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Everything posted by connda

  1. The last option should have been, "I'm going to kick back, wait, and see what shakes in 2025."
  2. "Alcohol sold by Thai monopoly good for you. Feel good with laughing gas and go to prison. You warned commoners."
  3. Crime of the century. Nitrous oxide. Laughing gas make you feel good. Thai government no allow commoners to feel good. Only drink alcohol sold by Thai monopolies or smoke cigarettes sold by Thai monopolies. Use laughing gas we throw you in prison for feeling too good. Criminy. 🙄
  4. Question: When the US Embassy Bangkok receives your passport, do they notify you that they have received it?
  5. And the BRICS nations are becoming an economic force dejure. Western oriented commenters will interject that China and Russia plan Neo-Colonialism of BRICS members. The attractive part of the BRICS charter is that member states do not interfere with the domestic affairs of other member states. Of course Western ideologues who promote Western exceptionalism will huff, puff, and snort as they declare all BRICS nations as corrupt dictatorships. Time will dissect that particular trope and scatter it to the winds. This summary is by world renowned economist Jeffrey Sachs: "The World Bank figures make clear that the economic dominance of the West is over. In 1994, the G7 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, U.K., U.S.) constituted 45.3% of world output, compared with 18.9% of world output in the BRICS countries (Brazil, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Russia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates). The tables have turned. The BRICS now produce 35.2% of world output, while the G7 countries produce 29.3%. As of 2022, the largest five economies in descending order are China, the U.S., India, Russia, and Japan. China’s GDP is around 25% larger than the U.S.’ (roughly 30% of the U.S. GDP per person but with 4.2 times the population). Three of the top five countries are in the BRICS, while two are in the G7. In 1994, the largest five were the U.S., Japan, China, Germany, and India, with three in the G7 and two in the BRICS." -Jeffrey Sachs, https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/emerging-multipolar-world And this is just the beginning as the BRICS alliance become the major economic powerhouse driving global commerce as it pulls the third-world and developing world out of poverty - at the same time as the West imposes austerity on it's middle-classes cum Neo-impoverish-classes of citizens. The future bodes not well for Western economies or its citizens which have literally shot themselves in the feet by attempting to sanction the rest of the world into submission. It isn't working. In fact, it's driving non-Western-aligned nations to join the BRICS+ alliances. Keep an eye on the Saint Petersburg International Ecomonic Forum which directly competes with the Western Davos Forum, as well as the BRICS summit coming up in October 2024. The world is changing rapidly. And Western nations are basically screwing themselves. They could cooperate and compete, but unfortunately they only want to dominate. That's a losing strategy. https://forumspb.com/en/ https://brics-russia2024.ru/en/
  6. Carbon taxes are deliberate, punitive taxes meant to create pain and suffering for the average citizen and to stop the commoner classes from "consuming." It's goal is to purposefully create needless austerity by striping more and more discretionary income from the commoner-classes of citizenry and to eventually, over time, create wide-spread poverty to stop the "little people" from being able to purchase anything but the most basic needs to live a live of improvised subsistence. It's purpose is to create Neo-Feudal Tax Slaves and it is the epitome of Evil.
  7. Carbon Taxes Tax gas, tax oil, tax electricity, tax food, tax just about everything, and say it's to "Save the planet." It is the biggest con job in human history. Tax the Neo-feudal slaves - Put the money in your pocket, Put the money in your pocket, Put the money in your pocket, Tax the Neo-feudal slaves- put the money in your pocket, But don't spend a baht to help the feudal slaves. The fields are burned as it is more economical than other means. The Thai government knows this and does nothing to create laws and enforcement to stop the burning. Why? It would impact the profits of the primary beneficiary of the burning - Corporate Big Agriculture. We live in a world where governments and large multinational corporations work hand-in-hand for their own benefit and at the expense of the commoner classes (Neo-feudal tax slaves). Thai government: "See all that burning creating all that CO2. We need to tax all farm products to offset the carbon!!!" Tax the Neo-feudal slaves - Put the money in your pocket, Put the money in your pocket, Put the money in your pocket, Tax the Neo-feudal slaves - put the money in your pocket, But don't spend a baht to clean the filthy air. You see where this is going with the government creating new taxes every month now. Tax tax tax tax tax tax tax. Take the Thai commoners who are drowning in debt and crushed by inflation, and tax them until they are Neo-feudal tax slaves and meatless consumer carcasses striped of wealth by the government and the rentier-class of Thai corporate elites.
