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Posts posted by connda

  1. Thais have the Buddhist word 'Sila' which is adherence to moral principles. It's not like Thais don't understand the difference between right and wrong. But, I'm not surprised that a convention of bankers would have difficulties in understanding the word integrity, even if they could agree on a universal definition. So I find no surprise that it was contended that 'integrity' isn't easily translated in Thai -- but I completely disagree with that assertion. That sounds like an excuse, and a weak one at that.

    Now I'm sure some 'Somchai' will come along an say, "How would you know farang, you're not Thai." My reply, "You're correct, I'm not Thai; I'm Buddhist. I understand the concept of Sila; and I understand the word integrity." Perhaps my only lacking is that of 'wrong view': I don't see the world through the eye's of bankers.

    Perhaps a more interesting conversation would be a discourse on morality within the executive class of the global banking communities.

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  2. Read this earlier today. Tragic. My heart goes out to the family.

    Now, if Thailand could only get a half a clue and start forcefully enforcing right-of-way laws and put some weight behind them. But, hell, it wouldn't be Thailand if Somchai Sam couldn't drive down the middle of the white line and push anything with two wheel off the road in front of him.

    But it was raining: victims fault.

  3. Why do you care? If I remember right, at least according to Durex, approximately 56% of the population is having a fling. Well, that's out the the total number of the survey that admitted to having a fling. Personally, it's just a lot of friction.

  4. ...actually Gov.... only being allowed completely naked into the towns and cities in the deep south would totally solve the problem....no more strapped on suicide bombers......no grenades in pockets...pen guns...no more knives...zilch concealed weapons.....

    ......now I must send this suggestion to TAT it could boost tourist numbers considerably...they have been devoid of ideas for the past 2 hours...

    Ahhh, but then you forget the 1.2 bn Thai baht populace 'Mega-project' stipend for SPF 40+ sunblock.

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    i think your relationship sucks because you order her around, she wants to take her newborn back to her village for her religious beliefs and culture and whatever and you tell her 'Aint gonna happen.' she doesn't listen to your rambling because your always talking down to her, she most likly with you for the money and your probably too old for her.

    OUCH w00t.gif

    I certainly am...6 years her senior....holy mackerel...

    Yeah, I'm in my 60s and I have her by 8 years, as she struggles through freaking menopause. Yep, I robbed the freaking cradle. Yeah, her Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader hot-to-trot bod made it almost impossible for me to say no to being her walking ATM.

    /sarc off

  6. The problem with my wife is that she wants to much sex, I'm knacker ed,

    Introduce her to battery operated 'massage devices'. However, once that bridge is crossed, you lose your importance in the overall scheme of the world. Well, maybe she still needs the income that you provide, but you're relegated to cohabitation with "Sally and her 5 sisters." Maybe she'll let you pilot that 'massage device' prior to you handing over the monthly stipend. Maybe!

  7. I have only just seen this thread and in the original post it was mentioned about a "Witch Doctor" when my Son was born, Mother from Korat we took him to meet the Grandparents. Whilst there some decrepit old man came hobbling up to the house and after a short time quite literally sprayed his saliva all over my Son. Irrespective of any supposed religious and or cultural concerns no one seemed to consider the health issues. Did this old guy have TB and any other contagious illness. Suffice it to say my son was swiftly removed and bathed. I was the next morning walking around the area carrying my son when shouting caught my attention and I was told to return to the house as the baby could be possessed by a ghost, needless to say my trip was cut short.

    OMG you sound like a farang germaphobe. Spray the kid down with Betadine, place him in a sealed plastic tent that only let's in air with particulate less than 0.005 microns, and only let the in-law look at him thought a one-way mirror mounted in an adjacent room.

    In ten years, you kid will have an immune system that Western brats will envy. Why the heck do you think the germ-conscious farang get the 'trots' immediately after drinking filtered water here in the LOS, no less actually eating, <gasp>, "Street Food"!!!

  8. My wife is very westernised, she speaks reads and writes english,also works in real estate , we can communicate perfectly ,but when our son was born if she had wanted to take him home so her monk could but a string on his wrist who would i be to stop her ,the same as i dont stop her praying every night for 10 minutes or putting flowers in a vase in front of her favourite monk ,so who are you to stop your wife ,her jailer?

    No, but if SHTF I bet she is smart enough to have you take her back to your home country's jurisdiction, divorce you, take half your assets, plus child support, etc, etc, etc.

    I like my non-westernized wife with both of us right here in the LOS thank you very much.

  9. "Tourists may do things that do not impress local people, but everyone should understand that the arrival of foreign tourists in our country is better than their not coming here, because their presence stimulates the economy,"


    Will the Thai government still put up with it after this?

