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Posts posted by connda

  1. My BS Meter just maxed out and blew a fuse! This is where progressive liberalism ends up. And for anyone stupid enough to fall for this, yeah, you better make sure the dog isn't a mule. The Asian authorities will euthanize you right along with the mutt. Be careful. Something doesn't add up here.

  2. Why do I get the strange feeling everytime I read one of these articles about subjects like these is that tackling human trafficking in the LOS means arresting and fining bargirls, karoake dek ying, massage workers, go-go dancers, and katoeys for alledged prostitution while the owners of the raided establishments are away on vacation in Macau or Dubai. Aaaah, it's probably just all in my head. I must be confused.blink.png

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  3. connda;

    i was in the same , just got a new passport (US) last week valid till 2025;

    other one was valid till 2018 but after 2 extra sets of pages only 1blank page left :-)

    I am going to transfer my stamp ( 1st entry non o stamp and re entry permit an all the writing they put in) next week and than in June get my next extension.

    You could i guess do it all at the same time BUT

    Better not to confuse them here in Phuket

    Yeah, I just bit the bullet yesterday, printed out all the necessary documents, and showed up at CM immigration at 1:30pm. We were the second to the last people out the door at about 5pm. I've never seen the inside of CM Immigration with only 4 customers in the waiting room: Me, my wife, and two other men. Well, on the bright side, won't need to do that exercise in boredom for another 10 years Lol. Three and a half hours to process 11 people. Amazing Thailand! biggrin.png

  4. Then of course, there is going to be the consistant problem of attempting to actually find a course in your area. What a crock. Glad I stopped teaching. Thailand's loss, not mine. For me, Mai Bpen Rai. Enjoy your continued ranking at the bottom rungs of the international educational ladder, as well as the issue of the other countries in the ASEAN community that are going to literally kick the LOS's butt economically. I have no sympathy. You can't cure kwaam ngoo. Nor can you cure xenophobia.

  5. not trolling or anything, but ...

    the old visa to new passport was kinda stopped ?

    last time i read was ... you get new passport, you do all your papers for a new extention of stay, no more transfert of visa / extention ...

    would be kind of crazy and stupid if your visa expires not even 2 months later, right ?

    I am in this position, waiting for my new passport and tought immigration told me, the day after I get my passport, I should come and have all my yearly paperwork with me ....

    confuzed !

    They still transfer the stamps.

    The new rule (August of 2013) is if you have less than 12 month left on your passport validity when you apply for an extension they only give you an extension to the date your passport expires. Then when you get your new passport and have your stamps transferred to it you then have to apply for an extension when the shortened extension ends.

    From: http://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/base.php

    "According to the New Regulation from August 13, 2013, when submitting application for Visa Extension if the validity of passport of the applicant is not longer than one year left before expiry, the extension of stay will be permitted not exceeding the expired date of passport.

    After the renewal of your passport of obtaining a new passport, you have to re-apply for Visa Extension by submitting required document and paying extension fee ( 1,900 Baht ). In case of overstay, the fine is 500 Baht per day."


    Now I'm confused. My old passport was valid to 2017. I had simply run out of visa pages and opted for a new passport for $110 instead of new passport pages for $85. My new passport is valid to 2025. Other than the four holes in the old passport, all the visa extensions, stamps, departure cards, and 90 day report are up to date and valid. And I have a new valid passport plus the notarized letter from the CM US Consulate.

    So in reality, what law is stopping me from simply waiting until my April 2nd yearly marriage extension to just hand in both the extension paperwork and the passport transfer paperwork? I'm just trying to understand what I'm missing here, and your knowledge is leaps and bounds beyond mine. Thanks!

  6. Bargain! I mean what can you buy 'back home' for 200 baht?? It's not even paper money - just small change...

    Oh, I don't know. I could visit Greenwich Park, Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, Regents Park, St. James's Park.

    Then in the afternoon I could go to the British Museum, Imperial War Museum, Museum of London, National Gallery, Natural History Museum and Science Museum, Tate Modern and Tate Britain.

