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Posts posted by connda

  1. Primitive peoples have always destroyed the environment, England was once covered in ancient forests, now just a few tiny remnants remain. The Sahara desert was one the Roman granary. Legislation always fails in the face of human need and human greed. It is a battle that will never be won until we change the mindset of the people.

    Actually, primitive people usually live in relative harmony with the land. The native North American people had close spiritual ties with the land. The traditional Karen agricultural practices maintained healthy forests. It is "civilization" that tends to harm the land. And one can make a strong argument that it is modern capitalism that is the primary cause of the worst environmental damage to the planet whether it be forests or the oceans. At its heart, capitalism is an extractive economic model that will extract until nothing remains. Whether it be major oil spills in Baku or the Gulf of Mexico, deforestation in Brazil and Indonesia, the Japanese fishing fleet's drift netting, or global warming, the one unifying root cause of the inevitable environmental collapse of the planet is that capitalism is the economic model of the ruling elite just about everywhere.

    Yeah, just love the Shark Fin soap fisheries. Catch shark, cut off fins, toss shark back into ocean. How so modern and civilized. Hill tribes are just the latest scapegoats. Environmentalists good; Hill Tribe bad.

  2. In the bigger picture this sounds like part of AGENDA 21 [ agenda for the 21st. century - Rio global summit 1991] gradually going forward all over the world to remove humans from the wilderness areas and concentrate them into small highly controlled areas.

    Soylent Green

    Yes only Soylent Green was a fictional movie... Agenda 21 is reality. Moving the populations into designated areas is only part of the agenda. They are having a follow up global summit this year again in Rio, Brazil to discuss progress. It also includes centralized control of all energy and resources globally. Obama and all the other major leaders will be there. It's a scary prospect in my view.

    A really not so subtle move toward global totalitarianism. Now where is my skin whitening cream and "silky soft" hair repair lotion.

  3. So take the land and re-house 2 million people! Where they want to put these people in gods sake. Maybe it will make these people aware, but do they really think these people would care about the environment if they get evicted from the lands that have been in the family for decades. Environmentalists really not care about people, and this is the perfect example. I'm working in the environmental sector myself and this attitude is the whole reason why environmentalists never get anything done.

    The christian evangelistic ministries will take good care of those 2 million heathens.

    /sarcasm off

  4. Primitive peoples have always destroyed the environment, England was once covered in ancient forests, now just a few tiny remnants remain. The Sahara desert was one the Roman granary. Legislation always fails in the face of human need and human greed. It is a battle that will never be won until we change the mindset of the people.

    One good asteroid strike will take care of the pesky human problem.

  5. Would you like to declare your ethnic group?



    For the purpose of clarify, are you saying that you get no racism directed at you from Thais.

    Actually, there is a term Thais use to refer to dark-skinned foreigners: Kerk or kɛ̀ɛk. Generally this means people from Indian or Middle-Eastern decent, but I've heard it used to refer to people of African decent also. Is there discrimination against Kerk? I have a good friend from India. Her son lived in Bangkok and enjoyed the nightclub scene. She said there have been instances where her son was not allow into a nightclub because he was Kerk. I've also discussed this with a black friend of mine from the US. He sort of felt that the Thais didn't quite know what to think of him.

  6. Racism in Thailand?

    Absolutely . . .

    . . . but very, VERY rarely from the Thais.

    On the few occasions I've experienced racism in this country, it has almost always been from white people. I can only put it down to the fact that many who complain about what they see as "political-correctness-gone-wild" in their homelands regard Thailand as a free-for-all, no-holds barred environment in which they can express and practice their bigotry to their heart's content and without fear of reprisal from the "establishment".

    Typically, these individuals will vehemently deny being racist by virtue of the fact that they regularly engage the "services" of the local dark-skinned females but one only has to read the comments in threads that deal with subjects like immigration in the West or drugs or Lower Sukhumvit to get an insight into the mentality of a dam_n sight more than a few white people in Thailand.

