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Everything posted by connda

  1. Thai PM Eyes Revenue Boost for Fourth Quarter Thai PM Eyes Ways Of Further Impoverishing The Thai Commoners By Harvesting As Much Public Wealth For The State And Hoovering As Many Satang Out Of The Pockets Of The Poor As Possibly During A Period Of High Inflation Which Is Crippling The Average Thai-on-the-street. There - fixed it!
  2. bob smith - Hypocrite Extraordinaire. "I went out last night and got plastered. Hired a half a dozen Thai prostitutes for an all-night rumble-in-the-jungles. Woke up on the sidewalk and my wallet was empty. Dirty WHORES! Now I'm thinking about getting off the sauce. Maybe leaving Thailand until I dry out." Two days later... "I went out last night and got plastered..." Today: "All of you poor expats who can't rub two dimes together and surely don't have as much money and prestige as Weathy-and-immensely-successful-bob-smithTM all marry WHORES....Ha ha ha ha ha - you're all losers!" Yeah bob. You dah man!
  3. Define "prostitute." Most women I've met could fall into that category other than hard-core feminists. It's amazing how "wet" a Western farang gal can get for a wealthy, handsome guy especially one who is also a total Dick Richard, or a band member, or pro athlete, or socially connected, or economically connected. Off come the skirt and it's horizontal mambo time. Then you come to a third-world or developing world country where the concept of Christian-morality isn't at the top of anyone's list. Even here in Thailand what is considered to be "traditional conservative Thai values" were in fact Western conservative Christian values that were imposed on the Thai natives by the leader of the 1932 Siamese Revolution by the military leader Plaek Phibunsongkhram. He implemented the "Thai Great Tradition" and the "12 Thai Cultural Mandates". The mandates go a long way in explaining Thailand nationalism as well as their dislike and distrust of foreigners especially at the elite levels of society. Well, not that many farangs study history nowadays, no less Thai history. But back to conservatism. What is pronounced a Thai cultural conservatism in dress and action was actually the result of Thai cultural mandate Number 10 implemented circa Jan 15, 1941. "Thai people should not appear at public gatherings, in public places, or in city limits without being appropriately dressed. Inappropriate dress includes wearing only underpants, wearing no shirt, or wearing a wraparound cloth." "Appropriate dress for Thai people consists of: "Uniforms, as position and opportunity permits; "Polite international-style attire; "Polite traditional attire." So essentially in one fell swoop - just like that - Thais were mandated to embrace Western attire and Western morality. This was force on them by their military "leaders." Thai conservatism isn't an "organic" occurrence. It was mandated. (Caveat - some of those outlawed dress styles like "wraparound cloth" became culturally appropriate post 2014 with Prayut in charge as Thai began to re-embrace their culture dress from the past.) So you now have a very conflicted society, one that on the surface espouses conservatism in dress and morals, but underneath the facade? Giks, mia nois, shower massages (òp-àap-nuat), curtain hotels, karaoke bars (you think they just sing?) and that's basically a Thai cultural phenomenon geared for Thai men and one that is "Shhhhhh" rather disavowed unless you interact with Thai culture and society at a deeper level than foreign tourists, or even expats, encounter. Then there is the bar scene geared specifically toward farangs and other foreign men. And this scene gets all the attention in the press ("Don't look at the Giks, mia nois, shower massages (òp-àap-nuat), curtain hotels, karaoke bars - look at the bad farang sex-pats!!!") So the gals who engage in the farang bar scene obtain the hypocritical labels Western men reserve for "loose women," e.g. "whores, prostitutes, sluts, etc," which of course is actually reflective of Western Christian morality. "But I'm an Athetist! Grrrr." Yeah, but you reflect Christian morality with your actions and your language, "Bar-girls are all Whores!" and "yada yada yada." Now - "Go native" and live here long enough outside the confines of farang gated communities and farang social clubs - and you see the realities pretty clearly: Sex in Thailand is a commodity and its widely for sale. Those engaged in the sex trade could be your next door neighbor (gigs and mia nois). In the cities your next door neighbor could be working in karaoke bars or in shower massages. The perky little university gal living in the next apartment over could be a side-line girl in a shower massage to pick up a quick 1000 THB before heading to the clubs, or finding sugar daddies on Tinder and other social media platforms. Even your female "caddy" at your golf course probably makes significantly more money from her after hours liaisons with her day-time clients by "straighten your putter" on the 19th hole rather than what she makes by handing you your putter on the 18th hole. But for the average expat or tourist closeted in their own cultural and social worlds - you don't see what is below the surface in plain sight. So do "bar-girls" make a "good date" or a "good wife?" Well - as good as any Thai women who works in that particular trade be it in the Western farang community or the Thai male community. It has a lot more to do with true Thai "culture" than it does a Thai woman's temporary choice of rather lucrative jobs.
  4. Next up! Taxing tax-residents Unrealized Gains. Let's see just how greedy the pigs really are. That would get rid of the "Well-heeled Wealthy Foreigners" whom the Thai elites so desperately wish to attract. I think the concept of taxing wealthy foreigners foreign income is going to be the straw breaking the camel's back. You earn a few cool million USD a year and live in Thailand? And Thailand wants to tax your few cool million USD earned overseas based on the Thai tax code? Goodbye "Well-heeled Wealthy Farang."
  5. I already do. I pay 7% on everything I purchase like every other Thai.
  6. Can't wait until 2025: Let The Games Begin - Release The Tax Hounds!!!
  7. I don't think my US banks or brokerage, or my previous employers are going to share my financial information with Thailand. Now - if Thailand wishes to extend the benefits of permanent residency to me? That would be different. Or even better - extend a path to citizenship. Then 🇹🇭 Prathet thai ruam lueat nuea chat chuea thai 🇹🇭
  8. connda

