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Everything posted by connda

  1. Sure it does. This is a simple sketch of what that road looks like from above. But not everyone has the ability to perceive spacial relations by looking a pictures. So don't feel bad.
  2. One of my favorite places I'd like to set up a camera for a hour is out on Highway 11 where there is a U-Turn about 50 meters from a Highway Patrol station. All day long, cars and trucks traveling North stop at the U-turn, cross the road and continue to drive Northbound in the Southbound lane of Highway 11 in order to make a right-hand turn (going the wrong way) on to the side road - Right in the line of sight of the Cop Shop. No one cares here, including the cops, which is why this place is such a dangerous place to drive.
  3. Just being Caption Obvious here but look at the picture. The article said they were turning right onto a small road. Look at the road. Four lanes separated by a narrow media strip marked with white diagonal strips, which even here in Thailand means "Don't Drive Here." So essentially it looks like they were trying to make the turn from the "Fast Lane." Two points: That looks like a really bad place to attempt a turn and if your gonna do it have your eyes on you rearview mirror; and secondly, the median strip is a warning not to cross at that point. Well, not that anyone actually knows how to drive here no less follow basic rules and road markings. Very tragic, very avoidable. Everyone trying to get where they are going "quick quick" and the only place they end up "quick quick" is the crematorium.
  4. Sorry, not Surin. But if you family wants to see elephants? We got them in the North. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Thai+Elephant+Conservation+Center/@18.3950388,99.1968484,13z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x30dbd3dc886c141f:0x55e97a20c888c81!2sLamphun,+Thailand!3b1!8m2!3d18.5744606!4d99.0087221!3m4!1s0x30d963110770ea5d:0x8c8fa713e2558320!8m2!3d18.3600666!4d99.2472345
  5. Just curious, but where do they record to? Something like Google Drive?
  6. Amazing that's smell in bacteria 'eh?
  7. And a little tuna fish (Chippy) juice.
  8. This isn't you is it? Asking for a friend. ????
  9. @seedy I did some reading online and that may be the answer, at least until the hot season rolls around and I have the time to leave the car and have a full detail job inside and out. Anyway, white vinegar and water in a 1 to 1 solution, spray it liberally on the fabric, let sit for 15 minutes, and then vacuum it up with a wet/dry canister vac. I'll give that a shot and see how it works. Thanks.
  10. Yet? No one can find a Thai Billionaire heir who killed and Thai police while under the influence of a drug? How's that work?
  11. This is what "Smart Phone" are - Spyware 100%. You can't get rid of the bloat or the spyware which you need to accept as a EULA to use the app. Get a dumb phone and use Linux on your computer.
  12. I'm looking for a new vet in Lamphun City (Muang Lamphun). We've taken our pets and a number of animals dropped off at the temples within our Tambon (and some from Chiang Mai when we lived there) to our current vet for well over a decade, but I keep seeing a pattern when it comes to needing surgical procedures. And it goes like this: 1. We need to take blood test; 2. Blood test no good. We can not sedate dog for operation. 3. You need to give dog these medicines for two weeks then bring back for blood test; 4a. OK. Blood test good, we can do surgery; or 4b Mai dai, Blood test no good, go back to step 3. 4c Rinse, wash, repeat.............over and over and over again. Cats too! I'm done this this. I'm not taking any animal back to this vet. 50% of them are not our own animals but animals we are funding out of our own pockets to have spayed or neuter. And No! i'm not some foundation with a US 501c who racks in literally 7 figures in non-taxable income. I'm just and elderly man with a older wife who have a really, really limited fixed income and yet trying to help the animal over-population problem in our area I'm a animal lover who actually cares enough to use a lot of my own fixed-income to help out in my own Tambon and Amphur. Two years ago i worked with a temple where they had every animal either spayed or neutered under anesthesia. I was never informed regarding the vet who did this, but I'd like to find that vet again. No blood tests, just a consent form - "Go ahead and spay and neuter them all because the the down-side is a spike in the animal population. If one or two die in order to keep 50 new pups and kittens from inhabiting this area - so be it. And? None of the animals who were neutered or spayed died. None. Zero. Nada. I tried to do this for may own and the temple animals we car for? "You sign form." OK - I signed the form, now just do it. "Mai Dai. No can do!" "Anderai." Must give medicine and come back for blood test. I'm done with Mai Dai, No Can Do! So I'm looking for a new vet. A vet in Lamphun would be best (I live in Northeast Lamphun province). But, Chiang Mai if I have to. Suggestions! Because I'm tired of the BS which I believe is more about profit then compassion. And - I care about these animals but I don't have access to a few million dollars of 'non-profit funds' to care from them. We need to spay and neuter the local "drop off" and the "throw away animal" who show up at our temple and the other temples in this area.. But I'm done with the grift and I'm not happy. We take care of our own animal 100%. I don't need anyone else's assistance (although we have taken a number of the "Throw-Away Animals" in as our own). But I need someone who isnt' going to grift us for attemping to take care of the Throwaway / Drop-off animals at our local temples in my Tambon and Amphur. So back the the original question (because I am rather ticked-off). Anyone know a vet in Lamphun who is animal oriented and not profit oriented and who can help us with spay and neutering animals who we personally - up to now - have cared for. Because folks - I'm done. Nobody is giving us the time of day for doing this. No accolades, no nothing. All we have been getting is: "Why you bring all these animals to the temple!. Ahhhhhhhhhh - we have never brought as much as one animal to the local temples. We have the compassion to attempt to care for them and attempt to spay and neuter them at our own expense. All we get is criticism. And my wife and I are just about done.