    If white people feel they're racially discriminated against in this country, maybe that's a good thing since, by getting a little taste of what it's like to be on the receiving end, they might appreciate what people of colour have had to deal with for generations in the US, UK and Europe.

    I've found that the worst racists tend to come from the minorities and their apologists who rant the loudest about racism. And they all seem to be victimize by "white people". And they are -- in their own mind -- victims! And "white racists" are painted with a broad, broad brush. According to those ranting the loudest, by virtue of being born from European decent -- I am now a racist! Me and my family -- nothing but "Whitey" "White devils". "Honkey" "Gringo" "Cracker" We're not quite humans anymore due to the unfortunate lack of pigment in our skin. And that lack of pigment somehow effects our moral character and creates racists out of the lot of us.

    And now you make the comment (which I've been waiting for) about "getting a little taste of what it's like to be on the receiving end". But I personally don't give a rip about what an individual or a segment of society thinks about me. I'm not a victim. I don't have a "victim" mentality. How can you disparage me when I don't care. "White devils". "Honkey" "Gringo" "Cracker" "Howlee" "Farang" If you're like me, I let that name calling nonsense roll right off me. I can't change what is in the heart of another human being whether that person is white, black, brown, green or Telly-Tubby purple. If your heart is that full of hate, you do have a problem.

    Sorry to break it to you, but all that pent up anger in the hearts of those who banter racial slurs -- any racial slur -- doesn't have anything to do with race. Racism gives you an excuse to direct all that anger and hate at someone else -- in your case white people. You ought to take a deeper introspective look into yourself to find out what is really going on in there.

  7. Its the old story - the lowest need to understand that they are 'pricing themselves out of a job' whereas those at the top need to be paid ever higher salaries 'to attract the right staff'. Amazingly, despite being paid those higher salaries, the UK is going down the drain...

    It's a truth universally acknowledged that every country has been 'going down the drain' throughout history. This must be a very long drain.

    And yet, curiously, people's living standards around the world have never been better. The industrial world's working classes and unemployed live lives that few could have dreamt of decades ago, and while progress could always be quicker, poverty levels are shrinking even in the developing world.

    If the world is, in fact, going down the drain, I welcome it.

    What planet do you live on. In my "developed" home country, the unemployment rate for kids 18 to 24 is around 40%. College grads are increasingly having problems finding work in their chosen fields. The "fastest growing" employment sector is in retail sales with a disproportionate number of jobs in the part-time and temporary categories. The time period that I grew up in was significantly better than the present day. My kids and my grand kids are having a hell of a time finding prosperity. Why? Because the vast majority of "wealth" is being diverted to the people who need it the least.

    By the way -- this is all way off-topic. offtopic.gif

    It is very easy to point to specific weak points - youth employment in Ireland or Spain or some such place - and say it is going down the drain. These are short-term aberrations.

    It cannot be argued that over the long term, people's lives are considerably better now than at any point in history. The very fact that you and I are killing a few moments debating the issue through the wonder of the internet is living proof of that.

    Now, if you don't mind, I'm off to blow a small fortune on a ridiculously overpriced coffee drink in a shop with lovely music and comfy chair and free wifi and pretty waitresses, while flirting with my wife (in another country) on a small handheld piece of genius technology.

    All of whicih is something even my dear old dad couldn't have dreamed of, yet is easily within reach of hundreds of millions of people around this world that is going down the drain.

    I can't fault you on you optimism. Time will tell.

  8. I put my stepson in Metro Technology School three years ago. He is suppose to be in their electronics program. According to my wife, this was a six year program. My stepson is now 20 years old, but from what I can figure out he has essentially just completed the equivalent of high school. Now he is suppose to take more schooling that will lead him to ..... I don't know where?

    Using my wife as a translator and trying to get accurate information about the school, the school's programs, and her son's progress is difficult if not impossible. She really either doesn't want to talk about it or she doesn't understand it, or both. So why do I care? I'm paying for the kid's education, and I'd like to see the education result in him eventually getting employed. But the school, the programs, and his progress is a mystery to me. All I can get out of my wife is that he is an average student (she actually said he's not too smart).