    The next day I could travel outside London and visit the Peak District, the Lake District, Snowdonia, Dartmoor, Exmoor, the New Forest and the South Downs.

    And I'd still have my original 200 Baht left!

    And what's more, any Thai person visiting the UK could do exactly the same for the same price.

    And any one of these attractions would probably be better value for money, even if they did charge 200 Baht, than a Thai national park charging the same amount.

    I can think of hundreds of places I can go in the US for free that are one hell of a lot more interesting that much of anything I've seen here in the Land Of Scams Smiles. And for those park services that do charge a fee, it's the same whether you're a citizen, visitor, or illegal immigrant.

    I'm actually starting to give consideration to the phrase that many TV simpltons love to use, "If you don't like it here, go back home." That's actually starting to form up as a possible long term option within the next 3 to 5 years. But it's the first time that I've started looking into immigration forms for the wife and what the process will be to have her immigrate.

  7. Two days after my 50 person wait in line, but hey, way cool!!! Kudos CM Imm. A very positive step in the right direction! I'm sure they'll have the bugs worked out by May before I have to report again.

  8. Just an idea: But for those of us with the willingness to attempt to bring this discriminatory price gouging into the international light-of-day, how about printing this article and then forwarding it to your own country's ambassador along with copies to to your Congressional representatives or Ministers of Parliament, and ask that your country puts pressure on the Thai government to either; 1) stand down on the discrimination, or 2) implement the same policies at your country's national parks and tourist attractions and directly aim reciprocal price gouging at Thai Nationals visiting your country.

    This is what I'm going to do, and trust me: I'm not the most optimistic person in the world, but it's better than sitting on our collective asses and doing nothing.

  9. Well she was pretty dumb saying it was for self defense...

    Should have said it was for minor repairs...

    People carry machetes all over this country, including my wife. This is stupid, xenophobic, bull-pucky targeted directly at foreigners and nothing else. And a Swiss army knife as a weapon? What are you going to do, poke someone's eye out with the screw driver. Sweet Mother Mary. Utter lunacy. I'm I allowed to carry tools in the boot of my car or bike. A six inch screw driver, carried by a foreigner, is probably a weapon.

  10. You should get the stamps transferred as soon as possible after you get the new passport. I don't think they will let you do it with your extension appointment.

    Immigration does not transfer visas. They will do an annotation of the visa you used for the entry you have been getting extended and the most recent extension of stay stamp.

    You will need this form http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/download/pdf/res_transferstamp.pdf

    Copies of both passport photo pages. Copies of your visa and entry stamp from it in the old passport and the your most recent extension. Copy of TM6 departure card. Some immigration offices may want more copies of you old passport pages.

    You not need to line up early to do the stamp transfer at CM immigration. It is not the same as applying for a one year extension.

    As usual, thank for the actuate information Ubonjoe!

  11. I would just take it in and get it done same time as 90 day report,

    also you are too late to make an appointment anyway.for next week.

    regards Worgeordie

    Have you personally done this before, or should I expect this to turn into a clusterf**k once I get there. I don't have a lot of faith in the immigration procedures that work for one person, but may not work for another. Plus, the folks at he 90 day station have enough work cranking out 90 day reports with out taking an extra 3 hours to process a visa stamp transfer. I don't want to hold a bunch of other people up who are just there to do 90 day reporting. That would be a bit selfish, and I try to be considerate.

  12. Tried to look up this topic but didn't get much out of it.

    First, I'm going to Chiang Mai immigration on Monay to do my 90 day and get that out of the way.

    The next day I'll pick up my passport at the US Consulate. So a couple of questions.

    • How long from the time I receive the new passport do I need to transfer the stamps over from the old to new, especially if I'm carrying them both together?
    • Do I need to stand in line at o-dark-thirty at CM Immigraion to obtain a number in order to get this process done, or can I just 'walk-in'?
    • I have a scheduled appointment for my yearly extension in April. Can I just wait until then to have the stamps transferred? Or will this create a hassle. I just don't know.
    • Is there any specific paperwork I need to fill out in advance to have the visa stamp transfer completed? Forms, etc?


