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Everything posted by connda

  1. I can't blame him. The boat caption should be responsible for informing foreigners of the legality of the fish they catch. Instead? Lynch the dirty, evil foreigner. I hope he can make it out of Thailand as he is now the object of a witch-hunt.
  2. So why not go find the boat captain and arrest him for charter fishing in protected marine waters? I know why. Racism and xenophobia. Thai good; Foreigner bad.
  3. Good luck. If you find someone who does this? Let me know.
  4. I tend to agree with you.
  5. I'm not a Trump supporter. I don't like him. But this move is the move of a tin-pot, banana-republic. The justice department has been weaponize against certain classes of Americans. I don't believe this will get better. And it bodes not well.
  6. I'll make it simpler: Are you afraid of dying? If so - why? If not - why? If the concept of asking that question doesn't make sense to you? That's Ok. No problem.
  7. I'm going to go where Gamma Globulin likes to go. But I'm going to be concise with the questions. There are no good or bad answers; there are no right or wrong answers. There is only how you feel and I personally will respect your feelings. This is just how you feel toward death and dying. Please respect others views, but do expound what you feel about your own mortality and why? I'm asking this because the farang community is a mix of people: Buddhists, Christians, Atheists, and others. Liberals, Conservatives, Independents, and others. Multi-ethnic and others. I personally would like to know your views on your own mortality without any judgement. Just your views which I will respect and I ask other to respect as well. But I believe there is a benefit to acknowledging other views on death and dying in this English speaking Thai forum. What say you? This is a multiple choice poll, so pick more than one choice, but please explain and expound your choices. Love ya'll! Peace.
  8. Status symbol. They'll regret it over the long term. Why do they need F35s? There are better, less expensive, and easier to maintain solutions.
  9. Government allow banks to run roughshod over depositors.
  10. Welcome Tourist!!! <sound of nightime entertainment venues being shut and locked for good>
  11. "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Where have I heard that before. ????
  12. Wait until you are over 70. ???? 75? 80?
  13. When I use to live in Chiang Mai, this is why I drove a motorcycle. Carefully (you have to drive defensively) you can bypass the cars. But I've noticed a change in the motorcycle drivers behavior over the last few year and these moron will put themselves in harms way. 150 kilo motorcycle versus a 1 or 2 ton vehicle. Motorcycles loses which is why the fatality rate on the roads is 80% motorcyclists.
  14. Download the TM47 form, fill it out, and save a copy for future reference (I believe the location is 'pinned' on this forum by UJ) File your TM47 with CW in person this go around. A couple of weeks before your next 90 day report, register using the address you used on your TM47 and use that address on the online system unless you move somewhere else. The system does work. As far as being up? I just logged in and it up and running.
  15. I guess that the Thai public in an uproar have never looked closely at their forests. In the typical forest in America, the woods are full of wildlife and in places loaded with deer. As such, hunting is viable. Here in Thailand? What wildlife? If it can be eaten it has been. All that is left are birds, snakes, rodents, and not much else. So - who is guilty of raping the ecosphere here in Thailand? As the article premised, the farang was on a charter boat. If the fish were caught "illegally" as in a park - that is 100% on the boat operator. I'd say it's up to the charter operator to inform clients of laws. If I chartered a fishing boat in the US, I'd be reliant on the captain and crew to inform me of the limits and restrictions. Soley blaming the "evil farang" as the Thai public is doing is just more racist xenophobia. The charter operator bears a large portion of the blame if the catch WAS illegal.
  16. I have pre-printed TM47 on my computer and in the past I'd print out four each year and place them in a folder to use every 90 days. I just made sure I used the address as it was written on previous TM47s.
  17. The new system worked for me as skeptical as I am. The old system never worked. There is a link to register. Bookmark this below. Then go to the registration link on the same page. After registration approval use this login link to login and create a 90 day application. You'll do this every 90 day (or so). I filed my 90 day a few days ago. Received and approved in about 1 hour. I also use the Brave browser as Firefox is flaky Obvious I use a computer. I detest 'smart phone' and the technology. Best of luck. https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login
  18. My first America friend showed up in BKK today. It's been 2 and a half years.
  19. I'm amazed at people who glue themselves to the main-steam media and frighten the heck out of themselves as they fret about which new 'variant' will kill them. Want to live a calm, collected life? Ignore it. Enjoy the life you have instead of fretting over how some variant of this or that will deal you a mortal blow. Nowadays, healthy members of the public are now keeling over with Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. Maybe people should be live in fear of SADS as their is no known cause. Here in Thailand. Most people are more likely to get killed on the roads or by a Thai who suddenly loses face and flips out. Personally I don't follow the Covid fear-news.
  20. Why is it that everyone I know who have had the shots have also had Covid. In my personal circle of friends, family, and acquaintance - every fully vaxxed person has contracted Covid.
  21. Cant decide if I should get another covid booster. What about you? You can have mine. But yes. Get the booster. You'll die for sure without it.
  22. Nothing like an air-tight sandwich. They had them is Subic City.
  23. That pretty much sums it up. Also, Thais are generally animistic Buddhists and Filipinas are Catholic. I know a number of Thai women with unhappy farang husbands who want them to convert to some form of Christianity. So if you're a Christian guy, you may want to go the Filipina route.
  24. That pretty much sums it up. Also, Thais are generally animistic Buddhists and Filipinas are Catholic.
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