    I really want to know where he is at in his studies right now, and what he will be studying in the next three years. I also would like to know what types of job his training is preparing him for, what the school does to assist these kids in obtaining jobs, and what internships are available -- are these students even counseled?

    This kid has not worked a day in his life (which I blame on his mother), shows little of no motivation, and I can't really see what he has learned applied anywhere. He's three years into an electronic programs, and he's never tried to fix electronics that have broke around the house (I don't think he can). If this is computer electronics, he doesn't seem to know anything about operating systems or the maintenance of computers (which is my area of expertise for the last 25 years).

    I want to get my questions answered from the school, but I'm going to run into a language barrier. I don't want my wife translating -- she shows more interest in keeping me in the dark than getting my questions answered.

    So, does anyone know any of the directors or managers of this school or any educational institution that is associated with Metro Tech. I need to get information, and I can't speak Thai well enough to get into a technical discussion with a school administrator -- and I want to get into a technical discussion regarding what my step son is learning. I want to talk to someone that can speak with authority about the programs, and before I shell out any more money, I wan to know how the kid is doing in school. Anyone got any suggestions?

  9. Well, I did an update of the bank book yesterday just to be sure. Went to Immi this morning, handed over my paperwork and paid 1900 Baht. 20 minutes later I had my passport in my hand with a brand new 1-year extension stamp in it. smile.png

    Edit. In fact, they didn't need to see my updated bank book, they were happy with the copy I made on Friday.

    Thanks mate. Good to hear! Putting my paperwork together today and will visit the bank tomorrow. First extension done here in CM. My others were done in Korat. Love the Online Queue System here. It's nice to know when your appointment is.

    Got to Immigration at 9:45. My name was called at 9:55 for my 10 o'clock appointment (in Thailand no less!). All documents including the letter from the bank which I got the day before where OK. Entire process for my 1 year Extension based on Marriage was less than 1/2 hour. The staff were friendly, efficient, and highly professional. I can't say much other than -- "Great service!"

  10. Its the old story - the lowest need to understand that they are 'pricing themselves out of a job' whereas those at the top need to be paid ever higher salaries 'to attract the right staff'. Amazingly, despite being paid those higher salaries, the UK is going down the drain...

    It's a truth universally acknowledged that every country has been 'going down the drain' throughout history. This must be a very long drain.

    And yet, curiously, people's living standards around the world have never been better. The industrial world's working classes and unemployed live lives that few could have dreamt of decades ago, and while progress could always be quicker, poverty levels are shrinking even in the developing world.

    If the world is, in fact, going down the drain, I welcome it.

    What planet do you live on. In my "developed" home country, the unemployment rate for kids 18 to 24 is around 40%. College grads are increasingly having problems finding work in their chosen fields. The "fastest growing" employment sector is in retail sales with a disproportionate number of jobs in the part-time and temporary categories. The time period that I grew up in was significantly better than the present day. My kids and my grand kids are having a hell of a time finding prosperity. Why? Because the vast majority of "wealth" is being diverted to the people who need it the least.

    By the way -- this is all way off-topic. offtopic.gif

  11. By the way, and right on topic, I have an acute sense of empathy, I have an even more acute sense of who deserves empathy.

    The OP apparently thinks that soi dogs are more worthy of help than humans.

    We are all in the main animal lovers, but we can tell the difference between animal and pest.

    Misplaced empathy makes problems worse.

    The OP should consider as suggested earlier, spending more on humans than on pests.

    The truly humane know when it!s right to put a dog down.

    Quite, which is why I posted earlier that animal lovers can understand those that put people first - whereas others cannot understand the opposite.

    Some of us have an innate sympathy for animals and children that have no power.

