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Everything posted by connda

  1. Visually magnificent; horribly woke.
  2. "The first casualty of war is Truth." That applies to all sides engaged in the conflict. No side is exempt. And the target of deliberately twisted fact? The public, on all sides.
  3. One the flip side? Natural gas won't cost 4+ times the price that the common folk in the EU will be paying, if they get gas at all.
  4. Actually, all a neutral observer needs to do is - wait... The facts will reveal themselves over time, one way or the other.
  5. A Thai could buy off the victim and get the charges dropped, but? Not a foreigner and especially not kon keark.
  6. Lavrov embodies a characteristic that the West and US had 40 years ago, but no longer have: Statesmanship Problems can not be resolved when only one party (Russia) is open to civil talks. The visceral hatred of all things Russia by many members of this forum is just symptomatic of the West's problem as these people simply reflect their own country's foreign policy. Sad.
  7. Translated: If we allow the commons to grow cannabis for themselves we will lose billions in revenues. Always follow the money.
  8. Flat Earth? Not sure. ???? Flat Thai girlfriends. 100% IBTC!
  9. But seatbelts are not required in buses because buses defy the law of physics, right? No - what it show is this is not about "safety" but it is about revenue collection.
  10. So monks are not allowed to exercise? Amazing Thailand.
  11. Cat burglar electrocuted after climbing up outside of Sukhumvit Road hotel - anti-theft wire got him. Are they running 220V though their "anti-theft wire" or any voltage capable of killing? If so it's murder. I'm not condoning the thief, but if I ran home voltage along the barbed wire at my home and someone got electrocuted? Guess what would happen?
  12. I see we start the day with a excerpt from Comedy Central this morning. Hot air. The BIB's only tool are road-blocks. None of the carnage ends until cops in cars pull over violators of moving violations and hit them with fines and sanctions that are painful enough to change Thai's suicidal driving habits. And - completely revamp their driver education, skill/knowledge testing and licensing. So why do I know this will never change? Because the BIB drive just like average Thais. The carnage never ends until the system makes drastic changes. And? TIT - they never will.
  13. It seems like all the world's governments are addressing inflation by pumping more money into their economies. Then they'll be hyperinflation which will ruin everyone.
  14. They'd need to boost the educational quality before they address inequality.
  15. Unfortunately, the terminally fearful want people without any symptoms to wear masks so they themselves feel safe. Which is ridiculous. If people are fearful of contracting Covid (or any other airborne virus) then they themselves should mask with a high quality mask. I'm not masking up for the benefit of someone else's paranoia when I don't have as much as a sniffle.
  16. Depends on the city. Cities with foreign tourist are going to find a lot of them don't wear or carry masks. With Covid moving to the status of 'communicable disease under watch' as well as maskless foreign tourists arriving in Thailand, these place are going to need to get over their fear of a pandemic past if they want foreign money. It really is past time to get back to normal.
  17. There are always 'experts' out there that claim to know the laws but have never dealt with the process of purchasing and registering a firearm.
  18. Home invasions and murder are not uncommon. Example below that I've seen too many times in the time that I've lived here. There is a methamphetamine epidemic here as well as people who have no respect for the sanctity of human life and would kill you for a few thousand baht - or - kill you simply because they know that all farangs are "rich." Like Covid shots, some people want them, others do not. Same with guns. It's up to each individual to define what make them 'safe.' Although it's not wise of be in possession of an unregistered firearm in Thailand.
  19. Stimulus checks? If the government doesn't stop printing money those stimulus checks will be offset by double digit inflation until we reach the Wiemar Republic of the United States. Europe is already there.
  20. Marijuana is not physically addictive. You're not going to find research papers on THC being physically addictive because it isn't. I've looked. Most papers will suggest that it is psychologically "addictive". There is a huge difference between the two. Then they call the dependence a "marijuana use disorder" Nicotine is highly physically addictive. Alcohol is physically addictive. Opioids are physically addictive. Benzodiazapines are physically addictive. If you quit one of these substances after continual use, you'll suffer from physical withdrawal. Back in the day I smoked pot daily for a number of year. Then I took a job where I couldn't smoke (<deleted> tests). I had absolutely no physical withdrawal symptoms. I do know people who have an admitted psychological dependence on cannabis. But that is not physical addition. Anything that makes you feel good can be addictive including sex and exercise. Maybe sex and exercise should be made illegal? 'eh? But change my mind. If anyone can find a published research paper in a reputable medical journal show that cannabis is physically addictive, please drop a link. I'd love to read it.
  21. You're in a very small minority. Most people who indulge don't have problems. I use to indulge a lot back in the 60 and 70 an I don't know of anyone who had marijuana induced psychological problems. However, if you have pre-existing psychological problems, any 'mind-altering drug' could exacerbate the symptoms. But making illegal to save a minority from themselves? If it screws with you head don't use it. Personally I don't care for it anymore, but that's just an age and experience thing. Been there, done that. Well, there are definitely more people in this world who attend AA meeting than NA meetings. Alcohol is significantly worse, but pretty much only outlawed in Muslim countries.
  22. I have savings and individual accounts at BKK Bank and SCB. I've got passbooks for all the account. No problem. Debit cards for the individual account. I only draw from the savings using a passbook (you'll need your passport too). It's really not a problem. Go to the bank in person.
  23. "As Thailand enters a post-pandemic era, with the virus being reclassified as communicable disease under watch..." So have they classified Covid as a communicable disease under watch yet, or is that in still being discussed?
  24. As well as having a Highway Patrol that is used to cite dangerous moving violations instead of being used to escort VIPs down the highway. The Highway Patrol has one mode of enforcement - roadblocks. Totally ineffective and essentially a money-maker. Nothing to do with road safety.
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