  13. Has anyone seen Ciba Vision - Contact Lens Care which is a peroxide based disinfection solution that uses a platinum catalyst insert to turn the H3O to H2O. There are not preservatives in the solution that irritate my eyes, unlike just about every other product on the market. However, I haven't seen Ciba Vision - Contact Lens Care in Thailand. Maybe I'm just looking the in wrong place. Has anyone seen any, especially in Chiang Mai, or from a local Thai distributor that should drop ship it to me. It's the only solution I can use.


  14. I'll be getting my new passport this week. I also have a 90 day reporting to do next week.

    Based on others experience, will changing my stamps to my new passport require sitting in the appointment queue at at 6am in the morning in order to get a number, or can I get the visa stamps transferred at the same time I'm doing my 90 day reporting?

  15. "If any State or National park in the US charged foreigners more than US citizens, it would end up in court"

    If they charged a different price for men vs. women there'd be hell to pay, but to charge less for the owners is perfectly legal.

    The San Francisco Zoo has days when locals get in free. Proof of residency required.

    do you pay taxes in Thailand?

    Yes I do.

  16. What about out of state tuition in the US?

    If you live in Ohio and want to go to school in California, the tuition will be much higher, yes?

    But I'm sure that doesn't count right?

    Come into the US illegally and many states will offer the illegal's children in-state tuition, grants, etc. And yet, it you say your from another state -- higher tuition for you.

    Obviously that is one of the legal precedents that are on the books. Based on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the federal statute which makes it illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin, you can pretty much assume that 'discrimination' will extend to venues such as discriminatory tuition IF the discimination is based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. So your correct, dual pricing base on state residency would not be considered discriminatory at universities. However, having a dual pricing scheme for foreigners vs US citizens/residents at National Parks would end up in court, because your discriminating based on national origin of the visitor.

    How does SF let locals into the Zoo at discounted prices or for free? Don't know. I'd be interested to know though.

    I've done some digging. Here's an agenda item on the SF city council books:

    1. File 193-97-2 . [San Francisco Zoo Admission Policy] Hearing to consider the issue of the San Francisco Zoo providing admission to San Francisco residents on the same basis as members of the Zoo Society. (Supervisor Ammiano) So, it seems as though they'll consider SF residents to have prima facie membership akin to being a member of the zoo society.
  17. Fair enough. If you want discount as a local show your residency.

    What's that got to do with anything? Most of us pay more taxes than the locals and get treated like tourists who pay no tax. Tax payers contribute to park maintenance through their taxes, so we have already payed our dues. Anyone who works here ho pays tax (can show wp/teacher licence, etc), should get the local rate. That's how it works at Khao Yai and that should be the standard. Anywhere else is a rip off.

    What that got to do with anything? Taxes have nothing to do with the reason for allowing locals / citizens to pay less. But the fact "most of us" as you say pay more taxes would indicate we can afford to pay a couple dollars more to enjoy a national park in a less developed nation.

    I have lived near Amusement parks and beaches in the US where they also extended discounts to locals as well as places that provide discounts for students, youngsters and elders who all pay less taxes.

    If your going to whine before even getting into the place then better not to go.

    If any State or National park in the US charged foreigners more than US citizens, it would end up in court: Discrimination, violation of civil rights, and probably a civil class action suit seeking compensation for the years the 'dual-pricing' was in effect. Actually, probably in most Western countries. And if the places you mentioned extend discounts to locals, they are on a slippery slope imho. Dual pricing is discrimintory (unless there is some legal precedent set in state or federal law that says otherwise).

  18. I never have a problem getting the Thai price, if the DL doesn't work just show the WP.

    File cabinet indeed.

    I carry my DL and my Thai tax card. Works 90% of the time. If it doesn't, I smile, turn around, and leave. They's no cure for xenophobia. It is what it is. There are too many other places in the world to go and see than to worry about a few places in Thailand that want to treat guests like ATMs.

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