    I personally really have an affection for animals. And I feel bad for the Soi dogs that are infected with mange and suffer daily with intense inching. I feed animals around my home. Some are friendly, some are scared and skiddish. I just try to show compassion. I've taken animals to the vets before, but here's the limit: I do things within my power and within my budget. The humans in my family come first. Actually, once I decide to take an animal into our family unit, it will receive all the care that I can afford. I simply have priorities. I just don't believe that it is in anyone's best interest to put stray animals ahead of themselves. This calls for an analogy: How do you save a drowning person is you are a poor swimmer or a non-swimmer? Do you jump in to save the person? Admirable? yes. Stupid? Probably. Maybe you should stay on the land. Look for something to throw to the person: a rope, a stick. Or flag down help. If the person drowns -- it's tragic! If you both drown, it's doubly tragic!! You take care of yourself first, so that you maintain the ability to help other beings. If you end up drowning yourself, what did you gain?

    The best solution to most of the dog and cat issues in Thailand is spay and neuter. But it cost money. The way the Thais take care of it -- take the animals to the local Wat where the will enjoy a steady supply of food at least, and the compassion of the monks.

  12. Not all soi dogs "can take care of themselves". I've adopted two soi dogs (that I really didn't want/need) 'cos they were dying on the street...

    F1fanatic ... you have a good heart.

    I wonder if f1 would adopt me if she found me lying in the street.

    I wonder where she lives?

    If I found you lying on the street ... off to a Thai orphanage for you, young Scotsman!

    Or a kind lactating Mother ... what would you prefer?

    Only option #1 available ... this is TVF, I forgot.

    Option two only works if the kind lactating Mother is lactating single-malt Scotch!

    • Like 2
  13. Oh Pleaseeee! I live a frugal life because I'm on a limited pension. I use public hospitals, I shop at the local markets, I live in an inexpensive Thai apartment building (I'm the only farang), I eat almost all my meals at Thai restaurants that cater to Thais ( I get my meals for 30 baht instead of 80 baht at the "tourist" restaurants"), and I take public transportation when I'm not driving my motorcycle (I don't own a car). I've taken the time to learn enough Thai to converse with most Thais at their places of business. I find that the majority of Thais are friendly enough and are willing to engage me in conversation especially when I'm speaking Thai.

    And there are some racist jerks out there -- so what? You're only a victim if you choose to act like a victim. Thai racists don't bother me because I really don't care what they think.

    You really have a, "Oohhh, Poor meeee!" attitude there OP. You probably approach the Thais around you like you're something special. In your home country, your whining and sniveling probably gets you results from like minded, Eco-conscious, tree-hugging, organic only, diversity loving liberals. So it's no wonder the Thais play you like a cheap fiddle.

    Here's a suggestion: You're not going to save all the dogs in Thailand, so pick one and take care of it. 20K in vet bills? Learn to take care of yourself first, not your pack of dogs. You live the way you live by CHOICE. So stop the whining. Learn Thai and use it daily. If you want someone to smile at you, smile at them first. If they don't smile back -- stop taking it personally. I'm just guessing here, but you probably come across as a pompous ass to most Thais. That's how I read you.

    I just don't have the problems you say you have. Why is that? I get along pretty dam_n well with most all the Thais I know and meet. Why can't you?

    Don't blame it on the Thai people. Try looking inside yourself -- that's where the problem is. If you can't fix it -- go home!

    • Like 1
  14. I stopped in the middle of the road for no apparent reason because I brake for air.

    I stopped in the middle of the road for no apparent reason because I thought I saw a ghost in the crosswalk

    I stopped in the middle of the road for no apparent reason because I have dementia and I'm totally confused.

    I stopped in the middle of the road for no apparent reason because I'm a good Buddhist and I brake for insects.

    I stopped in the middle of the road for no apparent reason because I ran out of gas.

    I stopped in the middle of the road for no apparent reason because I'm at a T-intersection and I don't have a clue which way to go.

    I stopped in the middle of the road for no apparent reason because even though there is a concrete divider between my lane and merging traffic, you never know when another car will sprout wings, fly into my lane, and hit me.

    I stopped in the middle of the road for no apparent reason because my wife is in the car, my mia noi just called, and I need to turn the phone off and explain to the wife that it was just a wrong number.

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