    Small chickens

    Grrrrr! He'll bite your leg off. Grrrrr! He's a puppy. He's nickname is "Pit Bull."
  9. I had Dengue which started by being bit by a mosquito while in a hospital. Exactly a week later I had 102 F fever. I knew exactly what it was. I was working at the time and was insured through work so I spent two weeks in the hospital on the insurance company's dime. Tried to get codeine for the pain after the first night. Doctor said "no" and would not give me a reason or even bother talking to me for that matter. Dude was a serious jerk. A friend of mine brought me Tramadol, so my two weeks in the hospital was basically running a fever and feeling like crap with Tramadol taking the edge off of it. During the last part of week two I started seeping blood out of the pores of my calves. Hence - Dengue hemorrhagic fever as you do bust blood vessels. And everyone loves talking about "long covid," well let me tell you about Long Dengue. I didn't feel well for close to two years afterward. I don't want it again. As far as getting it. The Aedes aegypti mosquito can bite you all day long and you'll never get Dengue unless it has bit an Dengue infected person. So we basically keep track of anyone who has Dengue in the village and where they are in relation to our house. That's pretty much our level of caution.
  10. Wow, how many times have you had it. There are only four dengue virus serotypes. Once you've had it you're essentially immune to that serotype. Three times? That's horrendously bad luck.
  11. Dengue vaccine should only be considered by those who have been previously infected with Dengue. If you never had Dengue and take the shot you can end up with antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). It's ADE which makes getting Dengue a second time so serious. But the vaccine can also cause vaccine induced ADE. The shots are recommend for those who are under 65 and who have previously had Dengue. I looked into the shot having had Dengue in 2010. Too old. My son also had Dengue and I'm probably going to recommend to him to take the shot. If you have any background in life sciences or science research you can check out the details in the study below. Antibody-Dependent Enhancement: A Challenge for Developing a Safe Dengue Vaccine Rahul Shukla, et.al., Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2020; 10: 572681. Published online 2020 Oct 22. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2020.572681 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7642463/
  12. Can't wait for the unelected Sunak to get up in front of the cameras again to start huffing and puffing about how Nigel Farage and George Galloway are "A Danger To Our Democracy." What "democracy?" You mean the "democracy" where Ursula Von Der Leyden is appointed as "Fearless Leader of the EU." That sort of Neo-Fascist "democracy?" Kinda just like the UK. I love if when the unelected pond-scum howl on about elected candidates being "A Danger To Our Democracy." What they actually mean is "A Danger To Our Fascist Totalitarian Elitist Control."
  13. Been rejected the last two times. "Your entry date and visa extension date don't match our system." But they are right out of my passport. No problem doing it in person. Ask the IO "why?" 👉 <Shrugs> Probably sunspots. TIT. Welcome to Thailand.
  14. Really. What are you going to "warn" against. It's a mosquito bite. Try not getting bit by a mosquito in Thailand. Impossible. If you live here, you attempt to keep tabs on anyone who has a family member with Dengue and then gauge how close you live to the infected person. But if you're gonna get it - you're gonna get it. Usually the first round of Dengue is generally survivable. Second round? Bigger problem. Tragic to lose a child in their prime.
  15. Lost my daughter 27 years ago. The guy who killed her is completely unrepentant. This is the first year where I "missed" the day she died. That is progress in the grieving process. Nope. You don't get over it. But you find ways to live with it. I wouldn't wish losing an only child on my worst enemy.
  16. connda

    Small chickens

    Vicious vicious vicious puppy! "Grrrrr"
  17. connda

    Small chickens

    I'd never consider slaughter a living animal. I just go to the butcher and buy those nice slabs of meat that don't resemble an animal at all. Aroy! Aroy! Yummy!
  18. Post "close" elections decided by electoral votes: The Loser: "The electoral system is undemocratic and the constitution needs to be amended to end electoral votes! Grrrr!" The Winner: "The system works just fine." When the shoe is on the other foot, the narrative changes as well. The US is not a democracy. Never was. It's a representative based Constitutional Republic. The framers built-in the Electoral College for a reason. To avoid 'the tyranny of the majority." If you want a "democracy" move to the UK or the EU. 🤔 Yeah - think about it!
  19. Btw - since the news of Trump's "conviction" I've seen polls saying that he's losing votes and polls saying he's gaining votes. Wise individuals should understand that polls are propaganda that should not be trusted. There are lies, damn lies, and polls statistics.
  20. Here comes the promised "Chicken Plague" Bird-Flu Global Pandemic 2.0 just in time for the US Elections. Stay tuned......
  21. Guess you'll need to work through SSA in Manila like the rest of us. https://ph.usembassy.gov/services/social-security/
  22. Op - you're living in La La Land unless you're relatively wealthy and have been on a Business Visa for an extended period of time.
  23. Hey mate. Now that Srettha said that same sex marriages are gonna happen as well as other major changes which I assume will be the acceptance of transgenders, just have your wife change her sex to "male" and change your sex to "female" and "Hello Thai Citizenship!"
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