    Just wondering, but are the 'Temple Police' at say, the Emerald Buddha, on watch to make sure that farang don't point their feet at the front of the temple, wear the proper clothes, and keep out of areas that are traditionally off-limits to females ---- as well as making sure that Chinese asian teenagers don't kick the bells with their feet. Or, maybe this is like the dual pricing scheme: Asians we ignore, farangs we charge as much as we can bleed out of them? Just wondering out loud. rolleyes.gif Really, the group tours bring in a lot of bling bling! Individual farang -- Ho-hum.

  10. TAT: Don't like farang. Ya'll think Farang backpackers and middle class tourists are the scourge of Thailand?

    Enjoy you're new choice in Quality Tourists! And watch which industries take the biggest hit in decreased revenues. It's going to be the average 'Somchai' on the streets. So, by God, the Chinese are the quality tourists ya'll have been looking for after all. Non tipping, pack animals that roam in well defined, pre-scheduled group tours. wink.png Well, as you destroy you're overall revenues, especially those revenue streams that are, aahhh, not accounted for in your statistical analysis: Like farang men, still making a living, married to Thai natives. Well, screw us huh? We really don't count. Ask my wife, son, extended family, step-daughter, her side of the family and so on. Lets see how many Kittichai Zhāng vs Kittichai Jones, and Nong Yao Huáng vs Hong Yao Jackson there are in the next ten years or so. Are we going to see a multitude of Chinese males making an influx to marry and/or support Thai women? Yeah, when goats fly (gotta keep it in the Kon Jiin New Year's theme).

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  11. I'm still going with, (based on my eyes and lungs) that it is a a lot better than last year. I heard that the government put a bounty on chatching the type of firestarters the driver down the road and set anything flammable of fire, so that mushrooms will be great the next year. Truthfully I have not seen alot of side-of-the-road fires going on. BUT...it isn't March yet either. One can only hope and pray.

  12. It is good that at long last a US president has toned down the rhetoric, turned up the heat on Muslim leaders globally and stepped up the attacks on the violent extremists that have emerged from the Islamic world.

    Almost all Muslims want the same things others of all religions want, which is peace and prosperity, not perpetual holy war. Know thine enemy for sure but also know who is not your enemy, and the billion Muslims of the world are not the enemy.

    Good post.

    Those who demonize all Muslims almost always have an agenda... and nowhere is it more obvious than on this forum.

    The absurdity that because Islam is called out for exactly what it requires of its adherents and the actions of the adherents, this hardly translates into "demoniz[ing]" anything or anyone. These are statements of facts. The endless stream of news reports, terrorist actions, and their citations for their actions is hardly fictitious. The assertion that Islam is not responsible for the current state of jihad throughout the world is never- NEVER- backed up with scriptural references or nary a clerical admonishment. Why? Because they are consistent in following the injunctions of Islam. "Demoniz[ing]?" Hardly.

    Perhaps those who assert the wrong headedness of posters like myself would provide us some examples from time to time indicating exactly why these jihad terrorists don't reflect islamic injunctions? Perhaps even a topical argument could be provided rather than just pejoratives or impugning the motives of posters who announce measurable facts? Perhaps some do not want to provide such scriptural arguments for their positions because they inherently object to the notion that islam has anything to do with the terrorism at all; so, they wont be bothered with such research to support their position? This would be akin to an ostrich with its head in the sand because, of course, if, according to Obama, we should consider the islamist grievances we should also consider their scriptural references for their authority; they nearly always provide it.

    Lastly, it is a bridge to far to assert one knows what all muslims want. What can be known, however, is the product of their collective action or inaction regarding the Third Great Jihad. When considered with regard to the fact that the koran and hadiths actually do call for perpetual holy war what all muslims want becomes a concern. Perpetual holy war is not occasionally mentioned; it is not inferred; it is not poor exegesis. Perpetual holy war is the actual foundation of the entire ideology. You cannot sustain the concept of islam and sharia if you removed the requirement to lesser jihad. There could not ever be a dar al islam unless there is first a dar al harb. Assertions like this combined with leadership like Obama's will seek to redistribute further intellectual, monetary, and military wealth into the hands of islamists under the premise that they need jobs, or opportunity, or equality in outcomes. Normally, IMO, when civilization jihad arrives (and it actually slowly, inexorably arrives everywhere since 632CE because jihad is the actual blueprint) people like me are the last to be whacked, beheaded or burned because we at least know its coming. It is usually the people who greet [them] at the gates that are killed first. Good luck. (Note: My problem is not with muslims, it is with islamic jihad and shar'ia).

    For anyone who doesn't understand this, and you have the attention span of an relatively intelligent adult - Google:

    What ISIS Really Wants

    "The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it."

    Author: Graeme Wood

    Publication: The Atlantic

    It's a pretty informative article. I'm guessing TV won't allow me to post the link, so up to you to do the search.

    Same story, different perspective: Worth reading to compare and costrast.


    Title:is ISIS Islamic? Wrong question.

    Author: Aziz Poonawalla

    Publication: Beliefnet

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