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Posts posted by connda

  1. Really? I've been doing that for years. Opsss! wacko.png Putting your foot in the basin keeps the old hip joints loosened up. Guess I'll have to use the 'butt shower' in the hong naam from now on. Thais seem to like their bathroom floors perpetually wet, so I doubt anyone will notice. Anyway, thank goodness I don't read 'Thai-mangled' Chinese, although it seem the Chinese can't read it either.

  2. Yep, if Prayut could do anything to change the status quo, it would be to put teeth into enforcement of anti-burning (arson) laws in Northern Thailand. However, it will probably be a bumper mushroom season!!! So Whiskey Tango Foxtrot folks! coffee1.gif

    ...and visited the local amphur hospital today. Chest Xrays were the main course on today's menu. Not for us, but man, a lot of locals in the Khun Tan Valley with respiratory issues. Hack! Cough! saai.gif.pagespeed.ce.f25DL0fHCdW09GY8hG

  3. Being half Thai I find it particulary offensive when people lump Thai women all together as liars and con artists. Then when someone lumps Western men together it's another story. My female relatives all work hard at their jobs and not one can speak English yet because they're all natives of Pattaya they're lumped in with bar girls and hookers.

    Being full farang and over 50, some folks who have never met me would considered me an alcohol dazed, bar-girl chasing sex maniac whereas I'm married and seldom hang out in tourist areas. What's the difference?

  4. Agree with member steelepulse. Zero enforcement of "no chairs, no umbrellas" at Kata Beach. Lots of people bringing their own with no hassle.

    Kata also has a lot of trees along the back of the beach providing nice shade for those who don't like sitting in the sun.

    Yes, zero hassle at Kata beach. Own chair and umbrella welcomed.

    Ain't it grand when everyone can just get along together.

    Commercialism: working (check)

    Consumerism: working (check)

    Individualism: working (check)

    Limited government: working (check)

  5. Thai creativity is never connected to any real business value proposition. That's the challenge of real creativity in business marketing. Not to lose sight of business goals and objectives while be as creative as possible. Thais don't understand this - it's not in their DNA to get this right. They just act out on disconnected bursts of nonsensical narrative based on what disjointed thoughts pop in to their head. Then they try to sell it with a business purpose and act shocked when no one else gets it. This Thai ad director on this "Love en Route" campaign should be terminated immediately. Everyone knows that a campaign like this is preposterous. We all know the connotations of "love en route" advertising for Thailand is.

    Thai writers/directors'/marketing consultants attempting to understand farang culture in order to create a film aimed at a farang audiance they don't understand in the first place. <head shake>

    Now, that's a plane that ain't ever getting off the ground.

  6. This further highlights the lack of facilities at Thai airports. One should not have to fly business class to get access to shower and change facilities.

    Paymaster -- You've actually have accurately described the problem. The lack of facilities at airports for those who are not flying "Hi-So" air.

    Ever been in-transit for over 24 hours? Many of us have been. At some point you want to wash the stink off, freshening up, and maybe put on some fresh clothes to boot. But, the only place to do it that is not in full view of the public is: the restroom.

    Now, a segment of society have been raised to believe the mere sight of the naked human form is a step away from unredeemable sin. Then there are the vast majority of travelers who have been in the same position, and realize that a restroom is a place to relieve yourself and to take care of functions that you probably yourself would be happy to do in privacy, but given that there is little to no privacy for economy, you do it where is will be viewed the least offensive, let's say, as compared to doing the same in the main terminal.

    So what were the Chinese gals really doing? Probably trying to freshen up and put on a fresh set of cloths. I can't find any fault in that at all. They probably smell a whole lot better than some puritanical-type who festers in their own bodily fluids and filth for two days -- than let's talk about offending people -- with smell, on a crowded plane.

  7. I agree with the Thai lady who was offended. I certainly wouldn't want to go to a toilet and find a naked bloke in there.

    I can think of countless times in my life where the proper (and only) place to change clothes was in the men's toilet (yeah, I'm a guy), or for women, the women's toilet. Totally and culturally acceptable in everyplace I've ever lived, and I've lived a lot of places.

    I must scare the bejesus out of guys who are offended by the human body when I decide to bare my butt and walk between the locker room and the showers with the boyz free in the breeze. But then again, I was brought up in a time and place where males dressed, undressed, walked around butt naked, took communal showers and thought naught of it. Acceptable in all my schools, acceptable in the military, and for me now, at the gym - as long as I'm in the shower room labels 'Men', as far as I'm concerned, clothes are optional. I've always considered the guys who 'cover-up' or who are obviously ashamed of their own bodies to be the ones who have personal insecurities and other issues. If you acted like a priss in any of the schools I went to, you more than likely end up with a moniker such as 'nancy-boy' attached to your name.

  8. Back in 1900 that's how they dressed here, she was likely just trying to go native.

    Yeah, the hypocrisy of all that 'modesty' thing has really reached heights, and when Thai women would know a thing or two about the, real, history of their country, they would realise it was a repressive code imposed to women by a medieval conservatist elite of machos and some integrist, sex perturbated, monks.

