad-hominid with, "You're a Trump loving MAGA supporter and insurrectionist!!!" Sorry - I don't like Trump. I'll only admit to being an independent conservative who believes in the validity of the US Constitution. Spent eight year in the US military to protect US Constitutional values. I think most of the Congress needs to be cleaned out and replaced (legally) with like-minded conservatives. How many years in the military to the rest of you 'Americans' spend? I don't think many of you served a day in the service of the United States. We're a minority. And I don't like either the democrat or republican parties. There are some really good people on both sides of the aisle, but they all are a minority. The rest? They are destroying the country has they make themselves millionaires. "Come on man!" We gotta have a 1.7 TRILLION dollar budget? The Congress and Senate are collectively destroying our Republic. As well as the Administration. All of them.
  6. Sorry you're a farang who can't negotiation prices in Thai. By the way, if you live in a village, the villagers are not going to screw you based on skin colors if you are married to a Thai wife living in that village. Ain't gonna happen. It's a big problem if it does.
  7. I don't live in Pattaya. I live in Lamphun Province. The fruits and vegetables in the local markets are a fraction of the cost of Big C in Muang Lamphun. The fruits and vegetables grown in the village are even less. Suggestion? If you want cheap fruits and vegetables , move to rural Thailand.
  8. You're kidding me. She was a wealth of information and assistance to the Chiang Mai expat community. RIP lady. You'll be missed.
  9. I started smoking at 14. Yet managed to graduate at the top of my class in university (graduating class over 2000 students). If I hadn't smoked pot as a kid, a teenager, and in my 20s, I probably would have been another Einstein. What a loss.
  10. Where were the Hull Technicians? Were there any trained Hull Techs aboard?
  11. If they have had minimal training they learned how to make flotation devices out of their trousers. That's if you actually have had training and practice and don't loose your head. However. Even in this relatively warm waters, if you are in water below body temperature long enough you'll experience exposure and loss of strength. Those sailor cut loose from their ship have one goal: stay afloat and expend as little energy as possible and wait for rescue. Just an utter disgrace. Flotation Device Out Of Pants
  12. Dressing up like a captain or an admiral doesn't mean you have the skill sets to be a captain or an admiral. Speaking of which. The captain and the entire chain of command up through the head Thai admiral should be forced to resign. Ships don't just sink. They're built to be water tight if you have a trained, functioning crew following protocol. The 'engine room flooded?' How? Lack of safety equipment? Why? Obviously lack of basic seaworthiness protocols and criminally lax command. "The Navy" didn't screw up. Specific people in charge of the proper maintenance and operation of that military vessel HTMS 442 Sukhothai <deleted> up beyond all repair to coin a common US Navy phrase. Speaking as someone with eight years in the US Navy, four years on ships, and multiple deployments. This is a disgrace.
  13. Reverse the connections so your flowing water backward through the heater to blow it out. We do that a couple of times a year and it works like a champ.
  14. I never remember cannabis being so harsh to smoke or have such a harsh aftertaste. Went it first became legal I bought three grams from different vendors. They all tasted - bad. Very strong with a very nasty aftertaste. Like if I smoked, I wanted to immediately brush my teeth to get the acrid taste out of my month. Someone I talked with said that perhaps the first stuff on the market was originally illegal and had be stored in diesel tank for smuggling. I would not doubt it. Pretty much all of it tasted - chemical. Bought some cheaper brick, but it's the same. Very harsh. I'm like 70 years old and I've been around in the marijuana scene in the US. I never remember such nasty tasting pot. I haven't bought for the last 3 months. Maybe the new crops are different. I'd like to buy some that will give you a buzz without tasting like you're smoking firewood. I have some but I don't smoke it because it tastes just nasty. This goes for everything I've bought since legalization.
  15. Source? Attribution? Otherwise the statement is simply something you made up.
  16. This is a complete disgrace for a military organization that claims it is a Navy. A "pretend Navy" at best. The entire chain of command from the ship's captain (who is 100% responsible for everything that occurred on his ship) right up to the ranking admiral - and every officer in-between - should either resign or be discharged. Speaking as a Navy vet: Yeah, this is a complete, unabashed disgrace.
  17. Out of $100 Billion in revenue? They write the fine off as an expense. Cost of doing business. Sorta the same model as when banks get caught laundering money. No executives go to jail, bank is fined, bank writes of fine and still makes a ton of profit.
  18. Interesting. Ships shouldn't just sink unless the hull was breached. Or the crew weren't following water-tight integrity.
  19. All "Smart Phones" running Andriod and iOS are essentially spy and hack devices that are built at the core to strip and resell privacy information. Just saying.
  20. If you stop using PCR to test for Covid, then the will no longer be a pandemic. They'll just be a few sick people every year who feel bad for a week or so and then get better with a handful who don't. Imho? Stop worrying about numbers and just get on with living.
  21. I find 30 years olds to be rather hot myself.
  22. Most take literally seconds. My last on took 6 days. Go figure. Why? Who knows. Might have had something to do with US holidays and "Father Day" here in Thailand.
  23. What's 'disinformation?' It's anything that the most powerful segment of society says it is. Even when it's later proved to be true. It's also the new way to completely shut off dialogue and any opposing view is now labelled 'disinformation.' Even in science, proposing an alternative hypothesis to those supported by deep-pockets and public-private partnerships seeking wealth and control will get you literally burnt at the stake in the bonfires of academia. It's overly Orwellian as far as I'm concerned and it's getting worse.
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