  8. You'll own nothing and you'll be happy - feudal slaves.
  9. This is the way we impoverish the masses, Impoverish the masses, Impoverish the masses, This is the way we impoverish the masses, With greeny carbon taxes. You'll own nothing and you'll be happy - dirty peasants!
  10. I'm sure if Reverend Simon Sideways makes it to Bangkok he'll be out trolling Soi Cowboy until his Johnson is close to falling off. How do I know this? He's a man. Men are promiscuous. "But this woman is - a whore!!!" I'm a man too. Back in the day if I could have banged 22 gals in 10 days? Sure - sign me up. Most men who admit to being men probably would. As I said, men are promiscuous. It's genetically baked in. "I'd never do it. Grrrr! And I'd never have sex with the gal on Youtube either." Of course you wouldn't. I bet you don't choke your chicken either. <laughs>
  11. For Farang gals: When there are so many wonderful, relationship-minded men in Thailand, why would you even consider dating or, God forbid, marrying a - "John"? Btw - most Thai men, i.e. in Western vernacular - Johns - frequent Pay4Play establishments or have gigs/mai-nois. Especially the ones higher up on the social ladders. Oh, and then the farang guys who visit Thailand as tourists? Do you get an STD test before you go back to your Western girlfriends and wives? How about you fellas living here in Thailand who love that word, "Whore," and yet have indulged in the P4P scene while living with your Thai or farang wife here in Thailand. 'eh Johns? Again - we're literally knee-deep in Western male hypocrisy. 🤮 John's your uncle, 'eh boys?
  12. dear bob. you'd just make me go back and dredge up some cherry 'bobism' quotes from the past. those of us here know you well. you are.....entertaining. 💗
  13. Yeah, I drink that and Chok Chai Farm's brand.
  14. Of course I am bob. All married expats married bargirls don't 'cha know? Just curious - did your 'wife' prostitute herself to marry you. You know - selling her p**** for financial security? Just saying...
  15. And at the end of the day, that equates to revisionist history as well.
  16. Funny - with "global warming melting all the icecaps and causing sea levels to rise," investors still flock to the Maldive to purchase land and properties. Now - Risk Management 101: Buying properties requires insurance guarantees. If the Maldive, or any other properties like the Obama's Martha Vineyard ocean-front estate, were threatened by an immanent flood of water due to "melting icecaps," then it would be impossible to obtain title insurance or property insurance. The properties would be impossible to purchase. Yet? https://www.cbre.co.th/press-releases/maldives-emerges-as-new-destination-for-property-investors
  17. What I find unconscionable, as an example, is the destruction of the Al-Israa University, which was occupied by the IDF for 70 days after which charges were set and the buildings demolished. There is no excuse for the destruction of social institutions other then deliberate ethnic cleansing. Therefore all educational institution, religious institutions, hospitals, and government institutions are leveled.
  18. What the Maldives did is essentially a "sanction" against Israeli citizens. Probably the tip of the iceberg of what may be coming in the future.
  19. 134 nations out of the 193 UN members are simply stating the obvious: "Genocide is not acceptable." And they are now collectively acting on what can clearly be seen - daily - in Gaza. Israel isolates itself in the international community as the ICJ and ICC address the needless deaths of Palestinian civilians between Oct 7, 2023 and the present - and as well - the needless deaths of Israeli civilians on Oct 7, 2023. Genocide, regardless of who is doing it to whom - is a crime against humanity and needs to end immediately.
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