  13. It never ends. Pit Bulls, Dobermans and German Shepherds all need training as well as an owner(s) who can control the dog. I've been threatened by everyone of those breeds in the owners home (all in the US) after the owner assured me that their dog was just super friendly and wouldn't hurt a fly. Show weakness and you've got a problem. You never put yourself in a submissive posture with any of those dogs. I don't deal with them any more. Just don't put yourself in the position to be attacked. Most of us can show enough dominance to these dogs to make them back off. Who do they prey on? Anyone showing weakness: elderly, young, disabled. Look at who got attacked here? Surprised? I've been attacked by soi dogs here in Thailand. I've made everyone of them back off. I've known too many people who have these breeds of dogs. "Oh Killer, Fang, and Shredder are just super friendly and wouldn't hurt a fly." That's all BS. These people have no control over their animals. What's worse? Is their a civil court in Thailand (with a jury) who would award damages for a dog attack? In the US there is. Thailand. "Oh, Killer bite you? Here's 3,000 THB. <Wai> Everything is all good now, mai?" No, there isn't a court system that will administer significant damages.. (Look at Vorayuth Yoovidhya 'compensation for killing a police officer. What an elitist joke). When Fang bites, Shredder shreds, and Killer kills - a few thousand THB is suppose to paper over an lifetime of damage. However, if you're a foreigner and you inadvertently touch a Thai HiSo woman? They need hundreds of thousands or millions in compensation. Bottom line: Don't put yourself or your kids or your grandparents in harms way. "How would you know Mr. Smarty Pant "Expert." I've got eight dogs. A couple of them are dangerous, which is why we have them. A couple more I don't trust with anyone inside the fence unless my wife or I am around. But they are fenced and they are territorial. We have a series of fences. Just don't be in the wrong fence uninvited. We are VERY upfront with people about that. The outside perimeter is always locked. We are REALLY upfront with people about that. If we let you in - don't wander. There is no - "Ohhhhh Skippy is just a sweetheart and wouldn't hurt a fly." Nope - Skippy and her partner will do damage. Don't wander! Don't have dogs you can not control, especially those breeds. And don't be ignorant. And if your dog attacks anyone who was invited on to your property? Control your dogs and take responsibility if things go south.
  14. I hate to be Captain Obvious here, but had Griner come to Thailand last year with hash oil vape cartridges in her possession (as well as a lot of other countries who have even stricter drug laws), she may have met a fate worse than a few year of hard labor. As a matter of fact, can you fly into Dulles Air Port in Washington DC carrying hash oil vape cartridges like it's nothing? I don't have any sympathy for anyone carrying drugs across international borders who get caught <period>. It would have seem to me that Bout should have been swapped for some US citizens sitting in a Russian prison on spy charges. This is sort of an insane world nowadays.
  15. I transported a dog to the vet recently and it peed on the fabric/cloth back seat of the car. I didn't catch it at first as I had the seat covered with a 'cloth' cover that is suppose to protect the seat. That didn't work well at all. So, I'm looking for someone who has experience is cleaning cloth seats. I talked to one detalier in CM but he insisted he needed to keep the car overnight to "remove the seats and allow them to dry in the sun light." They sounds like overkill to me. It would seem that the seats need to be sprayed with a solution that will counter the urine smell and they sucked back up with a powerful wet/dry canister vac. I'm looking for a referral for someone who has had the inside of their car detailed before and who can recommend a detailer who can do the work in a couple of hours. The seats can dry naturally when I take it home, ie, opens the doors and leave it in the sun to dry.
  16. Rinse the drain liberally after peeing in the shower.
  17. I've worked shift work myself and going to a bar that opened at 6am to have a few beer before heading home to bed wasn't uncommon. Some people live very sheltered lives I see.
  18. Honestly, it's none of your business. Feeling "Holier Than Thou" today? Must be. My suggestion. Worry about your own behavior. If the guy wants beer for breakfast it's up to him.
  19. Here's my take. I keep one in my pocket. If asked to wear one, I smile and comply. Easy breezy. Play along to get along. However, I find that most places I now shop at don't have any 'heavies' at the door insisting on compliance. That goes for Big-C and Makro. The banks? Depends on the bank. My last trip to BKK Bank I wore one until I came across a maskless gal at one of the front desks. So mine came off. My SCB branch has always been overly cautious imho. I'll wear it around my neck. If asked, I put it on; if not, I don't. I don't see any reason to push it, but my philosophy is that eventually someone has to break the inbred fear response. I'm not afraid of Covid any more than any other of the upper respiratory diseases we used to simply call "a cold" or "the flu." And BTW, the only masks that actually work are P-100 or sealed air recyclers. My favorite are the "high so" plastic face shields that at moth or fly can fly though. Yeah - that's gonna stop a virus <laughs>.
  20. And who is to say this isn't completely staged by the 'anti-cannabis' cartel.
  21. Methamphetamine is a much more dangerous issue. Also, given that Thai press will censor either a joint or a cigarette - what is the kid really smoking? Or perhaps he is smoking Meth?
  22. Between now and the end of the Thai statutes of limitations, many Thais will be actively prosecuted - just not Vorayuth Yoovidhya who will have the red-carpet rolled out for him then day the the Thai statutes of limitations ends.
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