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Everything posted by connda

  1. Of course it does. And Putin is helping Trump win the 2024 election just like he did in 2016.
  2. Main-stream media will be publishing poll after poll showing that Trump has lost votes and that "polls show that Biden will win for sure!" Just ignore 2016 when they did the same thing. "Hillery is winning for sure, Trump doesn't have a chance in hell." And the rest is history.
  3. Install your updates through your phone's built-in Software Update Manager. Not some link sent to you via email or via social media.
  4. I don't want whatever you're smoking. LSD flash-back perhaps? Hummm. 🤔
  5. And you expect "what" from the Thai educational system? You can not teach analytical and STEM skillets using rote learning and social indoctrination teaching mythologies. What you get at the end of that assembly line are socially conformed clones who can't think for themselves and who are terrified to stand out from the herd. And yet what Thailand needs are STEM graduates who can completely separate themselves from the herd mentality. Instead - hire Chinese and Indian STEM grads and a few token farangs with advanced degrees to do the jobs Thai graduates are incapable of doing.
  6. Managers? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Skilled? 50K out of 56K are managers! That's hilarious.
  7. Well, if you plan on having kids, yeah!
  8. And I thought the commonly accepted narrative was "Russians in Thailand Bad!" Now it's British in Thailand Bad. How times change. Oh well, tomorrow it will be <pick a nationality as long as it's not Thai> in Thailand Bad.
  9. The Hill comes out with another MSM account of the "status quo narrative," and "the only news you need to believe." In the meanwhile Fauci was grilled by the Senate and could possibly face charges in the future for lying under oath. But in our day and age the main-stream media lionize serial liars as paragons of virtue. Which is why our Western liberal "democracies" are in serious decline. It's a sign of the times.
  10. Lord - where do these snide, snarky dudes with a handful of posts come from when they decide to crawl out from under a rock just to throw shade at other members. Well, another one makes my OignorelistO 🐂💩 Congrats! Bye bye! 👋
  11. Unless they throw him into political prison, and not the penthouse-remand-prison type of prison reserved for elderly billionaires on their death-beds. Of course not.
  12. Why Do Thais Burn Down Their Forests Every Year In Northern Thailand? Here, let me show you - see the bowl on the right? That's why. Het Thop (Astraeus hygrometricus) or Earth Star mushrooms pokes their fruiting bodies out of their mycelial-mass networks in the mountain forests of Northern Thailand for about two weeks a year during the beginning of Thailand's "Rainy Season." During those two weeks, Thais go on a Het-Thop-Foraging-FrenzyTM to collect the mushrooms which, when they first pop up thought the burnt-out underbrush of our somewhat charred forests, can command a price between 600 to 800 THB for a "liter-weight", and which then drops to between 200 to 400 THB per liter as hundreds (to a thousand plus) of foragers scour the mountains and bring back sacks of these mushrooms. In our area we have what the locals call Het Thop Maeta, a distinct micro-climate type that is highly prized for its texture and taste. This year the roads in our area literally had a few of hundred trucks and motorcycles parked along the side of roads and highways before dawn. Each truck carried between 10 to 15 people or more, packed like sardines in the truck-bed (including scads of Myanmar day-workers hired to forage) who scoured the mountain-sides for these highly prized mushrooms, and the truck's license plates showed that they were coming from as far away as Phrae and Lampang as well as from Chiang Mai and other provinces (north, south, east, and west). Last week was pretty much it for the 2 week Het-Thop-Foraging-FrenzyTM and commercial buyers where lining the road to purchase the mushroom, which of course drives the price up for locals, who like my wife, simply wants to enjoy a Het Thop meal. But then again, many of the locals who run small business in the villages of our Tambon simply close their business and joined the Het-Thop-Foraging-FrenzyTM mushroom hunt as it's exponentially more profitable than selling noodles, coffee, and small retails store kind-of stuff, or even working at their normal day-jobs in construction, farming, or the other village occupations. So - back to the question of Burn-Season-ArsonTM - who sets all of those fires? "Shhhhhhhh." Nobody knows. 🙄 Probably Forest-Spirits and Global-Warming Gremlins! Maybe even Monkey's-With-Matches...nobody knows! 🙈🙉🙊 "Shhhhhhhh!" 🌳 🔥 🍄 Who benefits from all of those arson fires? Locals and non-locals alike. Essentially everyone who didn't develop lung cancer or other respiratory diseases which would preclude them from foraging the steep, rocky slopes of the mountains in our Amphur. 😷 So after 3 months of Killer-Northern-Thailand-Air and often "The Most Dangerous Air-Quality In The WorldTM," for two weeks Thais in our area are absolute happy-campers as they forage and feed on - Het Thop! 😁🇹🇭
  13. I'm going to give the Leftist ideologues a picture of how this is going to work. Right now - I have no intentions of voting for Trump. I don't agree with many of his domestic or foreign policies. BUT If he is thrown into jail between now and the presidential election, that will guarantee that he has my vote. Why? Because third-world Lawfare (the type we have never witnessed in America until this coordinated attack on Trump occurred) IS a clear and present danger to our American Republic - "one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and JUSTICE for all." And trust me - what I just stated is the tip of the iceberg. We have to get back to the "Indivisible" and "Justice For All" part again. Biden's message is a divided America. Trump's message (for all of his other warts) is a united America. Listen the the content of their speeches - its clear. Lawfare is a judicial nightmare - a "rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouch(ing) towards Bethlehem (Washington DC) to be born," to play on that wonderful poem by Yeats. It can not be allowed in a free, US constitutional republic. So? Throw Trump in jail - find out. To the ballot boxes on Nov 5th.