    Before that, women were indeed mostly not covering their breasts in Siam, nor in bordering Laos, Cambodia, Birma, and Bali f.i., in fact in many tropical Buddhist and Hinduist countries. The concept of shame and sin about this very old, and healthy, tradition, was introduced by the spreading Islam, later Christianity in the colonised countries (but as Siam/thailand is not a Muslim nor a colonised country...)

    The sin is/was not in the women's, innocent, nudity, the sin is the lust in the eyes of sex-obsessed and depraved men!

    And then to hear the scandalised outcry of the many adapted moralists and rancid bigots among women, like today in this non-event, oh my Buddha!

    You nailed it. The 'sin' is not the observed, but entirely in the eye's of the observer. Then you wonder why women in certain area's of the ME where Burkas. And this whole hypocrisy over the 'shame' of nakedness. Pick a non-European tropical/sub-tropical country 500 years or so back. It all changed with the advent of Western religion. Now, wear a string and you're covered, lose the string and you're an indecent nude. It's all incredibly laughable.

  9. I'm sure the offended Thai poster would have no problem sitting in public with a finger embedded knuckle deep in a nostril as she picks out and inspects each 'surprise' that she pulls out.

    Now there is something that will make me gag. 'AAAhhhhhggg!' And condoned in Thai culture. bah.gif

    So, yes! Moral relativism.

    The Chinese gal without a shirt on. Now that thought just leaves me with a big smile. biggrin.png

  10. Shocked? Not in your lifetime.

    Amused? You bet. thumbsup.gif

    Come on. I live in Thailand. The land where the Bathroom Cleaning Lady comes in and cleans the urinal right next to the one you're currently using while maintaining a completely blank face.

    So, topless Chinese gals looking for some fun. Who am I to interfere. Take the pants off too. Maybe the Bathroom Cleaning Lady will smile too!

  11. What's her goal?

    Self-defense and conditioning in a short amount of time (like 1 year) ? Muay Thai. Your kid will be in shape and have the ability to handle herself in a fight.

    Aikido? How many year's does she plan to dedicate her life to the practice. If you don't plan on practicing a lifetime, don't start. 1 year is not going to get her anywhere. Take it from a former uchideshi who didn't keep up the practice over time.

    Taekwondo? Want a martial art that looks pretty and makes you effective at scoring love pats during a tournament bout, go for it. Been there, done that too.

    If your in Pattaya: Krav Marga If you can find an instructor (maybe in one the Russian communities: Systema

    If it was my daughter, I'd get her into one year of self-defense (i.e., Krav Marga, Systema, etc). If I was unable to find an instructor for self-defense, Muay Thai. And go one better. Practice with her.

  12. Nice farang story. He'll probably get picked up by labor for not having a work permit.

    depressingly predictable response. thank you for perpetuating yet another thai visa cliche.

    hurry along now, i am sure there is another thread running somewhere else where you can respond with "Thainess", use the phrase "walking ATM" or exhort the police to "blame it on the burmese"

    keep up the original work

    People don't bother reading the thread and therefore think they are clever and the first to mention about work permits.

    I bet they're aghast and embarrassed when they realise just how many have mentioned it prior to them.

    Had to think about your quote at the bottom of your post, scary isn't it. ""Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armory of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself"

    Try the complete quote:

    “Man is made and unmade by himself. In the armory of thought he forges the weapons which will destroy him. He also creates the tools with which he will build for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peach. Between these two extremes are all the grades of character, and man is their maker and their master. ”
    • Like 2
  13. USA Economic Depression?


    Let's See:

    - Debt going down.

    - Lowest unemployment rates in 30 years

    - Strong GDP

    - Stock Market new highs.

    - I own 4 businesses on Maui, Hawaii and can not find employees.

    - Everyone needs employees in USA.

    - Home Depot (like many) will hire 20,000+ this year



    Pretty funny.

    Put a little vodka in your FOX NEWS Kool-Ade.

    Individuals with an IQ of about 60 go for the low hanging fruit. Start using ridicule anytime there is an opinion that doesn't fit your world view. Must be quite a few Saul Alinsky fans in the TV audience.

    US population: approx 330 million

    Civilian non-institutionalize population (capable of entering the workforce): approx. 249 million

    US population out of the work force: approx. 92 million

    US BLS Unemployment rate: 5.9%

    Lies, damn lies, statistics (my BS meter just went into the red)



    Pretty funny.

    Now go home and get your shine box.

    <Maybe Saul had it right. Ridicule is fun. Not really, but I'll make this one exception.>

  14. I think you're first worry is the Euro. Then don't expect any doomsday USD devaluation scenario before you see a major global deflationary cycle. Also, the US is not just going to 'roll-over' on the 'reserve currency issue, at least until the major banks are in a position to capitalize when it happens. And you'll never see it coming, but the 'big boyz' will. Know any insiders? No? Well, welcome to the 99.999% club.

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