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Everything posted by connda

  1. Duplicate systems are waste, fraud, and abuse. NSA already has that capability. Just use their resources.
  2. Check it out yourself. There is no single direction. Right now major weather pattern come East to West. Local patterns vary significantly. https://weather.tmd.go.th/lmpLoop.php https://zoom.earth/#view=7.6,102.6,4z/map=live
  3. I've got a great idea! Just don't go to Pattaya. We have a nice park by a river out here is rural nowhereville. You can buy a beer or Thai whiskey, and sit around, drink, and shoot the breeze. And no cops, well, unless the cop is drinking with you. Off duty, of course. They should post on the TAT Pattaya brochures: Come to Pattaya - Just don't have fun!
  4. My guess is that most of Asia will weather the economic storm much better than the EU and UK. A EU without a source of natural gas is cooked (well, not cooked as it has no cooking gas). US LGN isn't saving the EU. Not this year for sure. Probably not next. By then? After the public takes to the streets after this winter's thaw, their may not be an EU. It's much better to be in SE Asia. Rural is even better. You can live on a shoestring if you have to.
  5. Pains the issue. Not the heart attack. Most expat I know would want to go to the best coronary clinic in Thailand. Once over 70, just accept it. Have a good Living Will drawn up by a lawyer. Now that I'm thinking about it, I may put my lawyer on a retainer to act on my behalf in case a hospital tries to treat me outside the the bounds of the Living Will.
  6. If he goes back the the UK, the NHS will put him on an 'end of life pathway.' That is, if he can find a bed in an NHS facility. As a 70 year old all I can say is that he should have thought this out way before this. 77 imho is the span of a good life. He should get his affairs in order and seek to check out as painlessly as possible. Heck, 70 is a good life span. I just want to be relatively comfortable before I go. No asking family in the US to 'save me.' My chosen family is here. I'll die here. But, best of luck to Mr. John.
  7. I always use the public urinals marked with an 'X.' They're the cleanest! <laughs>
  8. Goodbye Emergency Decree and Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration, an era comes to an end in Thailand Not really. Most Thais are still wearing masks which show that they either are indoctrinated or actually still fearful.
  9. She recently was extolling the virtues of the US's partnership with North Korea. ????
  10. He just forgot. Nothing personal.
  11. Everyone has it wrong. Here's the true story....
  12. I'll have to poke at my local 7-11. If asked I'll put one on but it's really time to get on with living without fear.
  13. This should get interesting, especially in the small shops.
  14. I haven't worn a mask in the village for a few months. A number of the locals aren't either. Most are. Go figure.
  15. Oh sweet. It may be time to cash out part of the retirement funds and move it to Thailand to enjoy the USD markup in the FX market against the THB.
  16. Go back and talk with the manager and ask for the sales staff to apologize. You're building a paper trail. If they refuse, let them know that you'll be writing a letter to dealership corporate office to complain about the disrespectful service. Have witnesses. Then follow up. Corporate sales (my guess is Japanese or German) will not be happy hearing about a dealership being disrespectful (racist?) to potential customers and turning away potential buyers. Just tell the corporate offices that your next car will not be one of theirs unless an apology from the dealership and the sales staff isn't forthcoming.
  17. Back in the day at Ocean Beach San Diego it would be havos rancheros and a couple of Dos XX Equis. So 35+ years later, retired and over 70, whose to fault a guy for a morning toddy with breakfast. We all earned it. I did that at a local breakfast with one of the Chiang Mai expat groups and had people leave the table like I was a leper. <laughs> Some people simply don't know how to enjoy life.
  18. What’s the best way to pay for a new car at a dealership? Cash.
  19. “The Phuket Airport is an aircraft control area as stated in the Ministerial Regulations. The minivan driver has offended the regulations.” But - most airports globally are 'aircraft control areas' and yet allow public transportation to pick up and let out passengers. This is one of the reasons I tell my friends to avoid Phuket entirely. From the top down, it's set up to separate tourists from their money starting from the moment they exit the airport.
  20. The Cool Season is right around the corner. Outdoor cannabis is starting to bud. Tourists can just visit the cannabis dispensaries and then head down to the banks of the Ping and stare at the river. Who cares if business are open or not. Cheers! <sound of clinking wine cooler and bottle of Lao-Dark>
  21. Kad Suan Kaow shopping mall is a vacant overgrown lot with a ghost mall next door. Thai movies producers could now use it as a prop for a new Thai zombie movie. When I first came here Kad Suan Koaw was a vibrant, busy mall. Dead as a door-nail now. It makes that section of town look run-down and shabby. In fact, the entire Old Town and Thapea area look run-down and shabby. Not exactly a tourism mecca.
  22. Just walk down Thapea Road, or Chang Klan, or walk around the Old City. The number of permanently shuttered business is epic. Then talk to some of the business owners who managed to stay open. Most are fully masked and still quite fearful of Covid. Many require the patrons to mask up before entering their shops. It's rather at odds with the foreign tourists who are unmasked and who have moved on to full acceptance of Covid as as another seasonal respiratory illness. It doesn't make for a "normal" vacation. The psyche of the majority of Thais seems to have been permanently damaged. Until they can heal, take off their masks, and come out of their morbid fear of viruses, there will never be any 'going back to normal.'
  23. Root canal and crown - 30,000+ THB Extraction - 1500 THB Now. Wonder why? Op's a newbie with 11 posts. Either trolling or hasn't really looked around for a dentist. If you teeth cause you pain and want them removed, you can find a dentist.
  24. So how are the unvaccinated doing. If I remember last year we heard this from the US President, "We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated – for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm." According to this study it didn't turn out that way. Self-Selected COVID-19 “Unvaccinated” Cohort Reports Favorable Health Outcomes and Unjustified Discrimination in Global Survey https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/43
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