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Everything posted by connda

  1. Therefore the sinking was due to human error and lack of following SOP while underway - like keeping water-tight doors firmly lagged. "Engine room flooded." Someone FUBARed in a massive way and the Captain of the ship is directly responsible as well as his executive officers. My wife said that Thai news indicated that they ship was carrying an excess of crew members, sort of like they were having a big party. So - have a big party, fail to follow standard operating procedures - then sink the ship. These ships are built to have water-tight compartmentalization. Unless the hull was breached - massively - the ship just doesn't roll-over and sink. "But but but - there was a big storm!!! Ship lose power. Blah blah blah. Excuses excuses excuses." I've been on a ship in 25 foot seas and in major storms in the USN. Bunk! Ship don't just flood and sink. They'll blame the entire fiasco on a few of the lowest ranking seaman. Watch! Guaranteed.
  2. Thin Air by Richard K. Morgan https://www.richardkmorgan.com/writing/thin-air/
  3. Tulsa King. Mafia capo released after 25 years in prison sets to rebuilding his life and crime empire in Tulsa, OK. At times rather cliche, but still an entertaining show starring Sylvester Stallone
  4. Read-em' and weep. Go with Sukhoi jets. Less expensive; more reliable. https://www.defensenews.com/air/2023/01/04/new-f-35-engine-deliveries-suspended-amid-ongoing-investigation/
  5. Thailand has no refugee program. Other than jail then deportation.
  6. You bought the item at a specified price. The seller packed and shipped it. That's is essentially a contract. Just do the right thing and pay of the item when it arrives.
  7. It's geo-blocked in the UK. Easy enough to do if currys.co.uk only want's to deal with customers in the UK. Some organizations choose not to want Internet traffic from certain regions of the globe or certain third-world countries. Use a VPN. It's accessible in a commonwealth country near you.
  8. The "Climate Experts" have been hammering that the polar ice caps are going to melt and flood the world. I've lived in many coastal areas over the last 70 years, and wanna know a secret? The sea level is the same now as it was when I was born. Climate Change is the biggest billionaire funded scam that will make use of now well developed "public-private partnerships" in order to tax the commoners and Neo-Serf classes into more austerity and poverty. The "Climate" is in a constant state of change and has been for 4 freaking billion years. But, we now have a 'climate change' based cabal in a "public-private partnership" and they are collectively going to 'roger' us all. "Bicycles for us; private jets for us." CO2? Makes plants grow and in turn produce oxygen. Amazing how that works. I gotta admit. Most of the human race simple want to be slaves. By 2035, you'll probably get your wish. Fools.
  9. I know how to download Grab Taxi for use on my Andriod phone, but I'm not sure how to fund it - or - do the drivers accept cash?
  10. He's going to need enough funds in the bank for a retirement visa and then funds for long-term care. There was a case like this in Chiang Mai a few years back. An old lady with Alzheimer being cared for at a special long-term care. She was essentially kicked out of Thailand as her family couldn't afford retirement funds and the cost of long-term care. The family of that old women ended up finding a long-term care home in The Philippines. It seems The PI has more humanitarian visa options than xenophobic Thailand. Now, you'd think that this is exactly what a Medical Visa would be about. It's not.
  11. Neti pot. This model is carried in many pharmacies. Use bottled sterile saline. Look online for instructions. Use it two are three times a day for 5 days and see if you get some relief. It should rinse out the pathogens or allergens in your nose and throat and perhaps will give your body a shot at healing. For those who think this is new-age junk science, mine was prescribed to me by a doctor at BKK Hospital in CM. Consider it traditional medicine based.
  12. Go to pretty much any hospital's physical therapy clinic. Go a couple of times. Understand the basics and do them at home. You don't need to keep throwing money at it. You can find a lot of information to contribute to your Physical Therapist's recommendations. Once you have the therapy movements, be religious about doing them regularly. Combination of ice and heat. And better get used to the idea that your weight training with that shoulder is going to have to be minimized if not stopped. Mine healed in three year (yeah, that long, plus muscle atrophy, but refused surgery). Do cardio and resistance training that targets muscles not involving the rotator cuff. If it hurt? Stop! Don't do it. If you have excessive amounts of disposable wealth? Then you're in luck. Look into stem cell treatments. From my own research and from anecdotal testimony from people who had it done (Joe Rogan for instance) it works. If you're average Joe Expat, well, it's just gonna take time. And stay away for cortisone as it can do more damage than good. Ironically I damaged my rotator cuff doing daily yoga. See - I didn't follow my own advice that "If it hurts? Stop! Don't do it." I pushed through the pain - that was stupid. Live and learn. Best of luck.
  13. I believe that Ukraine will succeed where Napoleon and Hitler all failed. They have the Ruskies on the run. The Russians forces are wiped out, they are out of ammo and missiles. Once the ground freezes the Ukrainian army will start it's march to Moscow once they cut through the ethnic Russia militia in the Donbass, recapture Crimea, and deal with the turncoats. It will be a Ukrainian Spring in Moscow.
  14. The brave Ukrainians will be entering Moscow this year for sure!
  15. Yong better find a new pandemic as he is about to slip into obscurity.
  16. Sam Bankman-Fried will probably get a few months in a county-club prison in the US. Interesting. The dude had a laptop and was busy (transferring funds from Alameda to various crytpo-mixers to fund his defense?) The (stupid) judge should have recluse him from using a computer as part of his bail. But then, how does the judiciary get it's cut?
  17. Everybody dies. But? He did have a wonderful career that should be celebrated.
  18. Why don't you Western Expats go down to Phuket and other place, find Russian speaking tourists, and tell them how much you viscerally hate them all? And then? See if they agree.
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