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Everything posted by connda

  1. Flashing your unregistered firearm online (can make out the serial number too). Humm ???? You may want to give that a second thought. Just saying....
  2. Legal, registered guns are pretty much limited to middle/upper class citizens. A typical handgun is going to cost you 90,000 THB upwards. They ain't cheap. And the registration process can be a multi-week if not multi-month process at your local Amphur. Hence, people go the quick, cheap route and hope they don't get caught. However, if they use the gun in a home defense situation, most will find themselves in jail for possession of an unregistered firearm. Not very smart.
  3. My concern is that the Covid shots are being marketed now as a therapeutic prophylaxis in the treatment of symptomatic Covid as opposed to a vaccine that inoculates you from contracting and transmitting the virus. We were told straight out by world leaders and their experts that "If you get the shot, you'll be immune to Covid." That proved to not be true. Sadly. The FDA can say 'safe and effective' until the cows come home, but the fact is that a large number of people who get the shots get Covid. Even the CDC is recognizing the fact. To gauge how effective they are at stopping contagion, just look at how many world leaders and their staff who have been vaccinated and multiple boosted have come down with Covid. It's pretty much an everyday occurrence if you watch the news. Personally now that their are therapeutic antivirals available to control the severity of a Covid infection, I don't see the point to the shots - imho. In my opinion however, do whatever you need to do to feel safe.
  4. I'm not sure if I had it or not. May have had it in August 2020 as almost everyone in the Tambon had bad upper respiratory infections. I may go to a lab to get a antibody test to see if I've been exposed now that a positive antibody test (not an antigen test - different test) won't flag you for an unwanted stay in a Covid ward.
  5. So does Favipiravir, Molnupiravir, and Paxlovid (soon to be availabe OTC in the Thai pharmacies) with more therapeutics for Covid in the pipeline.
  6. Good for the reservoirs this year.
  7. And then it costs you another 20,000 THB to stay out of jail when they come looking for your unregistered gun. TIT ????
  8. Serious fines and jail time for having one. However, the registration process is lengthy. Been there, done that. And the prices for pistols/revolvers are about 5 times the price in the West and for rifles/shotguns about 3 time the cost. And even carrying a gun to the range with the proper paperwork can be problematic. It a trip that can cost you upwards of 20,000 THB. It makes it tough to practice.
  9. In the US, driving the wrong way will get you tossed in jail. It's incredibly dangerous. 2000 THB fine. That shows you why Thailand maintains it's ranking of The Most Dangerous Roads in the World. My last encounter with one of these fools was driving northbound on Highway 11 near Lamphun when Khun Idiot was driving the wrong-way down the highway in the passing lane. The truck behind almost hit him head on. Morons. And just a 2000 THB fine and a slap on the wrist - if you're caught. There is a U-turn near a Highway Patrol station where people routinely drive the wrong way down heading north on the southbound lane. The cop shop is about 100 yards away on the other side of the road. The BIB simply don't care. As far as charging drivers without helmets 2000 THB? You can't bleed a rock, especially after bankrupting the lower class during Covid. The "non-essential" people don't have money.
  10. I preferred Reservoir Dogs. ????
  11. Batman (2022) Surprisingly good for a concept that has been rebooted a hundred times. But unlike most reboots? I liked it.
  12. Which is what happens when cities are built near, on, or below sea level.
  13. Bangkok has been flooding regularly during Rain Season for the last 15 years that I've been here. Every year they pay lip service to remedying the problem. Every year they do nothing to remedy the problem. Hence - continued flooding. That's what you get by building a city on a swamp and then destroying the canals that funneled the water back to the river. You can't cure stupid.
  14. Me neither. I simply unsubscribed. Why bother? ????
  15. We're not exactly in the First World here.
  16. Roughly $40 USD ? You have to be kidding? You should be celebrating that you don't live in the West where you'd be paying $1500 GBP/Euro/USD month and rising. I'm not embracing austerity because it's now in vogue. But each to their own. Go solar.
  17. So you make over $80K USD a year 'eh? <laughs> I love when farang 'go native' and adopt the Thai social standing model of "Rich people 'high' and the rest of you poor slackers 'low' and 'bitter.''" Hysterical, but that divide is discussed many times each year and accentuated by the 'I'm richer than you' folk. Well, at least we can sort out who is who. In the meantime, I could care less. If Thailand thinks they can appeal to the "well-heeled, snooty wealthy" class of foreigners? More power to them.
  18. Corporate energy revenues and profits should increase directly proportional to the price increases. ????
  19. Pre-anti-virals the vaccines were being marketed not as a vaccine that keeps you from getting Covid, as more and more break-though cases appeared, but as a prophylaxis that would keep you from becoming seriously ill when you contracted Covid. How many time have I heard from my vaccinated friends and family, "I'm so grateful I got the shots because when I got Covid it could have been so much worse." Now? We hear that Favipiravir, Molnupiravir, Paxlovid will be available over the counter at Thai pharmacies. So there are now non-vaccine treatments for Covid. ????
  20. Obvious "Big Pom" doesn't give a da*m about the "commoners" in his security detail. That's typical Thai elite thinking. "Me 'High'; You 'Low'" Personally if I was him I'd treat my security detail with due respect as these are the people guarding his life. Treat them like dirt and he may eventually find himself mortally exposed with no one willing to sacrifice their own lives to protect him. I would not want to lose the respect of my security detail. But? Hubris and arrogance have their own rewards. You reap what you sow.
  21. So they are going to make fuel that is 2x as much as normal AvGas and call it a win? Really. Cui bono - Who benefits?
  22. Of course, but then, it's completely unenforceable.
  23. This reminds me of the Six Phases Of A Project: 1. Enthusiasm, 2. Disillusionment, 3. Panic, 4. Search for the guilty, 5. Punishment of the innocent, and 6. Praise and honor for the nonparticipants.
  24. European's disposable income will be going toward paying for enough energy to heat their homes this winter, so don't expect to see many except for the much touted "rich, well-heeled" farangs who collectively will do little for the average Thai engaged in the tourist industry. Energy prices in the West will finish what Covid started. Better shift the focus of tourism toward Eurasia, Middle East, and Global South.
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