  14. There ya go right there. Left-wing MSM talking point regurgitated to the letter by a left-wing pro-Biden ideologue. That's the Democrats, Left-wing think-tanks, and MSM strategy for the next 5 months. That's how it's done ppls!!! Personally what I expect to see Nov 6th 2024?
  15. You don't. You also have Jill Stein and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as well as others. There is a choice that doesn't include Trump or Biden. The America public could reshape politics in one day if they weren't so dumbed-down.
  16. The Hill. Of course! MSM - "Trump's a Convict and most Americans want him to drop out. Grrrr!" Most of the Left which includes virtually every MSM outlet (including The Hill) are now mounting a coordinated "Get Trump The Convict" campaign which will be unending vitriol and questionable "polls" until November 5th 2024. In the meanwhile: Trump commands massive crowds during campaign stops and impromptu appearances like UFC 302. I've left off the rousing chants of "Let's Go Brandon," which of course were not "Let's Go Brandon!" Biden commands a few dozen supporters at his campaign stops which MSM cameras crop-out of the scene, and like 2020 he will probably spend most of the next five months in his basement in the White House or Delaware as the far-left MSM talking heads spew how "massive crowds of supporters show up at the White House in support of the President," (although most are pro-Palestine/anti-genocide protestors). Expect nothing but the inversion of reality for the next 5 months.
  17. What's up next - government endorsed marriage of young children to satisfy the sexual perversion of "Youth-attracted persons?" How about legalized marriage between humans and animals? Hey - why have limits? I have no problem with same-sex marriage between consenting adults. But there are limits. Children are off-limits. Bestiality is off-limits. Anything that harms people is off-limits. So Srettha - what sort of perversion do you plan on promoting?
  18. That's the thinking of your average citizen clone who gets all their "news" from main-stream media instead of studying history (especially the history of the British Empire and which was taken over by the United State post WWII) as well as Geo-politics. Start with The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski. Subscribe to Foreign Affairs and read how the Neo-cons think and plan. Read The Great Game by Peter Hopkirk. Read the history of the British Empire and the kind of thought during 18th and 19th centuries that drove their empirical conquests. Read Sir Halford Mackinder's The Geographical Pivot of History and understand The Heartland Theory and its effect on the thinking and action of Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and the current crop of neo-cons driving US foreign policy which is taking us to the brink of nuclear annihilation. I'm discussing this with rather ignorant people who get their view of the world from cable new networks and then believe they understand the realities of interplay of global geopolitics with the US playing Team America - World Police. Nope. People like you don't "get it" so ignorance is bliss. "You’re wrong so don’t worry- stop thinking too much..." Let's revisit that in a year.
  19. 2.72GW will power one AI data center - partially. The coming AI (and eventually quantum) data centers will suck upwards of 5GW of electricity each. Again - get real. Your "solar will save the world" ideologues simple dismiss reality. You cover large land masses with solar panels and completely discount the ecological damage they themselves cause because as ideologues you refuse to comprehend the obvious. The same goes of windmill farms especially offshore wind farm - you deliberately shut your minds off to the ecological damage these wind farms do. You defend killing the planet to "save the planet." Again. The new generation of nuclear plant are safer, more resilient, and produce significantly more energy than wind or solar. And are at a time when there is plenty of natural gas to drive the planet's energy need - until - fusion energy technology reaches commercial maturity in the coming decades. Then you'll have copious amounts of "green" energy powered by the same dynamics as the Sun.
  20. What could possible go wrong with floating solar farms 🤔 Oh right - weather, wind, and then waves. https://twitter.com/i/status/1777941616562733520
  21. This pretty much sums up the history of the Ukraine conflict. You'll get the history of the Western players, their goals, and how we got to where we are in Ukraine in the first 1/2 hour of this interview. For a background on Professor Sachs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Sachs Interview on May 28th 2024: https://www.jeffsachs.org/interviewsandmedia/lhklf2aek7dtlkd9waelcy3xp8pd8a
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